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View Full Version : Before buying a DS

November 23rd, 2006, 05:57

November 25th, 2006, 04:53
Well, speaking of ROMs on this board/forum is illegal and very much frowned upon. Please refrain from speaking of piracy.

I almost want to ignore your post for stating you will buy a DS strictly for piracy. But, to be polite, I will answer a question.

No specific version of the DS is required. What will make homebrew win or phail for you will be the flash cart of choice. Some recommend different kinds (Supercard, M3, etc.) so I'll let them speak for themselves.

That's all I have to say.

December 1st, 2006, 20:06
I plan to NOT BUY A SINGLE GAME. I want it just for the hacking purpose and playing roms. how much extra would it cost? any tutorials that I should read?

If you want to play pirated software only, don't buy a DS. Stay with your PSP and keep damaging $ony.

December 1st, 2006, 20:27
If you want to play pirated software only, don't buy a DS. Stay with your PSP and keep damaging $ony.

This is the exact reason why sony locks down firmware, ROM's, ISO's etc... are the biggest killers of homebrew because companies are forced to do something about them.

Shame on you.

And just to clarify i do HATE sony for everything they have done over the past few years and i want to see them suffer as much as anyone but don't let the homebrew scene suffer as a consequence