View Full Version : How to turn elves into something useful?

November 23rd, 2006, 00:26
So I got KOS working (and I'm going to have nightmares of cross-compiling gcc! :O) and now I have a bunch of elf files in the example directory.

How then do I turn an elf into 1ST_READ.BIN?

BTW: I'm running linux.

Thanks for any help! I <3 dreamcast, dreamcast forever!

November 23rd, 2006, 00:53
append this to your makefile:

$(KOS_OBJCOPY) -O binary -R .stack $([target objs]) [bin]

of course, replace [target objs] and [bin].

All you need to do from there is scramble the BIN.

November 23rd, 2006, 01:00
Smurph's way is probably best, but there also 1ST_READ.BIN Checker (http://www.consolevision.com/members/dchelp/?My_Projects:1ST_READ.BIN_Checker).

November 23rd, 2006, 01:01
Thanks for the quick reply!

EDIT: I got it to work, thanks for all the help! :)

Now I just need to figure out multisession cds...

November 23rd, 2006, 01:25
Umm... oops! ignore this post...
You'd think after all these years I'd be better at the internet.

November 23rd, 2006, 06:06
How to use multisession CDs (http://www.consolevision.com/?Dreamcast:Tutorials:How_to_use_multisession_CDs).

November 24th, 2006, 09:39
Some cdrecord specific info is here:

And "man cdrecord" is your friend :)

November 24th, 2006, 09:51
No doubt but I have so much trouble learning from man pages some times, er ,everytime :)

Nice link :D
I'm gonna have to refer one of my friends to that page