View Full Version : Conway’s Game of Life in HD

April 12th, 2012, 21:29
We’re going to have to take [Mike's] word for it that he built Conway’s Game of Life with high-definition video output (http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/HDlife). That’s because this screenshot is his only proof and it looks a bit fuzzy to us. But we are interested in the project which used an FPGA to generate a 1080p VGA output of the classic programming challenge.
One of the biggest benefits of using an FPGA for this application is the hardware’s parallel processing ability. For every frame of the game, the area around each living cell must be analyzed to produce the next evolutionary step. Most of the time this means processing all of the pixels in the playing area, which is the case here. [Mike] is using VHDL to program a Papilio Plus which has a Spartan 6 chip on it. He separated his code into the different components when writing about it. This makes it easy to find the chunks relating to the game if that’s what you’re interested in. If you just want to see how he implemented the VGA interface that’s well documented as well.
If you’re not familiar, Conway’s Game of Life has simple rules regarding when a cell will live, die, or be reborn. As [Mike] points out, every programmer should give it a shot at some point. We’ve seen many iterations from the very large (http://hackaday.com/2011/01/27/conways-wall-of-life-and-whiteboard-emporium/) to the very small (http://hackaday.com/2011/02/07/a-charlieplex-display-and-a-board-layout-tip/).
