View Full Version : The teensiest Atari 2600 ever

April 8th, 2012, 22:22
[Dablio] sent in an awesome console mod he made. It may just be the smallest Atari 2600 ever (http://dabliogames.blogspot.com.br/2011/09/atari-mm-o-menor-atari-do-mundo-e.html) (Portuguese, here’s the Google translation (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdabliogames.blogspot.com.br%2F2011% 2F09%2Fatari-mm-o-menor-atari-do-mundo-e.html)).
The build began with a Dynacom MegaBoy (http://www.atarihq.com/museum/2678/megaboy.html), from the same company that put out many less-than-legal 2600 clones. The MegaBoy PCB is an exercise in parsimony (http://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/2600mm0045.jpg) consisting of only a single IC, a crystal, and some resistors and caps. [Dablio] made a new PCB board based on the schematic (http://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/megaboylight.jpg) he reverse engineered andthis thing is tiny (http://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/2600mm0027.jpg). It’s much smaller than even the smallest [Ben Heck] 2600 console (http://benheck.com/05-11-2007/vcsp-rev-51s-starting-to-roll-off-the-line)build.
[Dablio] now needed a case for his new console. He had originally planned to mount the whole thing in an Atari controller like this commercial product (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fDltyryvZVc/TmktlEiF9_I/AAAAAAAACrk/qiIPPpoN9ds/s320/2600mm0012.jpg). Serendipity intervened and he realized the entire system (sans cartridge port) fit inside a plastic tube of m&m minis.
Currently, [Dablio] has two ports on his ‘Atari tube of m&ms’ – the largest is the cartridge slot, and a small VGA port sits in the lid of the tube. This VGA port carries the power supply, controller, sound and video signals to and from the console.
[Dablio] sent in a bunch of pictures of his build which are in a gallery after the break. Now for the million-dollar question: anybody know where to buy one of these Dynacom MegaBoys?
