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View Full Version : Santa's Present Quest (v1)

December 7th, 2006, 21:47
News/release from Yongobongo:

This is my ever first game released, and I thought since it's Christmas time, why not make a fun little xmas game

So what's this game about?
I based the concept of this game off this game I played a while ago. I was looking for something to make, because I wanted to make a game, hopefully a Christmas kind of game
Then I remembered the good old "drop the presents and hope they land in the chimney" game, so I did a google for it.
There it was, so I decided, I'm making something like this for PSP!

Basically, you do that, drop the presents in the chimneys! But avoid hitting the chimneys, they will damage your sleigh!

Santa's Shop
Little idea I had, after you die each time, you get the amount of points in your score added onto your money. You can use the money to buy new stuff in the shop like more HP, different backgrounds and presents, new sleighs -
There's not much in the shop now, but if this a popular feature, i'll work on adding alot more
There's also a highscore counter, so if you beat your previous highscore, it'll overwrite the old one.

You start with $500 just to get you started if you want something in the shop

It may seem not that much work to you, but it was actually not that easy. I had never made a game before, only apps, and I had to learn how to do collision and everything. But that's a good thing, because now it's easy for me to make more games!
So please don't steal this and say you made it. That really ticks me off when people do that

Known bugs:

Cannot drop more then one present at the same time, or it will delete the previously dropped one (if someone can help me, would be appreciated )
Exit isn't quite working correctly
Shop is laggy on the PSP
Please report any bugs you find to me So I can make this game better

To Do List

Health Potions or something of the likes - To get back lost health from hitting chimneys
Bonus points - If you get 3 in a row or something
Bonus collectables - Things that randomly appear somewhere on the screen and if you collect it, you get bonus points
Better Santa shop - ie. More stuff to buy, more reasonable prices (judging from feedbacks )
Bonuses at the end of a round that ask you a random question from a quiz, and if you get it right you get some bonus points
Be able to drop more then 1 present at a time
Randomize the present graphic (big maybe)
Recommend something and i'll see if I can make it happen!
Enjoy, and merry christmas!

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December 7th, 2006, 21:50
hmmm.. this is a gr8 idea.. i like the concept. some of the bugs you stated really need to be tweaked, and i love the todo list.. those would make it a gemmmm..

keep it up!!

December 9th, 2006, 15:59
Great game. I made a version of this one for the ColecoVision. Very fun.