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View Full Version : Dark_Alex 2.71 SE-C Easy Installer 1.0

November 27th, 2006, 01:47
new release via gaming.homebrew (http://www.iphpbb.com/board/ftopic-52439226nx68128-16.html)

This is the awaited 2.71 SE-C easy installer 1.0 . This will allow you a easy more safe way to install 2.71 SE-C. This was released via a german site so the translation might be a bit choppy.

It says that the Read me is in german. SO a translation will have to come soon. I don't quite understand it myself. If anyone can download and translate it would be much appriciated. The Read Me is very iimportant and i don't advice that User's go ahead without reading it.

Thank you

-don't try any of this on a TA-082 motherboard!!!

-Make sure your PSP is FW 1.5. There's a bunch of stuff about the prior SE-B version that the weblator had a hard time understanding*, but the gist of it revolves around having 1.5 on your PSP. So the safest bet is to have 1.5 on your PSP.

-find someone who can understand German. Readmes are very important.

hopfully the Read Me will be translated in english soon, the download is to big to be uploaded here so you'll have to download via the link provided.

download link and give feedback via comment
download via gaming.homebrew (http://www.iphpbb.com/board/ftopic-52439226nx68128-16.html)

November 27th, 2006, 02:27
you dont need 1.50, you can upgrade from 2.71 b'' i will explaine how to
get the 1.50 and 2.71 frimware updates

second place both of them in the seupmaker folder

third run the se maker it will generate the dxar file

forth place the generated dxar file in the seupdate folder

and finaly run the updater it will flash SE C thus deleting all previous modification to the psp and ofcourse SE B" too i hope that help i got no time to make fancy tut so if enyone wana make it go ahead

November 27th, 2006, 04:55
You do not need 1.50 to do this. I just finished my tutorial that shows the installation process, and I just ran it with 2.71 SE-B'' and it installed fine.

Note, it will freeze for a little bit when it get's to 10% on the "Writing 150 subset". Just keep that in mind.

November 27th, 2006, 04:59
thats what i said <_<

November 27th, 2006, 05:55
i want to upgrade to se c but i am kind of scared because i have never tried custom firmware. please help me :)

are these all the files that i need to get se C working?

i have a 1.5 psp and i really don't know how to do anything with this 2.71 se
thanks :)

November 27th, 2006, 06:09
Just charge your PSP to 100% and keep it plugged into the wall and you'll be fine. I just went to SE-C, but I haven't tried anything yet.

November 27th, 2006, 06:13
there are two exe's in the download link wich one do i use?

i will defiately wait until the read me is at least understandable in english because i have concluded this is far too dangerous if done wrong, as it is. without the read me, which is a bit too long for some simple guide, i'd have to say that this could be an extremely easy way to brick the hell out of my psp

November 27th, 2006, 06:58
i am extremely terrified of this. i would never try it unless it was absolutely necessary. ill stick with 1.5:)

November 27th, 2006, 07:13
i am extremely terrified of this. i would never try it unless it was absolutely necessary. ill stick with 1.5:)

This is exactly why I made my video tutorial. It is to help people with too-chicken-to-install-golden-firmware-phobia.

Don't worry, you will be fine! Just keep you're PSP plugged into you AC adapter, and create a clean DXAR file.

November 27th, 2006, 07:24
Can you please remove that bit of news?

As dcemu would never link to sites hosting illegal files, I think you should know that inside that package is the data.dxar, providing it is against what sony's licensing.
As qj already put it down, you should probably do the same...

November 27th, 2006, 11:10
I already made an easy installer ¬¬

November 27th, 2006, 16:46
you dont need 1.50, you can upgrade from 2.71 b'' i will explaine how to
get the 1.50 and 2.71 frimware updates

second place both of them in the seupmaker folder

third run the se maker it will generate the dxar file

forth place the generated dxar file in the seupdate folder

and finaly run the updater it will flash SE C thus deleting all previous modification to the psp and ofcourse SE B" too i hope that help i got no time to make fancy tut so if enyone wana make it go ahead

both of the updates are named EBOOT.pbp by default so if you put them in the folder they will just overwrite themselves, please explain a little more

November 27th, 2006, 17:44
Can you please remove that bit of news?

As dcemu would never link to sites hosting illegal files, I think you should know that inside that package is the data.dxar, providing it is against what sony's licensing.
As qj already put it down, you should probably do the same...
I think it's fine. Were not the one hosting it :p. I'm sure an Administrator would have pulled it if it was that bad.

November 27th, 2006, 18:08
does 2.71 SE-C have any 2.80 prx's? and is there a change in the pspbtcnf_game.txt from SE-B'? because i installed a 2.71/2.80 Flash0 Hybrid but it doesnt really work so maybe its because the game.txt is different?anyone got the se-c game.txt??

November 27th, 2006, 18:56
does 2.71 SE-C have any 2.80 prx's? and is there a change in the pspbtcnf_game.txt from SE-B'? because i installed a 2.71/2.80 Flash0 Hybrid but it doesnt really work so maybe its because the game.txt is different?anyone got the se-c game.txt??
I don't think so.

November 27th, 2006, 18:59
i think i need the 2.71 se-c pspbtcnf_game.txt... think its different from the se-b" one so that would mean i kinda f***ed my se-c up..could anyone get it from its flash or sumthin with pspfiler1.9?

November 27th, 2006, 20:06
blaz3d rename the eboots to 150.pbp and 271.pbp once it has generated the dxar file move it to the 271seflasher folder and run the update.

November 27th, 2006, 21:31
Easy peezy!

November 28th, 2006, 23:37
Ok so i followed the directions to the letter.

Sucessfully downgraded to 1.5 from 2.71. YAY :thumbup:

Then copied the relevent files over to the mem card.

Veiwed the relevent option in the game menu.


Lovely shade of pink for the message.

Hit x.

Formating blah:blah.

PANIC ... unable to write to blah blah blah
PANIC ... unable to write to blah
PANIC ... unable to write to blah blah
PANIC ... unable to write to bleh bleh bleh
PANIC ... unable to write to some other location

Writing 2.71 firmware... 0%

Sat like that for at least 30 minutes, then i whent downstairs leaving it to do its thing (hoping that the error messages were not critical.)

Came back up stairs couple of hours later and all is dark.

Yay, cries the excited boy inside me. Its finished.

But what is this, it will not turn on. Oh the little light will go green but that is all. No sound, no multitude of lovely pixels lighting up. Oh bollox.

Yep its fecked! :(

Does anyone have any ideas? Or is it time to reach in to my pockets and get the U-P?

I'm sooo gutted the downgrade ran so perfectly... AAARSE.

Weird Joe
December 5th, 2006, 17:49

My PSP is firmware version 1.50. I would like to install 2.71 SE-C. Could someone tell me exactly what I need to do?

I saw this "easy installer" and was wondering if it was safe. Has anyone else tried it out yet? I've never installed any other 2.71 SE before.

If anyone could provide me with a complete, step-by-step guide on how to do this, that would be great. If not, I'll just stay at 1.50 for now.



December 6th, 2006, 02:25
Just so everyone knows, making the DATA.DXAR file is a very slow process.

Yes, it's true; I got 2.71 SE-C on my PSP from 2.71 SE-B, for the non-believers.