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View Full Version : Pinellas boy robbed of video game system as he leaves the store

November 28th, 2006, 22:44
Via Tampabay (http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=44505)

Largo, Florida - The holiday shopping season is here and that also means to watch out for the Grinch. A 13-year-old Pinellas County boy found that out the hard way on Friday when he was the victim of a strong armed robbery.

Police say the boy had just bought a portable Sony PSP system for $200 at the Largo Mall, when another teen came up from behind and stole it.

Casey, who didn't want his last name used, was with his younger brother and grandmother at the time. Casey says he and his brother chased after the suspect, but eventually gave up pursuit.

Casey, Victim of Robbery:
"I said, 'Give me my PSP back!' and I ran and I was right behind him, but I didn't do anything. I didn't know if he had a gun or not."
Casey said what bothered him the most was not losing his new video game system, but the fact that the suspect shoved his 73-year-old grandmother to the ground. Casey said that really made him angry.

Police are continuing to investigate.

November 28th, 2006, 22:47
woke up this morning.. granny got a gun. lol.

November 28th, 2006, 22:49
Casey said what bothered him the most was not losing his new video game system, but the fact that the suspect shoved his 73-year-old grandmother to the ground.[/INDENT]

Man thats pretty bad.. and by the way no game system is worth stealing just buy your own u sad sad poof!

November 28th, 2006, 23:00
A Town's Down!

Yeah, Ok! Lil' Jon!

Yeah, Yeah Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah
Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah

I'm in the club with my homies, tryna get a lil V-I, keep it down on the low key, cause you know how it feels.
I said shorty she was checkin up on me, from the game she was spittin my ear you'd think that she knew me.
So we decided to chill

Conversation got heavy, she had me feelin like she's ready to blow!
(Watch Out!, Watch Out!)
She saying come get me, come get me,
So I got up and followed her to the floor, she said baby lets go,
When I told her I said

Yeah (yeah) Shorty got down to come and get me
Yeah (yeah) I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah (yeah) Cause if my girl new it'd be best to hold me
Yeah (yeah) Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming:

Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeaah
Yeah, Yeah yeah, Yeah yeah,
Shes all up in my head now, got me thinking that it might good idea to take her with me,
Cause she's ready to leave.
Now I gotta keep it real now, cause on a one-to-ten she's a certified twenty, and that just aint me.

Cause I do know if I take that chance just where is it gonna lead,
But what I do know is the way she dance makes shorty alright with me.
The way she getting low!
I'm like yeah, just work that out for me.
She asked for one more dance and I'm
Like yeah, how the hell am I supposed to leave?
And I said


Watch out!
My outfit's ridiculous, In the club lookin' so conspicuous.
And Rowl! These women al on the prowl, if you hold the head steady I'm a milk the cow.
Forget about the game I'm a spit the truth, I won't stop till I get em in they birthday suits.
So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with they clothes, then bend over to the front and touch your toes.
I left the jag and I took the roles, if they aint cutting then I put em on foot patrol.
How you like me now, when my pinky's valued over three hundred thousand,
Lets drank you the one to please, Ludacris fill cups like double d's.
Me and Ush once more and we leave em dead, we want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed to say

Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got the rhythm make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Ursher got the voice make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Ludacris got the flow make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back, Lil' Jon got the rhythm make ya booty go (clap)

a let me see you do tha A town star
a do the A town star
and do the muscle
and do the muscle
and do the muscle
and do the muscle
a thunderr clap hey
a thunderr clap hey
a thunderr clap hey
a thunderr clap hey
and rock away
rock away
rock away
rock away
and turn!!

*edit, by sp. You know racisim, should never be tolerated. however as an enlightened society, we must accept that it does exisist, and not all slip ups are ment to cause great harm, to be a tolerant society, we must tolerate others ignorance aswell.

November 28th, 2006, 23:12
...it was probley some african american homeless boy trying to get some crack money...

Wow, that was a little racial wasn't it?

This is why you need to carry a blade (like me) or put your stuff in your messenger bag (like me) and lift weights and look mean ("hardcore"). They don't mess with people in eyeliner either (just to let you know, if you are in to that).

I feel bad for the kid though. How could you do that to someone?

November 28th, 2006, 23:15
woah ****ing racist *******....
thats sad though

November 28th, 2006, 23:28
Sorry for being racist... just saying.
Anyway dont give little kids stuff. Have a parent hold the item in a bag till you are safely in the car. The thing is if grandma has the bag noone will try and steal it (unless they see the psp) but if a little kid has the bag the it might be a popular xmas prescent.

November 28th, 2006, 23:37
If grandma has the bag noone will try and steal it (unless they see the psp) but if a little kid has the bag the it might be a popular xmas prescent.
Elderly are often targeted as much or more than "little kids" for this type of crime. The sort of scum that committed this act is always going to be out there waiting for an opportunity. Everyone needs to be strongly aware of their surroundings at all times and be prepared for anything.

I pity the poor lost soul who ever tries something like that on me.

November 28th, 2006, 23:41
if someone stole my fuggen PSP from me in a mall I would fuggen run upto the the basterd and jump on him then fuggen throw him to the ground then fuggen get on top of him and give him a faaat upercut too the gut then with his lungs out of air and gasping for breath I would fuggen give him a bleeding nose and keep on fuggen wailing on his face!
then I would get up and spit on his face and rub it in with my shoe!
and say "youd better watch yerself moron".

hehe sry for the violence...
btw dood you might want to delete yer racist joke before sumfen bad happends bro!
( O ) ( O )

November 28th, 2006, 23:53
Course you would....

Although this is not uncommon so must be a slow day for news methinks

November 29th, 2006, 00:10
Wow, that's pretty bad. It's one thing to steal the kid's PSP, but pushing down his grandma? If someone did that to my grandma over a PSP, I'd have to choke a bitch. :p

Basil Zero
November 29th, 2006, 00:13
its sad that we have to live with these individuals, who would hurt an old lady and rob from people

November 29th, 2006, 00:17
they should have chased the ******* and beat his ass down, who steals and hurts an old lady

November 29th, 2006, 00:30
this is why I don't want to move back to america...

November 29th, 2006, 00:42
they should have chased the ******* and beat his ass down, who steals and hurts an old lady
Hehe good boy!
but il agree thats purty pathetic!
( O ) ( O );)

November 29th, 2006, 00:43
mann i know the feeling of havin a PSP stolen. my old one was stolen last spring during my senior year. it was during my p.e. class and some kid stole it. i tried my best to track the damn a-hole down....but it was no use. ppl were sayin that it was a kid who was in the class but moved down to FL like 2 days after the incident. i was PISSED off when i heard that

sigh....so i know the feeling. and cops dont help that much either. i had to do the investigation with a couple of my friends, but it was no use. then i jus got my current one like a month after that. so now....if any1 does try to steal it.....i will def. hunt them down and kick their a** lol.

November 29th, 2006, 00:44
We don't have people snatch it from our hands, but when we're not looking they'll go right through your stuff.

I actually once caught a kid going through my stuff. But the thing that really sucked was, if I beat his ass down and shoved his face into the urinal, I would've been expelled from my school. They would rather you let someone steal your stuff than try and stop them where I go to school, which is very retarded.

Anyway, yeah I hope that kid gets his PSP back and that little SOB gets raped up the ass in prison for knocking over his grandma.

November 29th, 2006, 01:02
All that for a PSP?!
I would somewhat understand if it was for a PS3 or something, but this is just too low. Hitting someone weaker than you to the ground is even worse. Shame on him... :(

November 29th, 2006, 01:06

November 29th, 2006, 01:30
All that for a PSP?!
I would somewhat understand if it was for a PS3 or something, but this is just too low. Hitting someone weaker than you to the ground is even worse. Shame on him... :(

Where in the hell is Batman when we need him??

Yeah, this is right up there with robbing single moms or stealing old people's identity or stealing from a children's charity.

It's Florida, so no big surprise there. What is this country coming to? We attack countries due to suspicions (or because "daddy will be proud of me"), steal from little kids, shoot people because "it was in a game and it was cool and now our parents are suing the game developers for making such a "believable" game" (im not only talking about the tool who blamed GTA recently, but other certain people who played Doom/Quake incidents), and so on.

We are a little f*cked up over here.

November 29th, 2006, 02:19
i agree

AvengedSevenfold Fan
November 29th, 2006, 02:41
who cares, its proably a 2.82 TA-082, lol. but man, pushing down a grandma, thats low...

p.s. hooray, Video_freak posted!

November 29th, 2006, 04:22
who cares, its proably a 2.82 TA-082, lol. but man, pushing down a grandma, thats low...

p.s. hooray, Video_freak posted!

Who cares if it is a TA-82, the kid probably doesn't know about homebrew. It was the fact that a kid and a grandmother were the victims of such a lowly crime is what has most of us stirred. Show so me heart.

Besides, PSP finally got good games and the kid realized that. Shame on the loss of the money from someone elses stupidity/greed.

November 29th, 2006, 04:39
Let's buy the kid another one!

J sims
November 29th, 2006, 05:42
If I was in florida I wouldn't hesitatae to shot him given the "shot first aske questions later law that was just recently passed.

November 29th, 2006, 06:51
But a wise man, would take note. remember every detale as clearly as possible and let the man make his break for it,

My grandpa told me once, any man desperate enough to rob someone, is desperate enough to hurt someone to get away, honestly do people never stop to think, the same man that would jump the robber is the same dumb ass that would be at his grandmothers or brothers funeral, people are crazy, Dont take life altering risks, its just a danmed psp.. at any rate. I wouldnt want to put ol grandpas logic to the test anyway..

November 29th, 2006, 07:14
america has always been shit, it's only a good place to live and nothing else (our government is BAD!) so that ain't nothing new, and yeah i guess that logic above ^^ works if most people weren't already desperate to start with

November 29th, 2006, 08:41
man i wish someone would try to steal my psp omg they would wish they never did my buddy through a grinder(for herbal tomatoes) and my psp one day and i almost killed him so ye i wish that sorry mofo would just try he would so meet his maker lol

November 29th, 2006, 08:41
Well silly thief, the punishment from god to him is that the psp's firmware 3.01

November 29th, 2006, 08:48
Well silly thief, the punishment from god to him is that the psp's firmware 3.01 :thumbup::rofl:

November 29th, 2006, 09:15
It's in the USA no suprise there 21 to buy a beer @ 16 to buy a semi automatic that can cut a man in 1/2 from 1/2 a mile away.Speaks for it's self really.

November 29th, 2006, 09:38
It's in the USA no suprise there 21 to buy a beer @ 16 to buy a semi automatic that can cut a man in 1/2 from 1/2 a mile away.Speaks for it's self really.

But the legal age to own a fire arm is 21 here too :cool:

Not that it would matter anyway, any thief is gonna (steal) a gun anway ...

November 29th, 2006, 10:48
I stand corrected then certain states lol.

November 29th, 2006, 11:29
I feel sorry for this kid atleast none of his family got seriously hurt thats a good thing maybe he might get a replacement if he is lucky.

Anyway this is low, it was probley some african american homeless boy trying to get some crack money... I say he needs to grow a set and by his own systems.
Fu(ck you you stereotyping idiot I hate people like you...

November 29th, 2006, 11:43
Where in the hell is Batman when we need him??

I think Adam West is a bit old now for crime fighting.
We need Batboy :thumbup:

November 29th, 2006, 12:39
funni and sad lol

November 29th, 2006, 12:59
I guess thats y i enjoy living in the west. If your Chinese, and wear a suit in the west, most people automatically assume you've either got a gun or a machette, or a mobile phone with 100 triads numbers.

I get it a lot as i walk past groups of hoodlums on the streets, 95% look away when i walk past in my suit.

O, Another useful tip is to listen to 2Pac really loudly on your mp3 player. That usually provokes a reaction like "Sweet tunes broth!". I just hope they know i aint there "broth".

November 29th, 2006, 13:42
But the legal age to own a fire arm is 21 here too :cool:

Not that it would matter anyway, any thief is gonna (steal) a gun anway ...

Good to youre still lurking in the shadows SP! ;)

I try to have a presence about me that says "You even look at my PSP and I'll kick your f*cking eyes out" :D If I saw a kid getting robbed I'd do my best to relieve the thief of a few teeth :p

November 29th, 2006, 15:08
Jpdeathblade, you are a racist *******.

The King
November 29th, 2006, 15:59
man thats realy sad thou and i have pity on the thief poor poor sad man

and i fell sad for his grandmother

sad sad sad and i would hovve gotten mad if that happend to my grandmother

November 29th, 2006, 16:34
poor boy i feel sorry for him i hope they catch the twat who stole it

November 29th, 2006, 19:03
seriously ? :rofl:

November 29th, 2006, 21:35
That is absoulutely stupid. The video gaming life is really starting to become retarded lately.

November 29th, 2006, 22:00
lol ok...im a steriotipic racist, sorry.
The person who stole it was a really a person who wanted a psp and didnt have money. If it makes you guys feel that bad that some sterotype MAY (dont flame me bc you misread that) be true ill edit my post.

November 29th, 2006, 22:25
I think Adam West is a bit old now for crime fighting.
We need Batboy :thumbup:

No, we need Adam We (from Family Guy). That will confuse them into handing the PSP back. Mayor West has to be one of the best characters of all time.

BTW, Batman was the butch, Robin was the... Well, you know.

lol ok...im a steriotipic racist, sorry.
The person who stole it was a really a person who wanted a psp and didnt have money. If it makes you guys feel that bad that some sterotype MAY (dont flame me bc you misread that) be true ill edit my post.

Not really a big deal, I was just noticing it when you posted originally. I live in the south, so it's pretty common to hear it out on the street.

November 29th, 2006, 23:54
If it was legal, and I had a gun with me, I would shoot that guy in the legs. If I had a Tazer, I'd zap him 'till he's unconscious.

November 30th, 2006, 00:04
If it was legal, and I had a gun with me, I would shoot that guy in the legs. If I had a Tazer, I'd zap him 'till he's unconscious.

Cops here in Nashville have proven tazers to be deadly. They have killed 2 or 3 people in the past year. One guy was "trying to still run away".

Cattle prod comes to mind though. That would hurt and be funny at the same time.

November 30th, 2006, 11:07
Don't make little Casey angry.
You wouldn't like him when he's angry...

November 30th, 2006, 11:35
if that happened i wouldnt let the turd outrun me. I'd eventually catch up to em and trip em down. He'd probably drop my psp and break it and then i knock his teeth out and force feed it to him.

December 1st, 2006, 08:23
if that happened i wouldnt let the turd outrun me. I'd eventually catch up to em and trip em down. He'd probably drop my psp and break it and then i knock his teeth out and force feed it to him.

You're in the military aren't you?

In reality, I'd be pissed, but if I couldn't catch them, I wouldn't waste the effort to keep up the chase. I would have had him the moment he touched anything and he wouldn't be too happy either.

Shadowprophet is right though, desperate people are crazy.

But if anyone wanted to steal my PSP, it's usually always in my pocket, unless I'm in EB or sitting at a restraunt, and I doubt anyone could get it away from me without a weapon or a couple of other people to help him (unless it was Cindy Crawford, then I'd be like "Sure, but you have to get it, and it's in *this* pocket")

Sorry, but I am still attracted to Cindy Crawford for some reason...