View Full Version : PSP : Official Emulator feedback

November 22nd, 2006, 09:05
I do not own a PS3 and hence cannot speak much
on the Game Archives downloads but a japanese
gamer (http://blog.livedoor.jp/gai_jin/archives/50687240.html) has spelt the things on his blog PSPGadgetz

First he bought in 3 games
Bio hazard
jumping flash

tekken 2 was around 542 MB and it was a painful
one hour of copying to mem stick (his mem stick
was slow or so he feels)

By default the L2 and R2 are allocated to analog
button by default!!!!
Left = L2
Right = R2
L2+R2 = UP

This was pretty difficult playing a fighting game
tekken , as per him

Screen Modes available are Original Normal Full, but
the time lag between changing these modes is quite a
lot as per his blog.

The memory stick lamp stays ON throught the game
play for some reason and that is troubling to him.

OBVIOUS, the mem stick taken to other PSP does
not load the game since that PSP was not assigned
a "usage ticket" by the PS3. So you necessarily
need to register that PSP with the PS3 (max 4 or
so i heard)

Screen Via Comments

November 22nd, 2006, 18:07
Its all a bit too "in Japanese" for me! :o A translation would be cool :p

November 22nd, 2006, 18:35
But, when i go to play with this emulator?

November 22nd, 2006, 18:47
LOL playing Wing Commander is gonna be a bitch when you'll need to have quick access to all shoulder buttons and select at the same time.
Imagine pushing both left and right on the analog pad just to use the afterburner :rolleyes:

November 22nd, 2006, 18:47
But, when i go to play with this emulator?

if you have a ps3, and firmware 3.0

November 22nd, 2006, 19:03
Thats sad that theyre making you have a ps3 to have functionality on your psp. Hell, its not like i can even find one to buy. Thanks sony, I hope nintendo kicks your ass.

November 22nd, 2006, 19:19
hmmm... I'm surprised it would be so slow to transfer the game onto the memory stick. Other than that I guess it's about what I expected. But if Sony is only going to be releasing PS1 games via PS3 like 5 or so at a time, it's going to be forever until the games everyone wants come out anyway. I wonder if they're having trouble getting most games to run smoothly....

November 22nd, 2006, 19:29
Hmm the PS1 on the PSP thing is looking really shit now........

November 22nd, 2006, 21:00
I'm sure a lot of ppl may have ummed and arred about switching to 3.0 and leaving the homebrew scene behind if they had implemented this in a different way.

Looks like they want ppl to stay in the homebrew scene.

What a bunch of hufters!

November 22nd, 2006, 21:05
Hmm the PS1 on the PSP thing is looking really shit now........
My thoughts exactly. I really had expected more from SONY. I mean after all, they are SONY, the proprietary owners of all PlayStation formats.

But then again..... its SONY. Only they could make something that could be so great, so terrible and sloppy.

I mean 500MB + downloads? You MUST HAVE a PS3? PSP only comes with 1GB memory stick at the most. And the memory stick included by SONY is slooooow.

This actually says a lot about the brilliance of the PSP homebrew coders & developers. Most PSP homebrew apps & emulators work much more fluid and ingeniously than this SONY backed fiasco.

Not like it needs to be said again but HOMEBREW can make the PSP more enjoyable than SONY can.

Unless SONY gives us a miracle like free 4GB memory sticks with the purchase of a few PS1 downloads, I see no point in ever using this.

I will patiently await a homebrew PS1 Emulator. I don't care if it takes a year or 2. It will be worth the wait.

November 22nd, 2006, 22:42
The ps1 homebrew will probably never be as fast as sony's version. In the future sony will probably make the emulator better where it can be improved.

November 22nd, 2006, 23:03
yep, they'll probably improve it in the future.

November 22nd, 2006, 23:58
I love the complete biased way this article was translated. happy_mak left in all the bad parts and add some of his own (the original article mentions nothing about the maximum number of tickets), while leaving out the good parts.

The original article says that the controls are not at all bad, though they may be a little handicapped for fighting games. (Which is not really true, since Tekken DR can be played perfectly well on the PSP, and the Tekken series doesn't need L2 or R2 anyway)

The writer also states at the end of the article that the game is definitely playable. ("can be play in a normal fashion" in Japanese)

Maybe next time, an article that is put on the front page can be translated correctly without trying to sabotage Sony? You can bash Sony all you want in your own time, but don't use someone's else article to do it.

November 23rd, 2006, 01:21
1.50 4ever!

November 23rd, 2006, 10:29
so what about the FPS it runs? is it full speed? maybe now 3.01 n 3.0 r decrypted someone could find a way to look in the code of the ps1 emulator(if there is a way) n make something simular for the ps1 emulator..?

November 23rd, 2006, 12:50
look at the videos at www.youtube.com
they have videos of tekken3 and ridge racer
It looks really good and runs flawless nice sound too

one winged angel
November 23rd, 2006, 15:30
as long as no FF comes to the emu i dont care

November 23rd, 2006, 15:41
so any ideas wat format these games cum in?