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View Full Version : Dead Wii Reports

November 19th, 2006, 20:50
news via kotaku (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/wii/dead-wii-reports-215885.php)

Only two emails have made their way into Kotaku central so far of dead Wii.

In the first report, the reader says that the system worked sporadically for an hour and then he started getting disc read errors. Now his Wii read games about five percent of the time.

The second reader's Wii went belly-up in the middle of his network set-up.

After the long hard months of waiting for my wii, was able to get one at target this morning. I get home, set it up, power it on and go through the initial setup. I decide to configure the online settings next, click the first connection profile, and it shuts off. Dead. I try reseating everything, but it's dead. Trying to call nintendo service, but all lines are busy, they won't even let you wait for an operator. Called Target, but of course they don't have any more.

At least that last story has a happy ending. The tipster wrote back a few hours later to say he was able to get through to Nintendo and they are sending him both a new Wii and a free power supply. I assume an extra. Both should be there in three to four days.

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November 19th, 2006, 21:43
HA HA HA I hate nintendo and i hate their wiis, just shows how rubbish nintendo are

November 19th, 2006, 22:35
Obviously he was trying to play a DVD or wrong region game :D :D :D


November 20th, 2006, 01:32
HA HA HA I hate nintendo and i hate their wiis, just shows how rubbish nintendo are

Have you played one yet?

I seem to remember PS3's already having display problems, disk read problems, and general console failure. PS3's problems are more rampant than Nintendo's since Sony A) released it too soon to compete with Nintendo and Microsoft and B) Sony always has terrible console launches.

I on the other hand have a great working Wii. Call of Duty 3 is insane. You actually feel like you are at war , the controls help you dive into the game.

Don't even say anything about the graphics, you people are spoiled with HD graphics. Wii has some pretty good graphics, I was shocked playing Call of Duty as everyone said the Wii would be garbage in the display department, not the case with this game.

November 20th, 2006, 17:59
That sucks, still, im sure the PS3 will have something majorly wrong with it.....

November 20th, 2006, 18:03
Hey eternal dark, I notice you have a Wii, can you post up a pic of your Mii in my thread named "show us your Mii" ?

Much appreciated!


November 24th, 2006, 23:00
Hey eternal dark, I notice you have a Wii, can you post up a pic of your Mii in my thread named "show us your Mii" ?

Much appreciated!


Yeah, I will shortly, when I get home.