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View Full Version : Dream Coding Grand Prix 2006 Temporarily Postponed

November 28th, 2006, 00:02
Hi all, since the death of Lik Sang and Problems with Paypal i have been trying to get a new sponsor for the coding competition but to no avail, at present all Paypal donations were refunded and with the loss of 2 of the remaining 4 prizes it has caused a problem for the competition.

So its with sadness that im going to temporarily postpone the Coding Competition until after the new year and secure some new sponsors for the Coding Contest.

I aplogise to all those who have entered so far, i have been trying for a month to secure new prizes etc but the postponing for now will help me get things sorted and maybe have a bigger comp for the likes of PS3, wii and xbox360 also.

So again to the coders who have already entered a big sorry to you, luckily theres about 20 other coding comps at the mo and some with better prizes than what we had to offer.

Thanks for your time
