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View Full Version : Ben 10 Wii U game incoming

May 17th, 2012, 13:29
Another Wii U (http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/27210/nintendo-wii-u-everything-you-need-to-know/) game has been confirmed ahead of the E3 2012 conference. Yes, Ben 10: Omniverse Wii U is coming to Nintendo's new console as well as Wii, DS and 3DS (http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/33477/best-3ds-games/).
Ben 10: Omniverse for Wii U is based in the forthcoming cartoon series that will be aired on Cartoon Network. Ben has a new look for this action brawler and he's joined by a new sidekick called Rook, a skilled but inexperienced Plumber graduate who is armed with a Proto-Tool, a high-tech multifunction weapon designed to battle evil.
Just like in the cartoons, you'll be able to switch forms and battle as one of 13 playable alien heroes in a bid to defeat the evil plans of a fierce villain, intent on destroying the world. New alien forms include Bloxx and Gravattack.
You'll be able to play with a friend in two-player co-op mode on the Wii U and Wii with one player taking charge of Ben and his alien forms and the other in control of Rook.However, this co-op mode won't appear in the DS and 3DS versions of the game.
