View Full Version : NICE64 v2.1.1 (Final)

April 30th, 2012, 11:37
via http://www.aep-emu.de/ (http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=78e21c818c6609fd19e0a1b5ee1f3db6&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dcemu.co.uk%2Fvbulletin%2Fthr eads%2F443473-Q-Gears-2012-04-28%3Fp%3D2148480621%23post2148480621&v=1&libid=1335782070436&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aep-emu.de%2F&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dcemu.co.uk%2Fvbulletin%2Fnew thread.php%3Fdo%3Dnewthread%26f%3D110&title=Q-Gears%202012-04-28&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aep-emu.de%2F&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13357821048213)

NICE64 (https://sites.google.com/site/pkmnsn64/home/) is a Nintendo N64 (http://www.aep-emu.de/Sections-req-viewarticle-artid-17.html) emulator based of the code from 1964mod.


language translation is outdated due to several recent changes (thanks Eddy for the reminder)
updated English.lgm
fix language translation bugs
re-order and add new translation text
this maintenance release is for non-English NICE64 users who use translated language file

must re-translate your existing lgm file and use NICE64 v2.1.1(Final) exe

Squall Leonhart
April 9th, 2013, 23:54
Pokefan999 (Aka pokemaniacs) has never complied with the source release requirements for any of his "forks" for any of his "projects".

These include

1964mod (includes myglide64)
Ice64 (same 1964mod with a new name
Nice64 (same as above)

All of the above have had public releases, they were hosted out of Google sites at the following addresses


There is no doubt in my mind that you would have to be a gullible idiot to think he would let you have the source for ace64 even if you did contribute as a tester/source contributor.

As such, i can only conclude that his changes are completely bullcrap or the files he distributes are malware in general.

Can i request that the administration respond in turn by outright refusing to support these emulators and / or direct users to download emulators that are not violating the source license they are distributed under.

Judging from the last public release of 1964mod/NICE64/ICE64 (emucr.com/2012/10/ice64-v37-beta.html), it appears that pokefan isn't only just violating 1964's GPL license. Here is a list of open source plugins he is violating.

- Glide64, under the name of "MyGlide64". Original developers: dave2001, Gugaman, Gonetz, KoolSmoky. License: GPLv2
- Glitch64, under the name of "MyGlide3x". Original developers: hacktarux, mudlord, ziggy, KoolSmoky. License: GPLv2
- N-Rage, under the name of "ICE64Input 3.7". Original developers: N-Rage. 2.0 Developers, squall-leonhart, rabiddeity. 2.0 Contributors MadManMark. License: GPLv2
- 1964 Audio, under the name of "ICE64 Audio version 4.2". Original developers: schibo, Gerrit. License: GPLv2

Also, pokefan has replaced schibo's original copyright in the about page, with his own copyright (imgur.com/3nncxWj.png). I don't believe this is legal, as GPL requires the original developer's copyright to remain, even after forking (stackoverflow.com/questions/4475319/how-to-rebrand-copyright-a-forked-project-gnu-gpl).

It's hilarious when you see this behavior coming from pokefan, who claims zilmar is 'greedy', 'selfish' and 'riding on others effort'.