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View Full Version : Nintendo Wii launches in Japan

December 2nd, 2006, 09:45
via engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/01/nintendo-wii-launches-in-japan/)

According to our row of clocks in the Engadget situation room here at Engadget HQ, it's now past 9:00AM, December 2nd in Japan, which means the Wii has been out and about in its home country for around two hours by now. We just got some pics from a friendly tipster at the Yodobashi camera store in Shinkjuku, Japan, where the line stretched several blocks and the console quickly sold out. Apparently the scene was very calm, with most people picking up an extra Wiimote along with 2-3 games, before heading on their merry way home to partake in unboxing rituals and a weekend of Zelda fun. There are purportedly 400,000 consoles available at launch in Japan, and at this point we're guessing just about every one of 'em is either sold or spoken for. Happy Wii-ing Japan! Keep reading for some more pics of Japanese launch "mayhem."