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View Full Version : WiiMote Working on the PC - Video

November 30th, 2006, 23:42
Want to use your Wiimote on your PC, well some hackers already have, check out the video here --> http://youtube.com/watch?v=9iBaKsh5z_o

December 1st, 2006, 06:26
Yes... This is the first step to getting the Wii remote to be a wireless joystick for the Computer. I would literaly buy a Wii remote, even if I don't actually have a Wii, just so that I could use it as a wireless joystick for the computer. Plus, all of the attachments that Nintendo will release for the Wii remote... and not to mention rumble, location data, accelerometer data... it'll probobly be the best computer joystick ever, in my opinion... that is, if you have Bluetooth.

January 16th, 2008, 20:37
I was wondering I heard that you can controll your psp with the wii remote is it true?
I think it coulld be done with the buetooth. (using it as an ir device possibly)
Okay I probably don't know what I am talking about but I do know is I have no officially gotten remote joy working so I can play all my psp games in full screen on the pc. Then hopefully I will get the wiimote to control it (i'll let you know if I get it working) to control the games and enjoy it more then staring down at a small screen and fiddling with an awkward joystick. (the small titchy thing sony provided for psp. watch this space.