View Full Version : Online Chess Kingdoms

December 9th, 2006, 12:14
New US Version PSP Game released, heres the details:


Online Chess Kingdoms is the definitive chess strategy title for the PSP® (PlayStation® portable) system and will be available in Fall 2006. Taking full advantage of the PSP® system's wireless connectivity, Online Chess Kingdoms will feature extensive multiplayer modes including gameplay over the Internet. In addition, the game will offer comprehensive single player modes that will challenge the skills of even the most experienced players. Combining powerful 3D graphics, animated battle sequences and storytelling as well as an intense Battle Mode, Online Chess Kingdoms promises to deliver the ultimate interactive chess experience.


Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-2pz-71-b9-49-en-84-j-70-1q06.html

December 9th, 2006, 13:47
Why do these people spend money on devkits etc,
when they produce the sh*te games!

That looks really bad. its Chess with some FX

December 9th, 2006, 15:41
Meh, the game is alright. . .if you like chess that is.

It was fun for a little bit but it just made me want to go play tabletop chess. XD

December 9th, 2006, 15:48
Hmm I must be the only one that think's this is a good idea.

Except it should have a classic chess mode though.

December 9th, 2006, 15:49
Why do these people spend money on devkits etc,
when they produce the sh*te games!

That looks really bad. its Chess with some FX

You are now in my wife's bad books. She loves this game. This game is quite good. There's even a story mode.

December 9th, 2006, 18:23
I just got this game for around $15... and I must say it is shockingly enjoyable. :o But maybe that's because I'm a Chess freak. :P

December 9th, 2006, 20:00
It reminds me of playing Battle Chess on the Amiga, which was great!
Online play?, do they mean you can play anyone, anywhere?
I expect that the online play can be annoying though, since there will be people who think they have time to play, but then quit half-way through.

December 9th, 2006, 23:19
This game is actually. good. There are so many different modes, difficulty settings, online modes, etc. There is a story and background to the game as well which makes it have more depth.

Online play is great. You claim territory in different regions and other players from around the world can challenge you to try and claim that territory. There is a scorechart which tracks your wins and defeats as well as other statistics.

What is super cool is there is a sort of Real Time Strategy mode which is basically CHESS on SPEED!!!! You don't sit and wait for minutes for your opponent to decide on a move. You get a an energy bar and when it fills you take a turn. Its chaos. If your mind is not sharp enough your opponent could move three or more pieces before you even get to move one. So you need to think FAST!!!

The battle animations are great. The game looks really good.

This is a fairly good game for moderate Chess fans and a REALLY GOOD game for huge chess/medieval fans.

December 10th, 2006, 05:06
nice review, you should post wraggster and ask for it on the front page.

December 10th, 2006, 05:44
It's actually fun because you can play online. But the actual story mode and things like that I don't care for (although I'm sure they're good). Being able to watch tv and play someone in chess though is just a nice experience.

December 10th, 2006, 06:07
This Game is an 9 out of ten. I picked this up from the store today after I played a friends, It also allows you to play online against others. It's about time more online games are made for the PSP, even if it's chess. If you like chess this is worth a purchase in itself. the novice mode is not hard as it should be for beginners and the expert mode will challenge the best chess players. There is even a battle mode move your peices as fast as possible to take your opponent out. Think your good at chess try this mode, you will see where your skills have been lacking, it's like playing a whole new game. GREAT CONCEPT.. Great Company! Great Game!



December 10th, 2006, 06:09
I also think it's a pretty good game, not a big chess fan either.