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View Full Version : how good is nfs underground?

March 15th, 2005, 17:10
also how much u spend on it do u think 20 pound is worth to buy brand new even if it is pants?

March 16th, 2005, 00:03
the game is great, much better than RR, anyone who says its crap obviously aint played it

March 16th, 2005, 20:14
it is really good - comes highly recommended from me!!

March 18th, 2005, 16:47
7.9 sounds like they loved it lol... not....


March 18th, 2005, 16:54
the console versions either got less or the same, so they dont think its that bad do they?

the USA version will be out now, go get it pre-ordered and begin to love it :D