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View Full Version : psp DUKE3D.GRP file

November 25th, 2006, 17:48
first of all u need the game pspDUKEM3D so heres the link click here just go down the page n click the orange bottom (http://dl.qj.net/Duke-Nukem-3D-Port-for-PSP-by-StereoMike-PSP-Homebrew-Games/pg/12/fid/1109/catid/195)

u need both these files to play the game.^ and down

don't you just hate it that to play the psp DUKE3D u need that damb file were i been searching n i have found it click here (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=92512&%20package_id=99579&release_id=194510) and just play im still waiting for the damb file to download it about 19 MB so if u have dial-up i'll take like 1 hour ....:rofl: well tell me if this file works also you can find the pspduke3d some were here just look..

sorry if ya knew this already...

November 25th, 2006, 19:07
YAY I JUST FINISH DOWNLOADING it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just extract all files to NUKED3D game not DUKE3D%
its about 40 MB don't put it in anyfolder inside the NUKE3D just leave it all outside..... make sure u have the psp recharging while extracting the files because it takes alot of ENERGY well atleast for me but then just play the game with no problems tell me if ya need the PSPNUKE3D GAME...:thumbup:

November 25th, 2006, 20:36
OK I just finish testing some leves and so far i had encounter only one problem no biggie i just hold the power and it turn of and when back to playing btw im using the tiff eloader .995 for psp v.2.80 the graphics are prety good better than doom2.... :D also does anyone know if theres any quake2 for psp levels not just the demo....plz help:(

November 25th, 2006, 20:51
don't you just hate it that to play the psp DUKE3D u need that damb file were i been searching n i have found it click here (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=92512&%20package_id=99579&release_id=194510) and just play im still waiting for the damb file to download it about 19 MB so if u have dial-up i'll take like 1 hour ....:rofl: well tell me if this file works also you can find the pspduke3d some were here just look..

sorry if ya knew this already...

You do understand that even if a game is not prduced any more, it doesn't give you legal grounds to download it. Posting the link to the download on our forums is also against the forum rules.

Don't be surprised if you receive a warning from a mod and your topic locked and removed.

November 25th, 2006, 20:56
im just tryin to share what i found i never uploaded that file ok i just google n found it.....:mad:

also i thouht thats y this forum was for i never stole anything i bet u even downloading it rigth now.....


btw don't pick the level rebirth or something like that cause it frezzes ur psp thats the only level im having problems with..

November 25th, 2006, 22:50
im just tryin to share what i found i never uploaded that file ok i just google n found it.....:mad:

also i thouht thats y this forum was for i never stole anything i bet u even downloading it rigth now.....


btw don't pick the level rebirth or something like that cause it frezzes ur psp thats the only level im having problems with..

Actually, I still have mine from back in '97, bought the Doom collector's edition at Wal-Mart last year, and Quake was a gift in '97. BTW you can go and download Marathon for free from the makers over at bungie.net, go to games, choose Marathon, then go to links, there will be a link that should go here marathon.bungie.org, then http://source.bungie.org/get/ and choose get Marathon. It's better than Duke and Doom, plus it is available for free (as AlephOne). I still have the original somewhere as well.

Also, welcome to the scene.

November 26th, 2006, 00:03
haha im downloading it rigth know ..... :thumbup: i'll se what i can do to make it psp compatible.....:rofl:

November 26th, 2006, 18:55
Is there any way that you can load save games on this port?

I know in the duke3d readme text thats supplied its does say that "No loading(saving works)"... but obviously playing the game for a while and then not being able to load up where you left off is a but of a pain.

November 26th, 2006, 20:16
im working on that cause i too get mad when i die or even pass a level and can't save i'll post any new information concerning that as soon as possible

heres the game for psp just incase ppl didn't notice

click here (http://dl.qj.net/Duke-Nukem-3D-Port-for-PSP-by-StereoMike-PSP-Homebrew-Games/pg/12/fid/1109/catid/195):thumbup:

December 2nd, 2006, 15:56
You do understand that even if a game is not prduced any more, it doesn't give you legal grounds to download it. Posting the link to the download on our forums is also against the forum rules.

Don't be surprised if you receive a warning from a mod and your topic locked and removed.It's not illegal... it's the shareware version...

December 2nd, 2006, 19:14
It's not illegal... it's the shareware version...

thanks for the info... :rofl:

December 2nd, 2006, 20:17
It's not illegal... it's the shareware version...

I never downloaded it because it was never listed as the shareware version when originally posted.

My bad then.

And fabianvaz, next time make it clear.

December 7th, 2006, 16:16
I love DN i used to play it ages ago

December 8th, 2006, 23:22
good to know im working on new mods that can work on the nuk3d game istill tryin.:)

December 9th, 2006, 06:09
So are you working on this port trying to polish it up? Just curious.

December 10th, 2006, 18:42
not really just tryin to add a game save so i and other people can save. Also im tryin to add new mods but its kinna hard.:D

August 28th, 2008, 00:32
hey where do u put the grp files .... do u just leave them in the folder or just put them with eboot?

September 1st, 2008, 14:58
put them with the Eboot.

Next time, please read the readme file!


March 13th, 2009, 18:21
ya so ur thing doesent even work there o smart one
it gives u abunch of shit u dont even need