View Full Version : College Hoops 2k7

November 23rd, 2006, 18:32
New preorder from SuccessHK (http://www.superufo.com/product_html/Playstation_2_College_Hoops_2k7__US_.html?aff_id=2 4):


College Hoops 2K7, the #1 rated college basketball game four years running on both Xbox and PlayStation 2, returns for its sophomore season on the Xbox 360 and is set to make its freshman debut on the PlayStation? system. Leadership makes a difference this year as team chemistry plays a vital role in a team’s performance—especially come tournament time. The college atmosphere is fully realized with updated mascots, improved crowd interaction and more fight songs. With over 325 NCAA Division 1 schools and the deepest legacy mode around, College Hoops 2K7 defines the college basketball experience.

August 31st, 2010, 14:32