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View Full Version : Resistance to be patched

December 6th, 2006, 11:34
Those of you playing Resistance: Fall of Man online in the UK (hi Rob) will be pleased to hear that Insomniac's working on a patch to spruce up a few things.

This from the developer's lead multiplayer programmer Eric Ellis, whose latest blog (http://www.insomniacgames.com/community/blarg_full.php?bid=27)post offers some insight:

"I can't yet talk about all the things we've changed, but I really think that people will be very pleased to see how responsive this is to some concerns that have come out since we went live," he writes.

"We've addressed a few key balance issues and put a big focus on making it possible to more effectively use a variety of strategic and team-based tactics in the game. I'm very excited to see how people like the change when it releases. That should happen very soon, so stay tuned."

Resistance: Fall of Man is due out alongside the PlayStation 3 in Europe next March, although there's no word on whether that version will be patched up prior to release.

Eurogamer.net (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=70719)

December 6th, 2006, 11:54
That's good to hear but i doubt the patch will come with the games - i have a feeling the disc for european lauch are already in a warehouse somewhere and waiting to be shipped.