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July 14th, 2004, 12:25
Nintendo gaming genius Shigerui Miyamoto has revealed that the new DS handheld console could connect to the Internet via its wireless LAN connector, although it will require special third-party software to do so.[br]Speaking in a candid interview with Earthbound creator Shigesato Itoi's website, Miyamoto-san said, "We added the wireless LAN to the DS mainly for the consoles to communicate between each other. But if someone releases software that allows it to connect to wireless LAN access points, it could also be used to connect to the Internet."[br][br]A DS which could be use surf and email as well as playing games on the 'Net? Ding, Donkey Kong! [br][br]It certainly sounds like a welcome addition and would certainly add to the DS's already innovative feature set.[br][br]However, Miyamoto-san hastened to add that this is not something Nintendo is considering developing itself, as it wishes the DS to be a dedicated, standalone games unit. "The one thing we don't want to do is to add this and that and every other connection . We want to make the DS enjoyable on its own, as far as we can," he added.[br][br]But it certainly sounds like a worthwhile venture and we're pretty sure it'll have plenty of development companies pricking up their ears ready to explore the possibilities.[br][br]More on this one as it breaks.

July 31st, 2004, 11:21
DS wireless internet is go but nintendo will only pursue on ds-ds connections for the time being