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View Full Version : You Decide the Colour for the PSP News Revamp

November 29th, 2006, 06:42
We are to launch a new version of the PSP News SIte soon and need your help in choosing which colour theme we will go for, heres the options



The new look is already in place on our Nintendo Wii (http://wii-news.dcemu.co.uk/), PS3 (http://ps3-evolution.dcemu.co.uk/) and Xbox360 Sites (http://xbox360.dcemu.co.uk/), which are 3 of the best news resources for Each Console.

Click the Poll and help choose the new colour for PSP News.

November 29th, 2006, 06:44

November 29th, 2006, 06:46
Definitely not red.

November 29th, 2006, 06:52
red, its been blue for ages now, why not some refreshing red to see some change?

November 29th, 2006, 06:59
red, its been blue for ages now, why not some refreshing red to see some change?

because red is ugly ;)

November 29th, 2006, 07:03
I say RED, hey come on, we always had blue..
Hoping for a RED vote...:rolleyes:

November 29th, 2006, 07:05
Red would look rather cool...


November 29th, 2006, 07:05

November 29th, 2006, 07:09

November 29th, 2006, 07:10
Some sort of silver with blue elements would be cool. Either way, the logo definitely should include a picture of a PSP like the red logo above shows.

Only, I would prefer some sort of homebrew screenshot added to the PSP image.

November 29th, 2006, 07:37
Gotta be blue. Red is an angry color, and blue is nice and calm. Yep, definitely blue.

November 29th, 2006, 07:37
I am a big fan of red but blue is easier on the eyes. Besides, the only really cool red is crimson.

November 29th, 2006, 07:57
between the two, I choose red, but I would rather have a gradient of black-gray.

November 29th, 2006, 08:05
I saw the site with the red logo the other day and it was horrible. Horrible I say just Horrible.

November 29th, 2006, 08:26
i say red but tone it down a bit nothing is worse than a bright in your face web site

anyone thought of a pale green?

November 29th, 2006, 08:30
I said red . . . its been blue for a while now.

November 29th, 2006, 08:36
ok i almost dropped my psp lol but anyway i say blue because red is really hard on my eyes dont know why but it is so BLUE

November 29th, 2006, 08:42
I think blue is more appropriate, red is a little too loud. I do like the black-gray idea though, and the homebrew screenshot would be cool on the PSP, maybe of some PS1 emulation.:)

November 29th, 2006, 09:09
Why make it the same colour as the wii one??

November 29th, 2006, 09:26
I can sympathize with everyone saying to change it just for the sake of changing it, but I honestly think that blue just fits better. And I think red should be reserved for Nintendo products. You know, because of their red logo, it's just more of a natural association with them. Just like MS is laying claim to slime green for the XBOX.

November 29th, 2006, 10:08
make it gray, lol :D

November 29th, 2006, 10:18
Blue is a colour that lasts longer but seeing red everyday wears out the colour faster since the colour red can do more things to your mind than blue.

November 29th, 2006, 10:22
Out of those 2 I have to say blue, red is just too eye piercing. Grey/black would look good.

November 29th, 2006, 10:24
me think that blue is the best choice red would be a bit agressive

but a icey looking theme whith white and light blue background
plus red buttons would be my favorite

November 29th, 2006, 10:36
I'll have to stop reading the site if it turns red, my mother was a bull you see...

November 29th, 2006, 10:46
Out of those too Blue, but I would prefer grey/silver.

November 29th, 2006, 11:07
blue because red has a higher frequency of light so it hurts your eyes more I visit dcemuy too alot so id probably get blinded :eek:

November 29th, 2006, 11:23
red, its been blue for ages now, why not some refreshing red to see some change?

Second :)

November 29th, 2006, 11:32

November 29th, 2006, 11:47
I like "Red vs Blue" LOL.

November 29th, 2006, 11:49
blue please! thx or maybe add an option where the user can select between the two?

November 29th, 2006, 11:51
Red Vs Blue Yah!!! I Still Want Red

November 29th, 2006, 11:54
Blue is definitely easier on the eyes. But then I don't really see the need to change the exisiting site. I quite like it! :)

Method Man
November 29th, 2006, 12:00
or any other colour, but not red, whats about black?

November 29th, 2006, 12:02
Red gets my vote! ...but tone it down a wee bit. :)

the logo definitely should include a picture of a PSP like the red logo above shows. Only, I would prefer some sort of homebrew screenshot added to the PSP image.

I agree with ya, please stick a mame robocop pic on there! lol ...or maybe a shot from Marvel Vs Capcom from NJ's emu?

rock kills
November 29th, 2006, 12:04

November 29th, 2006, 12:15

November 29th, 2006, 12:29

November 29th, 2006, 12:29
Illuminate Pink And Green, the best colors ever!!

November 29th, 2006, 13:05
how about a selectable option - would it be hard to impliment something like that? you know the way vb forums have different styles, i think that would be great, then we could choose the look that suits us the best. :thumbup:

November 29th, 2006, 13:12
yeh silvery purply blue would look really nice

November 29th, 2006, 13:12
I'm sorry to say it but they both suck. How about some more choices? Out of these two I pick blue, red just dos'nt look right.

November 29th, 2006, 13:36
Blue.. Im getting old and the red makes my eyes hurt! :o

...or Pink (aparently its the new black!) :rolleyes:

November 29th, 2006, 13:38

November 29th, 2006, 13:51
i love blue

November 29th, 2006, 13:57
Blue, red looks cheap

November 29th, 2006, 14:13
The red one looks a lot fresher, especially since we've had blue for ages. How about red at christmas time and then change to another colour afterwards?

And I agree with Veskgar, the logo must include a PSP, but I guess it would have anyway?

November 29th, 2006, 14:21
yeee red!!!

November 29th, 2006, 14:57
Blue is easyier on the eyes. Red can give people a headache.

November 29th, 2006, 15:03
Blue is easyier on the eyes. Red can give people a headache.

ahahha headache...
is it true?

November 29th, 2006, 15:07
Blue, red it too harsh on the eyes.

November 29th, 2006, 16:08
Red is the best so I'm going to wait and see what happens.

November 29th, 2006, 16:20
It's about time for a change the new layout looks great on the other sites (by the way blue!!!)

November 29th, 2006, 16:38
I spend many hours at my pc and red is too much in ya face, why does Windows use blue as its default theme colour ??

November 29th, 2006, 17:11
May be black with a hint of silver to make the tone difference and then the white font - just an idea of course.

Mister Klownes
November 29th, 2006, 17:39
Can we steal the purple from the PS3 site? I like purple...

November 29th, 2006, 17:55
I think that the site should stay with a blue theme, it has always had blue, and if nothing else, it will keep the site looking similar..

BUT! Wraggster, if you read this, we need the forum lists to stay at the top of the screen... when Vandeta started his flame thread, it was simply because all our forums were so far down the list, that it made it annoying to look for..

when I get on this site, the first thing I do is look at new news, and then scroll up to see if anyone posted on my dev thread... and when you have to scroll down to find it at the bottom somewhere, its just not as easy to find...

so blue, and forums should stay in the same spot as they are now..

November 29th, 2006, 17:59
everyone does blue, go red

November 29th, 2006, 18:20
Blue =d

November 29th, 2006, 19:19
May be black with a hint of silver to make the tone difference and then the white font - just an idea of course.

I think that is a great idea, because it would have the same colors as the PSP.

November 29th, 2006, 19:29
I dont want red or blue, Black wud be suitable...

...its the original psp colour

November 29th, 2006, 19:35
normally i would choose blue, but the wii site is blue and it would be nice to keep everything different

so red for me

November 29th, 2006, 19:36
red!!!! :D

Basil Zero
November 29th, 2006, 19:56
i want RED!!!

November 29th, 2006, 20:01
My favorite color is Red, but for some reason I like how blue looks better.

So...Blue, I guess.

November 29th, 2006, 20:41
Definitely blue!

AvengedSevenfold Fan
November 29th, 2006, 21:11
u should change them like every week or every month, both colors would be cool, but they would get boring after a while

November 29th, 2006, 21:40

red is ugly

November 29th, 2006, 21:43
Blue. Red team sucks.

^btw, if you don't know why, don't ask....

November 29th, 2006, 21:49
Red, every other site has blue...

November 29th, 2006, 22:17
Red, we need a change. I like change. It also symbolizes how Red mad sony is with the homebrew sceen. They can't beat us.

November 29th, 2006, 22:34
RED will make it more "eye catching"!

November 29th, 2006, 22:53
make it black, gloss. Could have a combination of black and silver. Blue is too standard.

November 29th, 2006, 23:00
make it black, gloss. Could have a combination of black and silver. Blue is too standard.

How can you have black gloss as a site color?

November 29th, 2006, 23:05
I like Red ;)

November 30th, 2006, 00:11
:thumbup: red rhymes with bread anyway using red is better because in subtlety as a colour it says by itself "frustration awaits you":mad:

November 30th, 2006, 00:34
vote for red. The colour makes a deep change but won't last very long. This allows for the people who want a change to enjoy their choice and let them realise how shortly the dolour will last. In the end blue will win but like me, many others would like to see a change.

November 30th, 2006, 01:16
zomg it's red vs. blue! XD

I say blue, but if I really had my way, it'd be DARK GRAY (almost black.) PSP-like =)

November 30th, 2006, 01:39
I say the blue :D

November 30th, 2006, 03:23
zomg it's red vs. blue! XD

I say blue, but if I really had my way, it'd be DARK GRAY (almost black.) PSP-like =)

Blue should be our color, or black. Or maybe even blue and black.

Red vs Blue rules, btw.

Tucker - "Whats that big thing over there?"
Caboose - "That is Church."
Church - "NOT ME CABOOSE! He's talking about the ship"
Caboose - "He said it!"

*Wraggster* could we have pie charts instead of bargraphs for poll standings? That would be cool too.

November 30th, 2006, 03:53
:thumbup: red rhymes with bread anyway using red is better because in subtlety as a colour it says by itself "frustration awaits you":mad:

Haha yes! Red rhymes with bread! Woo hoo! :D

November 30th, 2006, 03:59
I was going to choose a color other than blue since I think the site already has enough blue, but I do not like the red. So, blue it is.

December 1st, 2006, 00:52
ooh, i want to vote again. i really like the red. its killer now that i've seen it in action. saucey [: