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View Full Version : Giant Space Invaders with road barriers and no moving parts

April 27th, 2012, 00:04
This is space invaders on the large-scale (http://www.collthings.co.uk/2012/04/17m-high-giant-space-invaders-machine.html). To give you an idea of just how big this is, that’s a street lamp to the left. It’s being played on the side of a building, but it’s not really done the easy way. We’ve seen gaming on the sides of buildings by using projectors (http://hackaday.com/2012/03/02/snake-the-planet-makes-a-game-board-out-of-your-surroundings/), but this one is more like a classic LCD handheld game… just really really big.
Each of the game pieces is hung in place on a black backdrop. The invaders themselves are molded-plastic road construction barricades. The shield area on the bottom is made op of center-lane dividers. All of the pieces are wired with lights that can be addressed by a central controller. As you can see after the break, just one button gets the action under way.
This is along the same line as the Christmas Light game we saw several years back (http://hackaday.com/2009/09/12/how-to-build-a-life-sized-electroni-game/). If you’ve got some extra strings of lights and don’t mind building a controller we think you should add a little fun to the neighborhood with your own giant installation. Just don’t forget to send in some pictures (http://hackaday.com/contact-hack-a-day/).
