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View Full Version : Miyamoto keen on new Link To The Past

April 12th, 2012, 22:42
Shigeru Miyamoto has told us he would like to make a new Legend Of Zelda game "based on, or starting from" SNES classic A Link To The Past.
Last year Nintendo's most respected developer told us that Link's 1991 outing, which he produced, would be his first choice for a 3DS remake (http://www.edge-online.com/news/miyamoto-well-focus-more-gaming). Speaking to us in Paris yesterday, we asked if that was still the case - and while he said it was, it seems he's been thinking about a new game in the same style, rather than a remake.
"I think the answer would be the same if we're talking about just porting," he said, "but I think I'd be even more interested in creating something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past. I think it's important to bring some really new software."
Miyamoto, however, is far less hands-on at Nintendo these days. He famously said last year that he was taking a back seat, andmentoring the next generation (http://www.edge-online.com/news/miyamoto-stepping-down-work-smaller-projects) of Nintendo developers. Were Nintendo to make a spiritual sequel to A Link To The Past, it wouldn't be with him at the helm - and he admits this could mean his vision being compromised.
"To be very honest and open, it really depends on the directors that have time at the moment as well," he said. "Some directors, I can give them the title and I know they will do something great with it.
"Other directors I'm not so 100 per cent confident , so they're the ones I'd rather take a more remake approach to the title. It really depends on that as well."
Miyamoto wouldn't be drawn on his favourite among the current crop of Nintendo directors, but he reserved special praise for one in particular: Koichi Kawamoto, who developed the concept demo that birthed the[I] WarioWare series, and more recently created 3DS'sStreetPass Quest. Miyamoto says Kawamoto is "a very strong figure [who] will play a very important role in the future."
In closing, we couldn't resist asking about one Nintendo series that is conspicuous by its absence from the company's release schedules. It is so frequently criticised for leaning on its established franchises, and the 3DS has played host to 3D remakes of classic Nintendo games. Where, then, is F-Zero?
"I think at the time it was a really big surprise, a new thing, a product that made sense," he said. "I don't see with current hardware how you could create a similar surprise.
"But maybe with future hardware, with Wii U coming up, maybe we could create something that does make sense, either as a smaller game, or a fully fledged title."
