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View Full Version : Screenshots of Sonys PS1 Emu for PSP which you also need to own a PS3

December 5th, 2006, 01:44
Via Neogaf (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5014812&postcount=105)

OK, on the playstation store, there's two files you need to download. One is the main "data" file (383MB for syphon filter), the other is the 100Kb License file. Once the license is downloaded it shows up in the new "Certification Manager" on the PSP:

Once the data file is installed, it shows up in the memory stick area just like the free demos:

Upon loading the game, you're greeted with a familiar logo...

And after the requisite credit screens, you get the menu:

Introducing... Gabe Logan!

Pressing the home button brings up a number of options available to the emulator...

... including the COMPLETE game manual:

You also have the option of adjusting the video output to fill the entire screen:

This distorts the image a little bit, but i think its worth it to get the full sized image.

As far as the installation processes. The download went pretty quickly, and it will require the PSP to be plugged in prior to the download. Hopefully this restriction will be removed once the PS3 itself can play the games. It is clear the download is stored on the PS3 HDD, but it does not seem to be accessible from the XMB interface.

After the download is complete, there is an installation process to the PSP, which actually takes WAY too long. Clearly its doing more than just copying the file because 383MB over USB2 should be done in a few minutes. It took at least 10.

Also, the license download is probably going to be confusing for some people. Its not a big deal per se, but it isn't very elegant.

Including the manual was a pleasant surprise.

On the memory card, the game file is in /PSP/GAME/SCUS94240 and the eboot.pbp itself is 387MB, so we're clearly not just getting an ISO here.

Screens Via Comments

December 5th, 2006, 01:50
They opted to use Eboots? Wow... Thats just stupid if you ask me... How long until the eboots are unpacked and then repacked minus the fancy certification checker? (which would null it on a regular PSP but make it available for Homebrew enabled ones should we get a stable 3.0 SE or stable Devhooked 3.0.

But I suppose sharing the game, even if we own it, would be illegal, since Sony is rereleasing them for profit...

Then again, this whole post assumes the cert checker isn't built into the firmware, but there must be something inside the eboots that contains information specific to that PSP (to ensure that it can't be run on another PSP).

December 5th, 2006, 07:00
They opted to use Eboots? Wow... Thats just stupid if you ask me... How long until the eboots are unpacked and then repacked minus the fancy certification checker? (which would null it on a regular PSP but make it available for Homebrew enabled ones should we get a stable 3.0 SE or stable Devhooked 3.0.

But I suppose sharing the game, even if we own it, would be illegal, since Sony is rereleasing them for profit...

Then again, this whole post assumes the cert checker isn't built into the firmware, but there must be something inside the eboots that contains information specific to that PSP (to ensure that it can't be run on another PSP).

I agree with you, but at the same time have to wonder when it will be taken advantage of...oh...it will be...it will be...

December 5th, 2006, 14:01
Wow, I did not realise that u need a PS3 to do this, those are some very expensive PSone games.

When the PSone games on psp was announced, loads of people, including myself, worried that it might be done through the PS3. For my troubles I was called stupid (on another forum), and I was told that I would have to be thick to imagine that $ony would force current PSP owners to buy a $500 console just to play PSone games. I wish the people who said that could hear me laughing now.