View Full Version : PSP 3.0 VS 3.01 (Internal Flash Security Patched in 3.01)

November 23rd, 2006, 23:41
Message From Retro the dude from the PSP_Assult Video Series

According to Ookm the purpose of flash_fatfmt.prx is intended to setup and partition the PSP's internal flash.

Having taken a look in to the matter myself it appears that there is a security change in this module that would prevent unsigned code from executing kernel calls to the 3.01 flash, - Meaning, (Only Signed Sony Updates can write to flash)

The good news with this is that in the event of an exploit, the 3.0 flash can still be modified

The Problem, downgrading 3.01 is going to be a challenge unless flash_fatfmt.prx is in someway bypassed.

via Retro' (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=128186276)

November 24th, 2006, 02:05
cool to the fact it can be modified!

November 24th, 2006, 07:03
3.00=good news
3.01=sony sucks!!!

November 24th, 2006, 07:08
ahhhh so now we are starting to get the real story behind SONY's 900th "security update" - This does seem like pretty good news. We will now have to see what SONY is going to make REQUIRE 3.01. Will PS1 downloads work on a 3.00 PSP or a 3.01?

November 24th, 2006, 07:32
damn this is bad news. i bet the psxemu and the games download works only with 3.01 in that case its hard to see that cracked.

to the people that are working on 3.0 skip to 3.01 and try to bypass that new prx.

if where sony i would leak a version of the fw (3.0) to the net to see all the haxors jump on it and then (weeks later) smash a high secured 3.01 in their face to ruin all the effords that beeing made.

sony is getting smarter

November 24th, 2006, 07:36
Does this mean that a 3.00 to 1.5 downgrader is possible?

November 24th, 2006, 08:01
Ookm can really provide us with advances in the firmware hacking,he did create a multi firmware module.He can test his hacks without the risk of bricking,I think...
Connecting your psp to a ps3 is a way for sony to check out the firmwares users have on their psp.I wouldn't be surprised if it made it easier for them to inspect tha firmware that way rather than connecting directly with the psp,just a guess though.
I think sony is testing the water,this rapid update with a flaw publicized by the execs smacks of subterfuge.
The potential to monitor the activities of linux users on the ps3 also exists IMHO because the OS is virtualized(once again I think)
Let us not forget who we're dealing with,sony put rootkits on it's music cdz and would have continued had they not been caught.The thing they have a problem with is the piracy,I don't think they want to stop homebrew, just the ISO sharing.

November 24th, 2006, 08:04
Oh yeah, let's just make all the people with 3.01 feel bad! :)

November 24th, 2006, 08:33
Still theres hope of a possible exploit with 3.00 then ?.Mean while happy with 2.71 Se-b :).

November 24th, 2006, 09:08
So just take the unpatched flash_fatfmt.prx from 3.00 and overwrite any patched versions with it. prx swapping anyone?

(or am I overlooking something obvious:confused: )

November 24th, 2006, 09:49
The one thing I think is that the filesystem is different.That may be a factor in just overwriting the patched prx unless that's the only file that was changed.

November 24th, 2006, 17:32
Does this mean that a 3.00 to 1.5 downgrader is possible?

In Theory Yes!... but Don't Hold your Beath Cause you'll Turn Purple... >_<

LOL, by that i mean it might take awhile

I'm Glad That There is a Chance for 3.0 to be Hack and have Flash Access... But, maybe they should try to Bypass the New "Security" before anything Else on 3.0 gets done Cause that gives us a Chance to be able to Hack Futrure Updates... if i'm Not Correct

November 24th, 2006, 19:22
good and bad news....waiting is the key to sucess

November 24th, 2006, 22:04
the day after i updated to 3.0, there was talk of a 2.8 downgrader. I feel like an idiot.