View Full Version : Funcom: Wii U perfect for MMO genre

April 9th, 2012, 20:30
Funcom, the studio behind upcoming MMO Secret World, has suggested that the Wii U system with its unique controller would be perfect for an MMO.
"Wii U could be the first real console on which running an MMORPG without compromise is plausible," Funcom's lead content designer Joel Bylos told Official Nintendo Magazine (http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/37027/wii-u-could-be-first-console-to-run-a-mmorpg-without-compromise-funcom/).
"The controller is perfect for lining up those rows of hotbars that are essential in most MMOs. A customizable touchscreen interface combined with the 3D spatial movement of a console controller could be a winner."
Bylos seemed to just be speculating on the prospect, with no confirmation that the developer/publisher would actually consider putting the hardware to the test in such a manner.
That said, with most attempts at console MMOs falling flat on their faces, the thought is certainly intriguing.
