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View Full Version : PSP: GameShareLoader For FW2.80 v0.02

December 5th, 2006, 23:25
0okm has updated his fancy GameShareLoader to v0.02. This is a TIFF app that will let you run GameSharing demos (probably other demos too) ripped from your UMD, so you can use them without having to switch UMDs and such.


- v0.02
add path to Max. 63 char.
add File size & Error Message

More than 50 GameShare enabled demos are reported to work, and can be used on firmwares 2.50-2.80 (in addition to 2.71 SE-C), depending on which firmware the demos require.

Oh, and 0okm has changed its name from "GemeShareLoader" to "GameShareLoader" in case you didn't notice. The first name was a typo from his side.

Download via comments
Via 0okm (http://0okm.blogspot.com/2006/12/gameshareloader-for-fw280-v002-by-0okm.html)

December 5th, 2006, 23:55
im not gonna try it though
but nice work man

December 6th, 2006, 00:24
i heard this makes the gameshare into an eboot file. if it does that can we take it and put it online so others can play it on there psp. and if someone does it can i play it with my bros 3.0 psp,
just the eboot.

December 6th, 2006, 01:16
umm cool. i gots a game i own that i ripped just for mucking around with and i know is got a gamshare demo on it how do i extract it?

Mr. Shizzy
December 6th, 2006, 09:16
Does this support multiple gameshare demos. (in the loader folder) Or just one at a time?

December 8th, 2006, 00:59
you have to make a folder with the same files and then add your eboot. so if I had syphon filter I woul rip the gameshare file download this, rename the gameshare file eboot.pbp, then put the eboot in the extracted folder and move it to photo folder
rename it anything so it doesnt overwrite. then start it up. If you want to do another game then do the same thing