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View Full Version : 3.0 manual online; confirms PS3 necessary for downloadable games!

November 20th, 2006, 22:37
Ok heres some none too pleasing news via pspfanboy (3.0 manual online; confirms PS3 necessary for downloadable games!)

Matt T. sent in a very hot tip. It appears that the online manual for PSP version 3.0 is up and running. Thankfully, it doesn't have any features removed. However, it confirms our fears that a PS3 is necessary to download games to the PSP. Here's the proof:

"Play PLAYSTATIONŽNetwork titles downloaded from (PLAYSTATIONŽStore). A PLAYSTATIONŽ3 system is required to use this feature."

What??? Didn't Peter Dille confirm that you didn't need a PS3 to download games to the system? Sony's got a lot of explaining to do...

So Sony do you think every PSP owner can afford a PS3 or is this some cockup in the manual ?

November 20th, 2006, 22:39
I sure hope one isn't needed...that would royally suck, for us and for Sony, IMO.

November 20th, 2006, 22:40
it better be, as i was planning on trying out this firmware on my second psp, if this is true i will never buy a sony product ever again.

Its blackmail, saying if you want this you have to buy this (totaly unrealated product) to do so.

Arrogand bas**rds :(

November 20th, 2006, 22:40
OMG!!!!!........ i didnt want this to happen but im starting to lose faith in sony. I always stood by them, But there making some big mistakes.........

November 20th, 2006, 22:41
does the manual confirm anything else?

November 20th, 2006, 22:46
i'm guessing that right away you'll need the ps3 but eventually you wont. because for them it'd be more profitable to sell content to more people.

November 20th, 2006, 22:46
wooaaaaaahhh thats bullsh1t no one update

November 20th, 2006, 22:51

November 20th, 2006, 22:51
he he he, i got my ps3 and im starting to get bored of it cause i only got one game for the system.......
i really dont care if its only ps3 for download now...

November 20th, 2006, 22:57
Damit im not gettin a ps3 till next year or even the year after that...

Why have sony been retards recently.:(

November 20th, 2006, 23:12
It's nice to know that Sony's been thinking about us Europeans.

November 20th, 2006, 23:18
This is total BS, I'm not getting a PS3, nor do I ever plan to get one. I was thinking about getting a cheap TA-082 PSP, and upgrading, for the PSX emulator, but now I won't be able to download games for it? Sony's getting stupider, and more money hungry everyday.

November 20th, 2006, 23:23
HAH ! Those Mofo's wasn't there a thread saying what games will be availble for download of the sony website? Im Now an officially a sony HATER and will not feel guilty for downloading iso's when i DD my 2.8 :D

November 20th, 2006, 23:24
So Sony do you think every PSP owner can afford a PS3 or is this some cockup in the manual ?

It's not a cockup in the manual, it's a cock-up our asses. :p

November 20th, 2006, 23:37
Im officialy waiting for a good homebrew wmulator to take over my psp. I personaly despise PS3 and never plan on buying one. and i also may sell my psp if a good PSone emulator doesnt come out before christmas, i need extra money.

November 20th, 2006, 23:45
Meh... I believe its either a cockup in the manual, or it will be changed with a later update.


November 20th, 2006, 23:45
Wow, finally you can turn off UMD autostart! And they added a pay service to allow parents from blocking unwanted websites in the webbrowser...

Hmm... Also they added protection for PC edited pictures, no more TIFF overflow?

When will it be released?

November 20th, 2006, 23:46
If PSP can download games by using PS3 - it have to save it on Memory Stick afterwards, right?

Then it can be copied. If it can be copied then it can be stored somewhere. And then downloaded for free.
Is sony planning to cipher each downloaded rom for exact PSP console ID? Or what?

November 20th, 2006, 23:50
If PSP can download games by using PS3 - it have to save it on Memory Stick afterwards, right?

Then it can be copied. If it can be copied then it can be stored somewhere. And then downloaded for free.
Is sony planning to cipher each downloaded rom for exact PSP console ID? Or what?

Ofcourse, but I think you can use upto 4 diffrent PSP's (need to add them in the PS3 first)...

November 20th, 2006, 23:53
well maby this will stop a lot of noobs from updating:D

November 20th, 2006, 23:55
It'd better be a messup, this will blow for the 98 percent of the PSP owner population who don't have a PS3.

November 21st, 2006, 00:01
Man this sucks... Not that I was gonna upgrade anyway, but how could Sony make a PS1 emu for PSP and expect us to use the PS3 to get them?

Then again, its probably all for security reasons, once on the PS3 it can be locked down and encrypted, only allowing its transference to the PSP and nothing else...

November 21st, 2006, 00:06
WOW! SO not only do you need to buy downloadable PS1 games again albeit cheap, you need to shell out $600.00 bucks for a PS3?

I'll wait patiently with my 1.50 PSP for a homebrew PS1 EMU solution.

I will be getting a PS3 but I will NOT be upgrading my PSP 3.00 so either way a homebrew alternative is more attractive.

November 21st, 2006, 00:11
Oh... Was gonna buy a PS3 anyway... :thumbup:
However this sucks for people who don't want it.
Sony should change that.

November 21st, 2006, 00:14
Then again, its probably all for security reasons, once on the PS3 it can be locked down and encrypted, only allowing its transference to the PSP and nothing else...

Oh cmon... This "security method" is as strong as DVD region protection. Don't they have better things to do? :) Everything will be cracked and deciphered anyway.

I guess, Sony themselves loves homebrew's users - they do the market anyway. Some of us have more than one PSP on hands. They just "have to" do something about it :)

Basil Zero
November 21st, 2006, 00:16
really doesnt matter to me, i'll be getting a ps3 anyways, and if sony wants ps3 to be the only way to put psx games, fine lol

the reason why sony wants it is because of both ways, ps3 owners who do not have a psp will get one maybe, same vice versa

November 21st, 2006, 00:25
I think all of sony's bad decisions are helping noobs by forcing them to not upgrade. If this is true then they're also basically supporting homebrew emulation

November 21st, 2006, 00:29
im gonna buy a ps3 anyways, not because of the firmwire screwaround, i just want the new next gen games and i have my 1 psp dedicated to homebrew so im not going to worry about upgrading, and as for the ps1 games to the psp thru the ps3, ill just copy the games onto my compy afterwards that way i dont lose em. im ready to take on whatever sony has to throw at me :P

November 21st, 2006, 01:08
I thought this was already established, PS3 initially. and direct to PSP later. I'm certain I read someone or some site discussing this.

November 21st, 2006, 01:16
this doesnt bother me at all you guys just arent hardcore enough to keep up with them. Why arent you guys planning on getting ps3's anyway? Are you serious? dont even begin to say the Wii is going to be better/is because it isnt. the wii has horrible online play, cant play movies or photos, videos, connect to the psp, have a wireless controller, isnt as hackable, cant install linux, windows, itunes, etc. Old school games you say? Well the ps3 will allow us to play nes, snes, sega, n64, ps1, and ps2, What does the wii offer? Nothing the ps3 doesnt and your interactive controller? ps3 has it too not as good but why do you even want that anyway? Hit the gym if you want to interact with things or get a gf and price? If you cant afford it well then i feel bad for you but dont complain about it and settle save up!

November 21st, 2006, 01:27
that must suck for those of u who won't be getting one or just not for a while. I'm getting mine before the end of the year.

November 21st, 2006, 02:07
it better be, as i was planning on trying out this firmware on my second psp, if this is true i will never buy a sony product ever again.

Its blackmail, saying if you want this you have to buy this (totaly unrealated product) to do so.

Arrogand bas**rds :(

i couldnt agree more. they could possibly be sued for false advertising. :rofl: but seriously, i did read i think on this site that a later firmware will support downloading ps1 games without a ps3. so were all waiting for the magic 3.0 - now it aint so hot any more (possibly). time as usual will tell.

November 21st, 2006, 02:16
Wow.....Now I understand why $ony reps have stinky breath and flaming tongue....THEY LICK HAIRY ARSE!....No wonder. But don't fret people....at least we'll get these emulators to work the games we already own since forever, soon enough....without having to buy a $600 system and upgrading to their no good, made-to-have-you-bend-over-on-your-knees-and-take-in-both-holes firmware.

November 21st, 2006, 02:23
leave it to sony to yet again anally rape its customers. i swear if the psp didnt have such a great homebrew community i would've thrown that POS at a sony representative a long time ago... what a bunch of a-holes.

November 21st, 2006, 02:28
Yeah man...like anally and stuff....****ing porkers are really gettin disgusting this time of year....I'm getting a Wii...at least Nintendo's never ****ed me over for my hard earned money....I'm not getting an X-box, cause my best bud already owns one...I still would though, if he didn't...

November 21st, 2006, 02:30
this doesnt bother me at all you guys just arent hardcore enough to keep up with them. Why arent you guys planning on getting ps3's anyway? Are you serious? dont even begin to say the Wii is going to be better/is because it isnt. the wii has horrible online play, cant play movies or photos, videos, connect to the psp, have a wireless controller, isnt as hackable, cant install linux, windows, itunes, etc. Old school games you say? Well the ps3 will allow us to play nes, snes, sega, n64, ps1, and ps2, What does the wii offer? Nothing the ps3 doesnt and your interactive controller? ps3 has it too not as good but why do you even want that anyway? Hit the gym if you want to interact with things or get a gf and price? If you cant afford it well then i feel bad for you but dont complain about it and settle save up!

wow you truly are an amazing a-hole. damn sony fanboy...

November 21st, 2006, 02:50
in fw 3.5 we can d/l games right from the psp
maybe just gessing

November 21st, 2006, 02:53
oh hell no.

oh well this dosnt bother me too much there will be a homebrew version that will top sonys anyways

November 21st, 2006, 02:55
Again, a stolen Nintendo Idea.

November 21st, 2006, 03:01
this is good for everyone who owns a ps3....ok not many own a freakin ps3 this is bs

November 21st, 2006, 03:31
Well to be completely honest, I was hoping the Wii would be better. And while games like Zelda will no doubt be exceptionally great, I don't think you can say the Wii is "better" at this point.

But then there is Nintendos good argument that the Wii is not trying to compete with PS3 or XBOX 360 and is trying to be unique and fun. And that is a damn good argument and has held strong and true for the DS Lite.

Another sad truth for me is that I just simply could not afford the PS3 this week. And I would have had a hard time securing one with stores only getting about 25-30 of them.

I intend to get both the PS3 and the Wii before the years end so I'll be reporting back when I get hands-on playtime.

November 21st, 2006, 03:40
This is almost comical.
Ps1 games = $5
Way to download = $600+(if your one of the half-million)

Total cost for 1 ps1game (which you already owned) on your psp comes to, yep, that´s right.


Lol. I think $ony´s new slogan should be
"$ony, giving it to you again, and again, and again. because noone can give it to you like we do."

November 21st, 2006, 03:40
hahahaha-I've been playing games for years. I have over 200 NES games over 100 SNES, combined with my brother and I we have like 60 Gameboy games, have gone through 4 gameboys, we have a gamegear, n64, i had a gamecube and sold it, ps1, small ps1, and a ps2 Yeah im a fanboy and know absolutely nothing. . . . . .I've probably been playing games longer then you. I know what the public likes and what in the long run, will be a hit. People have said it a dozen times and i believe Nintendo has "They're not competing with microsoft or sony anymore." theres plain and simply 2 reasons for this case A-They cant keep up and B-because they cant keep up they aim at a younger audience. The only thing that will make the Wii good is the new Zelda you all know it to be true. I'm sure half of you Wii fans are planning on buying that game once you get a hold of yours. I myself am sure it will be a FANTASTIC game. I do not doubt that one bit. However, i am not going to buy a wii because my friend is getting one, and im getting a ps3 (which will be in my gamestop in about a week they said yay!) so if i EVER feel the need to play Zelda i'll just snag his wii and he'll borrow my ps3 The whole "i'm poor" issue is a crock (unless your under 16!) get a job, save up, and stop complaining.

John Vattic
November 21st, 2006, 04:03
I agree that this is extortion. i guess i'm not updating my firmware.

November 21st, 2006, 04:12
im too poor for the ps3... man dat wud suk if i needed it to play psx games.... pretty ghetto sony...:mad: liars as usual

The whole "i'm poor" issue is a crock (unless your under 16!) get a job, save up, and stop complaining.

i juss turned 16 like 2 weeks ago:cool:... i had a job but i dint keep it cuz i couldnt work everyday and goto skool at the same time..too many sleepless nights..
but enuf wit me.
At my job i didint make $700+ every week to buy a ps3 in one cheque adn saving isnt really an option. I have things to do with my hard earned cash what im trying to say is that there arent many people out there who can save up $600+ for a ps3 JUST to put ps1 games on their psp's( like me). i have better things to do with my money... but I dont even c the reason why I or any of us should pay more cash to use yet another promised psp upgrade. First the locationfree player( where you must buy a sony location cable box whatever thing) just to watch some streamed tv, and now this?? sony has really disappointed me... again. truly, i think ps3 is a waste of money adn to buy it juss to play ps1 games on ma psp.... forget that. even though I think its unfair(since cony promised us that this could be done via computer) ill do without this emulator for my psp.

this whole rant summed up in a couple words:


November 21st, 2006, 05:25
Playstation Portable = $149.99
PS1 Game = $4.99
Playstation 3 = $599.99
Knowing you just got lied to and analy raped by Sony.....



November 21st, 2006, 06:09
hahahaha-I've been playing games for years. I have over 200 NES games over 100 SNES, combined with my brother and I we have like 60 Gameboy games, have gone through 4 gameboys, we have a gamegear, n64, i had a gamecube and sold it, ps1, small ps1, and a ps2 Yeah im a fanboy and know absolutely nothing. . . . . .I've probably been playing games longer then you. I know what the public likes and what in the long run, will be a hit. People have said it a dozen times and i believe Nintendo has "They're not competing with microsoft or sony anymore." theres plain and simply 2 reasons for this case A-They cant keep up and B-because they cant keep up they aim at a younger audience. The only thing that will make the Wii good is the new Zelda you all know it to be true. I'm sure half of you Wii fans are planning on buying that game once you get a hold of yours. I myself am sure it will be a FANTASTIC game. I do not doubt that one bit. However, i am not going to buy a wii because my friend is getting one, and im getting a ps3 (which will be in my gamestop in about a week they said yay!) so if i EVER feel the need to play Zelda i'll just snag his wii and he'll borrow my ps3 The whole "i'm poor" issue is a crock (unless your under 16!) get a job, save up, and stop complaining.

i doubt you've been playing video games longer than me buddy. anyway, the only reason i said you're an a-hole is because not everyone wants to buy a friggin $600 piece of shit ps3. and you say people that dont want a ps3 arent hardcore gamers? thats ridiculous. im not saying wii or xbox 360 is better than ps3. im just saying, that having to shell out 600 dollars for a shitty system is ludicrous and im not gonna bend over backwards for sony. so next time, dont be so quick to nay-say all of us for not praising "the almighty sony". we're not saying you shouldnt get a ps3, just that we dont want one.

November 21st, 2006, 09:43
$ony are such greedy f**king c*nts :mad: Still no reasons to upgrade my 1.5 and I'll only want it Devhooked to play the latest games :rolleyes: $ony can take thier PS3 and shove it up their greedy arses :thumbup: I would have considered paying to play some of my old games but not 500 odd pounds plus the price of the games! :eek:


November 21st, 2006, 10:07
This is rediculous stop complaining and wait for the unofficial ps1 emulator for psp. It will be better than the official considering you dont have to pay for games you own already.

November 21st, 2006, 10:22
he he he, i got my ps3 and im starting to get bored of it cause i only got one game for the system.......
i really dont care if its only ps3 for download now...

$700 well spent. :rolleyes:

November 21st, 2006, 12:24
Sony=Lying ***s

November 21st, 2006, 15:46
No PSX games on our PSP's untill next March then I guess.... oh wait... we arent hostage to Sonys release schedule for such things are we

November 21st, 2006, 16:13
i hope that some time in the future the PSP will be able to download seperatly from the ps3 as i'm never going to buy it

one winged angel
November 21st, 2006, 17:22
sony you ****ing *******s if i were you i would look out for some people that wanna destroy you whuhahahahaahahaha:mad: :mad: :mad:

November 21st, 2006, 17:49
sony are nuthin but a bunch of screw ups now... very very rich screw ups

November 21st, 2006, 23:59
leave it to sony to yet again anally rape its customers. i swear if the psp didnt have such a great homebrew community i would've thrown that POS at a sony representative a long time ago... what a bunch of a-holes.
dude wat is it with the butt sex jeez we all get the picture we read the first post!

November 22nd, 2006, 00:10
Thanks Sony.....again...

November 22nd, 2006, 09:01
sony you ****ing *******s if i were you i would look out for some people that wanna destroy you whuhahahahaahahaha:mad: :mad: :mad:

It seems that $ony Computer Entertainment are more than capable of destroying themselves... :mad:

No PSX games on our PSP's untill next March then I guess.... oh wait... we arent hostage to Sonys release schedule for such things are we

Indeed we are not! ;)