View Full Version : DC overclock power chart

December 3rd, 2006, 03:43
This is a rough estimate of the increase in the overall power of the Dreamcast listed at standard, non-standard, and non-accomplished speeds. Data here is based off a combination of data on the machine collected from:


Again, this is a rough estimate based on incremental percentage increases. This is not totally accurate, since faster RAM, faster cache, and so on actuall improve performance further than spec (2%-5%), but this is just a rough view to see how fast your Dreamcast can fly:

Normal, 100Mhz FSB Dreamcast

CPU @ 200Mhz
GPU&RAM @ 100Mhz
CPU capable of 10,000,000 polygons per second
GPU capable of 7,000,000 polygons per second
800MB/s FSB transfer speed
1.400Gflops, 900Mflops sustained CPU

Overclocked, 120Mhz FSB Dreamcast

CPU @ 240Mhz
GPU&RAM @ 120Mhz
CPU capable of 12,000,000 polygons per second
GPU capable of 8,400,000 polygons per second
960MB/s FSB transfer speed
*1.680Gflops, *1.080Gflops sustained CPU

High Overclock, 133Mhz FSB Dreamcast

CPU @ 270Mhz
GPU&RAM @ 133Mhz
CPU capable of 13,300,000 polygons per second
GPU capable of 9,310,000 polygons per second
1024MB/s FSB transfer speed
*1.862Gflops, *1.197Gflops sustained CPU

Extreme Overclock, 150Mhz FSB Dreamcast

CPU @ 300Mhz
GPU&RAM @ 150Mhz
CPU capable of 15,000,000 polygons per second
GPU capable of 10,500,000 polygons per second
1200MB/s FSB transfer speed
*2.100Gflops, *1.350Gflops sustained CPU

Specs to reckon with indeed. For comparison, the PS2 has a powerful FPU (can float at 6Gflops+), but can only generate 450MIPS.

December 3rd, 2006, 20:03
hmmmm, is hte last one ever possible to do?

if so, it can be much better than the PS2, and u can run games like Resident Evil 4 or FF-XII.


December 4th, 2006, 04:08
Whether or not to get a game like that to run on a console like this is strictly up to the developer, what the developer can do, and how they do it. We won't see any of those games on the system, nor probably anything like them.

Also, 150 has not been achieved yet. And, it would not be "way more powerful" than the PS2. If it oversteps it at all, it would be by a small margin. The only things the DC has going for it are a very efficient GPU, and a very efficient graphics subsystem as well as memory speed/latency.

February 10th, 2007, 06:49
Wasn't it speculated that increasing 'the frequency' overclocked the GPU as well?