View Full Version : Subdermal Magnets Allow You To Wear an IPod Like a Watch

May 14th, 2012, 23:04
Tattoo artist Jersey from Dynasty Tattoo (in New Jersey) implanted sub-dermal magnets in his arm to wear his iPod touch like a watch (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/david-hurban-surgically-implants-magnets-into-wrist-to-wear-ipod.html). From the article: '“Those magnets are actually called micro-dermal anchors, and in body piercing they are very common. The tops are actually just 5 millimetre magnetic tops,” he said. “I took the ends of magnets and actually adhered them to the back of the iPod, and that’s how they click into my skin.” He added: “I can go for a run and it won’t come off. I’ve already taken it to the gym and jogged with it on.”'"
