View Full Version : SnakeSP

December 10th, 2006, 01:07
News/release from MrMr[iCE]:

Here's a little homebrew I've been working on for a few days:

needs 1.5 fw, untested on other versions, any volunteers? (only got 1.5 here)

use the analog stick to steer the snake. 2 kinds of food will show up:
1) normal (yellow) food that can add from 1 to 8 segments to the snake
2) slowdown (red) food that will slow down the snake.

as you collect food, the snake will get longer and faster. Right now there's no
way to 'die'...you can cut down the tail length by running into yourself, the segment from there on will go away, leaving you a shorter snake.

heres a video clip of a test:


any ideas are welcome.

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December 10th, 2006, 01:14
just tried this on 2.71 se-c and it works. Nice looking game and it plays pretty sweet. would be nice if the d-pad worked for controls and the lack of sound makes it lack something...doesn't need music just some bleeps and blips when you eat food or cut your tail.

decent game though, cheers

December 10th, 2006, 01:25
eek! strange things happen when you go off screen. your snake doesn't scroll. hmm, it's fun until that happens.

December 10th, 2006, 11:27
This looks really good MrMr[iCE]. Keep it up!

December 10th, 2006, 17:29
I like the way it looks! Very cool! Keep it up! :)