View Full Version : Saints Row 4 surfaces on Linkedin profile

May 17th, 2012, 00:36
The next in line for THQ’s Saints Row series may already be in the works, if a Volition employee’s Linkedin info is to be believed.
Superannuation (https://twitter.com/#!/supererogatory/status/202579737552498689) uncovered the mention of Saints Row 4 on the Linkedin profile of David Payne, an artist for Volition who has worked on sevral games in the franchise. Along with lead prop and weapon artist for the yet to be announced fourth effort, Payne’s credits also include work on Saints Row 2, Saints Row 3, and its standalone expansion Enter the Dominatrix.
According to Payne’s listing, Saints Row 4 is to see release on PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360.
Both THQ and Volition have yet to comment on the supposed leak, and it’s doubtful they will anytime soon with the aforementioned third title’s expansion slated for September of this year (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/saints-row-series-ships-11m-units/096123).
Update: Payne’s profile has since been updated to remove mention of the unannounced title.
