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View Full Version : Dutch Get Fighting Over Last Wii

December 10th, 2006, 01:30
Via Kotaku (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/wii/dutch-get-fighting-over-last-wii-220674.php)

And I'd always thought of the Dutch as an easy-going kind of people. These two sure aren't.

The Wii shortages in Europe look like they've taken their toll on some people's grip on reality, with the last remaining Wii at the MediaMarkt store in Zwolle, in the Netherlands, going to the winner of an impromptu bout of fisticuffs (well...some shoving and grappling, at least).

While on the one hand it's kind of sad seeing people reduced to this kind of behaviour, it does beg the question: how awesome would it have been if the initial PS3 shipment allocations went down like this? Lines are for pussies, real men fight for their consoles.

Video Here (http://games.fok.nl/news.php?newsid=15310)