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View Full Version : Nintendo Wii gets Smashed to bits

November 19th, 2006, 19:48
Those crazy fools at Smashmywii have done exactly that, they smashed a lovely new Nintendo Wii to bits.

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November 19th, 2006, 19:51
i would die................ but i did see the same thing with a ps3 and i laughed

November 19th, 2006, 20:00

The Hombrew Hunter
November 19th, 2006, 20:00
True dat, bizznatch.

The PS3 was entertaining because it was one of like 300000 PS3s while the Wii is one in 2 million, much more to come!

November 19th, 2006, 20:13
Where's the video??? :( :(

lol it still looks better than a ps3 even tho it's smashed!

*off to find video*

November 19th, 2006, 20:18
oh I can't believe :(

November 19th, 2006, 20:22
God NO

November 19th, 2006, 20:27
who cares, why show off they retarded things they do?

November 19th, 2006, 20:35
those monsters..

November 19th, 2006, 20:59
i apologise in advance. i shall hide my response to this with white text if you really want to see it.

Sick B A S T A R D S.

November 19th, 2006, 21:45
LMAO wheres the XBOX360 one??

November 19th, 2006, 22:06
:( Poor Wii. What did it ever do to them?

November 19th, 2006, 22:38
Iwould seriously walk up and beat the shit out of them. Probably get thrown in jail for assault, but damn it just gets me pissed seeing pricks like this. It's like sitting at a table by yourself eating a thanksgiving feast in front of a bunch of starving children. I don't care what system it is. If that ass wouldn't have done that some kid might have one before xmas. The ps3 one made me even more outraged because there's so few ps3's in circulation at the moment, and no one that really wants one is getting one. Non gamers are scooping them up and hawking them on shitbay for tons of money. I'm so glad I went to Target to get my Wii. No punks like this in line. Everyone was cool, and if someone did do that in our line I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only person making an example of someone like this.

November 19th, 2006, 23:33
Well we pay them to do it geise. yup, check out their website http://www.smashmyps3.com/ the boys at smashmystuff.com take donations from people (i.e. wii / sony haters) to buy one just to smash it up. So we can't complain if that's what people want, even if it is just a small group of super haters lol


EDIT: if it makes you feel better here are all the donors that paid to have a ps3 smashed


Amanda Coneyworth - $10
Ryan Hedge - $4
Stefan Kalt - $6
Auspire Pty Ltd - $5
Jeff Hopman - $5
Michael Hopman - $5
Aine OLOughlin - $10
Mandi - $20
Anonymous - $10
Lightdarkness - $3
Adam Nixon - $9
Mayhem - $10
Robert Bays - $10
Ryder Step - $4
Modchip.ca - $20
Nathan Wakelam - $10
Robbie Avni - $3
Richard Webber - $10
Peter Bell - $4
Jose Ochoa - $10
Chris Besse - $10
Eugene Dynkin - $10
Adam Everett - $10
Larry Bone - $3
Michael Fallows - $4
Joe Rackham - $4
Steve Italiano - $5
Adam Sites - $5
Al Rankin - $11
Cole Simon - $7
Jeremy Nagel - $4
Dagrom - $11
Lars-Gunnar Kagstrom -$10
Ronald McKito - $5
Nick Shcherban - $5
AbsinthKit.com - $5
Lukas Loesche - $13.37
Robert Davidson - $5
Chris Bitsakis - $5
Renaud Lepage -$5
Joel Scanlan - $10
Stu Price - $8
Thomas Holderegger - $10
Marcelo Martinez - $10
Hao Zhang - $5
Kevin Schudel - $12
Dennin Lucherini - $5
Kevin Schudel - $12
George Roach Jr - $20
Stefan Vardon - $5
Cheryl Edwards - $20
LANPartyZ.com - $5
Daniel Shephard - $5
David Di Biase - $20
Talk2Bill LUE 42 - $3
Michal Birecki - $4
Anonymous - $5
Shaun Hoffman - $10
Thomas Mills - $8
Cory Roberts - $10
Brian Fong - $5
Jael Gareau - $3
Trampoline Hall Lectures - $50
Tom Probert - $2
Micheal Vinar - $5
bold-claim.com - $6
Birgitta Kröll - $4
Steven Tan - $5
Christian Weishaupt - $5
www.bumwine.com - $10
edward fortunato - $5
Quinton Wilson - $20
Carl Hussey - $5
Brian Bullock - $7
Kaleb Grace - $10
David Boileau - $15
Peter Jimenez - $10
Digitalbattle.com - $5
patricia toor - $5
Renato Ciuffo -$5
Burnouthosting - $20
Wilson Rodriguez - $10

Total: $674

November 19th, 2006, 23:43
Anger your response?

Exactly what we feel. Those f***ing b*****s.

Why not just give me the Wii? Bet Id use it better then they did.

And the post above us?

People who have SO LITTLE LIVES they want they're names to appear in the donations table. Pathetic.

November 19th, 2006, 23:46
LMAO wheres the XBOX360 one??

All 16mins of it right here


And they try to take it back to the shop for a refund afterwards which is pretty funny


November 20th, 2006, 00:49
LMAO Fanx ahaha All those donations...

November 20th, 2006, 07:47
Heres the wii video
