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View Full Version : how much of a shock am i in for???

December 1st, 2006, 22:24
on christmas day i will be getting the new Macbook Pro mid range 15 inch version. with a 2.33Ghz core 2 duo.
i have been using a quicksilver G4 with a measly [though not at the time] 867 Mhz PowerPC

im quite scared, h just how different will it be.

if its like the step up from ipod earphones to shure E4c s ...i am ready to be completely amazed

December 2nd, 2006, 04:46
I'm on a 2.0GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro, and I was quite surprised with the improvement over my 1.42GHz G4 Mac Mini. Its quite a difference, and it really helps out when you're doing any sort of development.

December 2nd, 2006, 04:51
lol, how much did it cost accordian boy?

December 2nd, 2006, 05:15
its £1562 with a slight student discount.
im paying half, with it being a christmas, and the deal that my dad can use it if needed.

December 2nd, 2006, 05:19
wow, dont plan on buying one of those in the future


December 2nd, 2006, 05:25
Well, I noticed a VERY significant increase in speed going from a 2.8 ghz single core to a 2.6 ghz dual core and also from 512 mb of RAM to 2 GB, so you should be amazed too. :)

December 2nd, 2006, 07:15
ehh, all Mac's are crappy irregardless of speed... but I digress...

allz I know is, upgrading from a 2ghz AMD Athlon XP running on a 266 mghz FSB to a 2ghz Intel Centrino Core Duo running on a 566 mghz FSB with an upgrade from 266 mghz DDR 2100 ram to 566 mghz DDR Dual channel ram, and upgrading from an Nvidia 5200 fx to a Nvidia 7400..... was quite a difference... lol

speed doesent change much, same time to start Windows, same time to get on the internet, same time to start up programs like 3DS Max, same time to render images in 3DS Max, same time to load any file..

but vastly improved speed in real-time rendered graphics (video games and all)

so, dont expect it to be lightning fast... but you might notice a small step up in video game FPS speed lol...

but since its a Mac, your screwed for games anyway lol

December 2nd, 2006, 19:07
ehh, all Mac's are crappy irregardless of speed... but I digress...

allz I know is, upgrading from a 2ghz AMD Athlon XP running on a 266 mghz FSB to a 2ghz Intel Centrino Core Duo running on a 566 mghz FSB with an upgrade from 266 mghz DDR 2100 ram to 566 mghz DDR Dual channel ram, and upgrading from an Nvidia 5200 fx to a Nvidia 7400..... was quite a difference... lol

speed doesent change much, same time to start Windows, same time to get on the internet, same time to start up programs like 3DS Max, same time to render images in 3DS Max, same time to load any file..

but vastly improved speed in real-time rendered graphics (video games and all)

so, dont expect it to be lightning fast... but you might notice a small step up in video game FPS speed lol...

but since its a Mac, your screwed for games anyway lol

you couldnt be any more wrong!!!
you see no change in speed because windows is a complete arse up of an OS, and is such a resource hog.

and its a core2duo so i can dual boot, and use parallels software to run windows and linux from within Mac os X at close to full speed...HA!!!

December 2nd, 2006, 19:10
There are some obscenely large sigs in this thread, sort it out please

December 2nd, 2006, 19:24
macs are ****. im strait up pc. when someone tells me they can game half as good on a mac, ill be....uh....well, its never gunna happen so HA

December 2nd, 2006, 19:49
but it dual boots, new macs are like sexy squids with ten arms...that can turn themselves inside out
and i was happy with the sexy octopus of yore...

December 3rd, 2006, 03:09
Macs arn't bad, their better at recording music on than pc are

December 3rd, 2006, 03:41
but i dont record music so....

when you say dual boot, are you refering to that beta boot camp? is it still beta?

Cap'n 1time
December 3rd, 2006, 04:50
but i dont record music so....

when you say dual boot, are you refering to that beta boot camp? is it still beta?

I have no idea what the hell beta boot camp is, but...
He is referring to the now very popular dual boot method linux users have been using for years when they want to switch between Windows and their favorite linux distro or even other linux distros or other os's all together. Lots of open source options such as grub or lilo have been in use for years. With the new x86 compatible processors they are putting in the new macs they can now boot Windows, Linux, Mac and anything else they want whenever they want. Even the new Vista will allow for dual booting options as I understand it. Personally I am happy just using linux, but Macs are indeed sexy machines.

http://deb.user.ba.googlepages.com/Capture-ubugrey.png (near 100 kb, little warning for 56kers :))
Here is an example of some fancy graphical grub boot loader (obviously the one from the ubuntu distro, though mine is non graphical). Note different kernel versions are optional as well as windows XP.

December 3rd, 2006, 05:01
:eek: I didn't get that graphical bootloader :( I'll have to get it sometime......dual booting is good :D i can use Ubuntu and Win2000.......I installed Beryl on Ubuntu.....but now im having problems with video lagging WAY behind the audio in video playback, even if i shut it off >.<

December 3rd, 2006, 06:46
Well i know the feeling because i just ordered this (http://b2b.sony.com/Solutions/product/VGN-AR290G) notebook. Although i have this one here (http://www.alienware.com/product_detail_pages/Aurora_m9700/aurora-m_overview.aspx?SysCode=PC-LT-AURORA-M-9700&SubCode=SKU-B) already. :)

December 3rd, 2006, 16:06

boot camp is still in beta. It makes it so you can play windows on your mac. its in the new lepard OS

December 3rd, 2006, 16:15
just to clear things up

yes i will be able to use Boot Camp to fully boot into either windows or any other OS...

and i will also be able to run windows and any other OS from within Mac OS X by using this (go here- http://www.parallels.com/en/products/desktop/) software from Parallels

as soon as i can afford it of course.

[for those saying macs are crap for games...