View Full Version : Prince of Persia creator to release source code

April 1st, 2012, 22:14
Jordan Mechner is trying to figure out how to put it into some "21st century readable format"
Prince of Persia, the classic 1989 Apple II game from Jordan Mechner, could soon find its way into the hands of interested programmers everywhere, as Mechner has announced his intention to distribute the source code.
Mechner acknowledged on his blog (http://jordanmechner.com/blog/2012/03/prince-of-persia-source-code-found/) that he'd been searching for the game for the better part of 10 years, and lo and behold his dad found it and others in the back of a closet. It's worth noting that Mechner's father composed the original music for both Karateka and Prince of Persia.
"So, for all fifteen of you 6502 assembly-language coders out there who might care… including the hardy soul who ported POP to the Commodore 64 from an Apple II memory dump… I will now begin working with a digital-archeology-minded friend to attempt to figure out how to transfer 3.5″ Apple ProDOS disks onto a MacBook Air and into some kind of 21st-century-readable format," Mechner said.
He also noted that it might "take a little while" because of how busy he is. Mechner is currently working on a revival of Karateka for XBLA and PSN.
