View Full Version : Daedalus GFX adding Tutorial

December 1st, 2006, 01:02
Hi Folks,

It has just come to my attention that people wish to add purple textures to daedalus.. I will write up Documentation and release the source to daedalus Wally (I must warn you, it was compiled in Mac OS X and i have had to change the way some of the / and \ go in the files.

This is not an excuse to go and release your own daedalus version ( We don't want to confuse people) this will allow people to help me and strmnNrmn to clean up the purple textures and make daedalus good as ever.
Also i want to hear how you did make the GFX normal

For now the prerequisites for compiling are
a) PSP Toolchain in either a Terminal environment (Command Line, not Dos prompt)
Windows users use Cygwin
Mac / Linux / Solaris ussers use Terminal or xterm

Follow all instructions... I will not help you with the setting up of the toolchain itself. I have made this clear, don't ask!

When you get the toolchain compiled then we will talk turkey!

If you already have the toolchain set up go to set up PSPlink (This is a must) again follow all instructions and dont ask me how to do it!

You need to change the INI file to suit (I might provide this at a later date)
Optional : A Nintendo 64 itself with the appropriate games you are testing for GFX bugs.

Coming up... A lot more stuff!

December 3rd, 2006, 19:53
This will be good know people can fix textures in games for persoal use and send info back to wally so it can go in the official daedalus hopefully this will speed up the fixing of texture errors.