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December 1st, 2006, 10:00
Can sum1 plz tell me how to put videos on the psp

December 1st, 2006, 10:05
Just create a new folder in the root directory named MP_ROOT, and then make a folder called 100MNV01 in there. So your .MP4 files should go into X:\MP_ROOT\100MNV01, where X:\ is the drive letter of your Memory Stick.

December 1st, 2006, 10:10
On your MS as soon as you connect your PSP to your PC, aka the root. There should be a file saying PSP.
You need to create a file called MP_ROOT and place it in the root of the MS alongside the PSP file.
Next, inside the MP_ROOT file you create 2 more files called 100MNV01 and 100ANV01.
These are for the 2 types of MP4 that the PSP can play.
The 100MNV01 is for MPEG-4
The 100ANV01 is for AVC

When you have your video ready to put on your PSP you must rename it to M4VXXXXX.mp4 (if it is MPEG-4) or MAQXXXXX.mp4 (if it is AVC)
The XXXXX is five numbers of your choice.

If you have and AVC encoded videos and a 1.5 PSP, you'll find they won't play. That's because they'll only play with higher firmware. So use DevHook to emulate a firmware and you'll find it.

If you haven't got the right video format, you should convert it using PSPVideo9 or my favourite ImToo MPEG Encoder.

Enjoy and hope it helps.

December 1st, 2006, 10:12
tried dint work

December 1st, 2006, 10:19
tried dint work

Whats the full name of the video you have? Lie if its porn,

December 1st, 2006, 11:00
i have some crazy codec in a downloaded videofile
it claims to be mp4 but its not cuz it wont play on psp
maybe i need to recode it to another format before coding it with video 9
ill try it