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View Full Version : Checkmate – CBT Launching This Week

April 17th, 2012, 12:36
Koram Game has announced that their eagerly awaited browser based World War II strategy game “Checkmate”, will launch its CBT later this week onThursday April 19th, 2012. During the run-up and to celebrate the launch of this exciting SLG, Koram Game has held various giveaway events on their Checkmate Facebook page. The main event was the Caption Contest, where two radio control Panzer battle tank for were up for grabs.

The game itself promises to deliver a realistic, exciting and vivid game play experience that will appeal to everyone from the casual gamer right up to gamers of the most demanding persuasion. Checkmate is a game of depth that attempts to pay great attention to detail. You can battle all over Europe on a variety of historical battlefields from World War II, including “The Siege of Leningrad”, “The Battle of Stalingrad” and “The Belorussian Offensive”. On these battlefields you can attempt to defeat the NPC whilst gaining valuable combat experience and rewards, moving forwards in your campaign for victory.

With the captivating setting of World War II you’ll find the legendary generals, officers and commanders whose daily decisions helped to shape the war and subsequently the world. These military leaders were the finest war strategists of their generation, they were considered heroes by the men they led and villains by the enemies they sought to destroy.

Checkmate gives the players the chance to go back in time to this turbulent period of history in a detailed and action packed game. Prepare to do battle, win the war and rewrite the history books. But where do your alliances lie?

Checkmate is the latest exciting title from Koram Game and launches the CBT April 19th 2012!

For all the latest Checkmate news and events you can visit the following links:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CheckmateOnline
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CheckMate_EN (https://twitter.com/CheckMate_EN)
Web: http://www.facebook.com/CheckmateOnline