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November 22nd, 2006, 21:32
Hmm, I've debated asking this question for quite some time. I believe people would miss interpret it. possibly think I was intolerant or gay bashing, Those are not my intentions at all.

I was just thinking. How come free speech and society in general seem to run off of, granola bars and tree hugging?

What im getting at is a sensitive question. But ill exorcise my right to ask it, in a respectable manor,

Why in today's society, is it unacceptable for someone to find homosexuality creepy and sick? I mean. I realize that to be a tolerant person, one must tolerate certain things, And respectfully, I do tolerate it.

But if I where to voice my opinion about it, I was be shunned as a gay basher, but in truth there are many reasons, I dont like it, outside if it just being gay. for instance, why must sexuality even be an issue at all?

however, most openly gay people will make sexuality a big open issue in most conversation. and i have to find this acceptible.

even though, sexuality was the furthest topic from my mind. How is this not some sort of form of harassment?

society is fragiel and flawed..

I do have strong feelings about it, I believe its wrong, but am i not entitled to that opinion, and to voice it in a respectful manor?
So why is it unacceptable to have strong stand points on an issue as socially fragile as this? It would seem my very right to free will would be alienated by social pressure to fully accept this?

Just wondering SP.

November 22nd, 2006, 21:59
perhaps your assumption of a 'right to free will' is "wrong"

moreover, by thinking and basing thoughts within the realm of society [ as a self controlled being] you are indeed retained, contracted and inevitably consumed by 'it'

i suppose what i mean is...'right' and 'wrong' are merely perceptions we decide [or are encouraged] to follow

November 22nd, 2006, 22:14
perhaps your assumption of a 'right to free will' is "wrong"

moreover, by thinking and basing thoughts within the realm of society [ as a self controlled being] you are indeed retained, contracted and inevitably consumed by 'it'

i suppose what i mean is...'right' and 'wrong' are merely perceptions we decide [or are encouraged] to follow

some people would find me odd. I dont follow the social norms, im a very abstract thinker. I think of it more as a freedom then an oddity, to be unrestrained by outside infulences, and truely form my own judgments and opinion's , i strive for that, But as you know thats impossible to do, influenses tend to be hard to avoid, but never the less i keep my mind open just enough to fill it with my own thoughs ;), . as for the modern beliefe that there truely is no right and wrong. I think that view is flawed, if socity does comsume as you say, and it does. then society shapes what is right and wrong, just because these views change over time, would make them no less valid :thumbup:

November 22nd, 2006, 23:11
This belongs outside of JUNK, its serious discussion. Make sure it stays that way though people.

Why in today's society, is it unacceptable for someone to find homosexuality creepy and sick? I mean. I realize that to be a tolerant person, one must tolerate certain things, And respectfully, I do tolerate it.

But if I where to voice my opinion about it, I was be shunned as a gay basher, but in truth there are many reasons, I dont like it, outside if it just being gay. for instance, why must sexuality even be an issue at all?

The problem with todays society is people tend to mix up tolerance with embracing. The reason you find it creepy and sick is simply because your not gay. Doesn't mean you'll go out and bash gays for it, it just means its not the type of stuff you'd be doing. I'm sure gay men find heterosexual acts to be gross to a certain extent as well. It really go's along with political correctness over-acting itself. Anyone who would call you a "gay basher" for not liking the idea of gay acts would simply be proving their own ignorance.

November 22nd, 2006, 23:57
It is a very confusing time to live in.. the boundaries are all over the place..
for instance my girlfriend told me that our native penguin the "Fairy Penguin" is getting its name changed because gay people find it offensive.. when I hear the word fairy I think of tinkerbell

I think freedom of speech is more for the "minority" now.. not that I agree with it.. we`re all the same just with different pigments in our skin.. or different tastes in snuggle buddies

the double standards are annoying to.. like on the Chappelle show... Dave can say the big N word 500 times a night and the crowd will be laughin their ass off.. but if he had white skin.. he`d probably be... well not as rich and happy as he is now

same with southpark.. a gay character on tv can call someone a ***.. but if a straight one does it.. it gets bleeped out (dont get me wrong Im not racist or a homophobe :p )

I find it safest to keep all my opinions to myself.. coz guarenteed you`ll ALWAYS offend someone

November 23rd, 2006, 00:04
This belongs outside of JUNK, its serious discussion. Make sure it stays that way though people.

The problem with todays society is people tend to mix up tolerance with embracing. The reason you find it creepy and sick is simply because your not gay. Doesn't mean you'll go out and bash gays for it, it just means its not the type of stuff you'd be doing. I'm sure gay men find heterosexual acts to be gross to a certain extent as well. It really go's along with political correctness over-acting itself. Anyone who would call you a "gay basher" for not liking the idea of gay acts would simply be proving their own ignorance.
I couldnt have sought out a more acceptible reply :D I agree whole heartedly :thumbup:

November 23rd, 2006, 01:42
i love how marriage is supposed to be a "sacred" and
"holy" ceremony between 2 people; that this ceremony is one of the most revered in the USA. and THATS why gays cant marry.

so why are ppl gettin married at drive-throughs in nevada?

just thought i'd point that out.

November 23rd, 2006, 03:18
Good question Kando(delays marrige at McDonnalds).

November 23rd, 2006, 07:00
I'm straight, but i have a few bi friends, my best friend being one of them. When i found out i was just like, " Oh, ok." He didn't tell me for a long time because he didn't know how i would react, he told people who he didn't know nearly as much as me way before I knew, and even then, it was one of our friends Alyx who slipped it out. He said, " Alyx I didn't tell him yet!" She's thinking "Oh crap" I wasn't all affected by it, i was just mad he ad kept it from me for like 8 months. At first i didn't know why he didn't say anything and was pissed off about it, but i latter realized it was because he didn't want to possibly ruin our friendship somehow, even though after i found out i told him i was totally cool with it, so there ya go. And then I met one of his bi friends Maddy, she's funny, and then I found out Alyx was bi, and yeah.....
I guess my real point is that people don't know what you really think of them, i'm sure there are some people that say they don't mind gay people, but if they were confronted with one they would actually would be. He didn't want to take that risk, but im glad Alyx slipped it out, otherwise i don't really know how much longer it would have taken... ya that was in june, so that's my story

November 23rd, 2006, 07:52
Whats all the fuss about gay marriage anyways i mean if they obey our government laws then it should be straight right? Plus I don't see why men are complainin cuz doesn't that mean more women for the straight guys?

November 23rd, 2006, 08:31
It's just like how people seem to think homophobic means "gay hater". I know some people believe that many who hate gays have deep issues with homosexuality stemming from a fear of it, but people seem to tend to use it out of the proper context a lot.

Also, I find that most people under the age of 22 or 23 who say they are bisexual are either attention whores, want to seem trendy, had a single homosexual experience/have just 'experimented', or are gay and don't want to admit it yet.

November 23rd, 2006, 16:32
Also, I find that most people under the age of 22 or 23 who say they are bisexual are either attention whores, want to seem trendy, had a single homosexual experience/have just 'experimented', or are gay and don't want to admit it yet.

unless of course it's obvious that their bi. (and i mean REALLY obvious..)
You shouldn't judge people that way dude( I'm getting back into the free speech part arn't i?)

November 23rd, 2006, 16:38
todays society is retarded anyway. It accepts gays rather then antichrists and non-religious ppl. I have been bashed for years for my beliefs and i see gays interact with normal people like its nothing. Then i've also noticed an increase in subliminal white racism and its tolerance has gone higher. It sad...

November 23rd, 2006, 23:03
unless of course it's obvious that their bi. (and i mean REALLY obvious..)
You shouldn't judge people that way dude( I'm getting back into the free speech part arn't i?)

I choose my words very carefully, but I find that on this site people do not read them as carefully as I write them. I said that "I find". I specifically did not say that I believe that is true, nor that it is. What I said should be interpreted as "In my experience I have found that ...". These are people that I know very well and I know they fall into the categories I gave. I also did not say that it was true of all people claiming to be bisexual, simply in my findings.

November 24th, 2006, 04:31
I choose my words very carefully, but I find that on this site people do not read them as carefully as I write them. I said that "I find". I specifically did not say that I believe that is true, nor that it is. What I said should be interpreted as "In my experience I have found that ...". These are people that I know very well and I know they fall into the categories I gave. I also did not say that it was true of all people claiming to be bisexual, simply in my findings.

You still made it sound like you were trying to say they were liars, but whatever, you've never met them so what do I care

November 26th, 2006, 12:59
disgusting queer *******s. a gay man probably has more rights than a straight man, and that my friend is ****ed up.

November 30th, 2006, 05:00
disgusting queer *******s. a gay man probably has more rights than a straight man, and that my friend is ****ed up.

Since when?

Also, if more than half of the straight marriages in the US (probably a gross exaggeration) end in divorce, who is to say 2 men or 2 women can't get it right for more than half the time?

Personally, I could care less what kind of activities people take part in, as long as they are happy (except for pedophiles, wife beaters, child beaters, people who beat animals (or kill them for no good reason), and the other general slime in the lower regions of our society). All I can say is be happy and let other people deal with their own crap. People individually are pretty cool, get enough of them together they will hate anyone not like them, even if they are proven wrong.

*kind of off topic*
C0R3F1GHT3R said previously: todays society is retarded anyway. It accepts gays rather then antichrists and non-religious ppl. I have been bashed for years for my beliefs and i see gays interact with normal people like its nothing. Then i've also noticed an increase in subliminal white racism and its tolerance has gone higher. It sad...

Come to TN, people are crazy over religion here... Personally, I sit back an laugh at them, but the funny part is, they control our country (look who most of them voted for president for the past 2 elections). Separation from church and state my ass. The church runs the state and call it "the state" to be fair to other people. I'd love to be king of America (I mean president), but my lack of faith and my overall hate for the general population would make me a great candidate for a seat in the UN.

December 1st, 2006, 01:45
disgusting queer *******s. a gay man probably has more rights than a straight man, and that my friend is ****ed up.

your retarded, you know that?