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View Full Version : Linux Wii-Mote Driver

December 8th, 2006, 23:14
Davr (http://blog.davr.org/2006/12/06/control-xorg-cursor-with-wiimote/) has released a driver for the Wiimote in Linux:

Heres the details:

Our good friend e-Hernick is working on a "driver" for linux to use the wiimote (The controller for Nintendo's Wii). I say "driver" in quotes, because it's not really a driver, as it doesn't have any kernel-mode code. In fact, it is simply a python script.

e-Hernick sez: "OH YEAH! I am now controlling the XORG MOUSE with the WIIMOTE IR, with the use of my very own wiimotulator.py!"

I haven't personally tested it, (mainly since I don't have a wiimote). But it looks neat.

Download wiimotulator.py

Requirements: Linux 2.6 with evdev and uinput, Xorg 7.0 with evdev BlueZ, PyBluez 0.9.1, a Wiimote, 2 IR emitters of some sort (even candles work apparently!)

Heres the news from the newest release:

UPDATE: to version 0.0.2alpha. Now supports mouse buttons: 1 = left click, 2 = right click.

UPDATE the second: to version "Eager Beaver". e-Hernick sez: "GOOD NEWS EVERYONE, *** My WiiMote Driver for Linux, WMD Eager Beaver *** has now been released! It now has better documentation, and you can easily change the actions associated with the keys! Get it here and tell me what you think!"

64bit users:for 64bit linux, you could try changing line 729 from:



UPDATE the third: to version No specific info on what has changed.

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