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View Full Version : MSN's top 10 Worst Games of All time

December 10th, 2006, 01:57
MSN (http://tech.msn.com/products/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1225420) have posted an article detailing the Top 10 worst games of all time, heres the top 10 in list form:

1. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Atari, 1982)
Platform: Atari 2600

2. Super Columbine Massacre RPG (Danny Ledonne, 2005)
Platform: Windows

3. Custer's Revenge (Mystique, 1982)
Platform: Atari 2600

4. Daikatana (Eidos Interactive, 2000)
Platforms: Windows, Nintendo 64, GameCube

5. Pac-Man (Atari, 1981)
Platform: Atari 2600

6. Smurf Rescue (Coleco, 1982)
Platforms: ColecoVision, Atari 2600

7. Shaq Fu (Electronic Arts, 1994)
Platforms: Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Amiga, Game Boy

8. Make My Video (Digital Pictures, 1992)
Platform: Sega CD

9. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Ubisoft, 2004)
Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Windows, cell phone, PlayStation Portable (as Prince of Persia: Revelations)

10. Elf Bowling (NStorm, 2005)
Platform: Nintendo DS

Do you agree or disagree with the list

December 10th, 2006, 02:09
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within being 9th worst game of all time? What the hell did the MSN staff smoke?

December 10th, 2006, 02:11
Seriously, WTH?! PoP #9? Why?

December 10th, 2006, 02:28
what about pacman??? i know most of you whippersnappers ( shakes fist in air) werent alive back in 1982, but ive always been a gamer,and it didnt matter if the graphics were kinda crappy compared to the arcade version, but jsut being able to play in your house ON YOUR OWN TV?!?!?! that was the.....sh!zznat, oooooohhhh yeahhhhhh....

December 10th, 2006, 02:31
I think they've got worst and best games mixed up, pac-man?

December 10th, 2006, 02:33
PAC-MAN!?!? wtf i love pac-man

December 10th, 2006, 02:34
They obviously didn't think that list through. I mean, #2 was just made by one person in his house or something, so if they're going to count games that aren't even made by real video game companies, there are millions of games to consider, and they'd all be especially worse than Prince of Persia and Daikatana (which was released on the Gameboy Color, not the freaking Gamecube).
Just because Atari's Pac-Man was ugly compared to the arcade version didn't make it BAD. Just ugly! Which never meant much in the days of the Atari home console.
What about the World War 2 Combat series' two awful games with the second one being even worse than the first? They were released on the freaking XBOX but the first one has graphics from 1999 and the second one has graphics from 1996!
I mean, I could go on and on about the games a real list could include, but they still wouldn't be the top ten worst of all time.
"Top 10 Worst Games of All Time" is a far-too-general topic, especially when done half-assedly by some dudes at MSN.
A realistic list would be "Top 10 Worst Games of 2006" or "Top 10 Worst Games on the Nintendo Entertainment System", not "Top 10 Worst Games on any system anywhere made by anyone".

December 10th, 2006, 02:37
How could Pacman be on this list? And I kinda liked Shaqfu for SNES. It's not great but it's playable. I spent a lot of time playing that game back in the day. It has some pretty interesting characters. And the ridiculous storyline makes it kinda funny.

I agree with Elf Bowling for NDS. It is really horrible.

This is an impossible list to make though. If a game really sucks, no one will have played it for it to be recognized as bad.

December 10th, 2006, 02:46
Elf Bowling should at least be #2 :rofl:

December 10th, 2006, 03:05
They should of made it clear it was specifically the ATARI Pac-Man.

ET for 1 sounds about right, I hear they ended up dumping a huge lot of those in some landfill somewhere because they couldn't get rid of them and overstocked due to the popularity of the movie.

December 10th, 2006, 03:08
Wow...No Prince of Presia game should be one of the worst games.

Would Gamespot give a crappy game an 8.8?

December 10th, 2006, 03:18
um. Yes. Yes, they would. I don't trust professional game reviewers, most happen to be terrible at actually diagnosing how good a game is. I'll take gamer review's anyday from a site like gamefaqs instead. They actually paid for it, rather than getting paid to play it.

However, on this issue, I'll agree with you. PoP: WW was definitely a good game. Not one of the top 10 worst. It had a few issues, but nothing approaching worst game or even an unplayable one.

December 10th, 2006, 03:19
POP:WW, wtf???
gamespot rated that 8.8 and i luv all the prince of persia games. who made this list?????? also, how could anyone list the '10 worst games of all time', to quote Kip from Napolean Dynomite, "like anyone could even know that, Napolean"

December 10th, 2006, 03:23
Wow...No Prince of Presia game should be one of the worst games.

Would Gamespot give a crappy game an 8.8?

Didn't Twilight Princess get an 8.8? :rofl:

December 10th, 2006, 03:28
Daikatana, Shaq-Fu?

There are REALLY worse games than those...
As for Prince Of Persia... I don't want to comment...

December 10th, 2006, 03:50
Why do both of you guys (IamAbe and SuperNovaBova) bother mentioning that Gamespot gave Prince of Persia an 8.8? Who cares?
And damn straight, Nevuk. "Professional" reviewers make extremely biased reviews and always leave out really important points, giving mediocre games really high ratings because of their popularity or giving generally unknown but really great games moderate-to-low ratings because, y'know, WHO CARES ABOUT THEM, RIGHT?
They also give good games low ratings because they get paid to review games outside of their genre interests. I like First Person Shooters and Real-Time Strategies, so of course I'd be more interested in Medal of Honor/Starcraft than I would in, say, Zelda, not giving Zelda extra "fanboy" points in the 1-out-of-10 ratings.
Gamespot and Gamefaqs are the same place, though, hence why the logo for Gamefaqs on their web page has the Gamespot logo on top of it. I'm always making "player" reviews for Gamespot. I'm not sure why player/reader reviews for Gamefaqs and Gamespot are kept seperately.

Wow, look at this post. I can just go on and on.

December 10th, 2006, 04:03
i thot prince of persia warrior within was the best prince of persia not to mention one of my top ten fevorite games ever

December 10th, 2006, 04:04
I believe the reason they are a separate was a concession to the Gamefaqs user community. (Gamespot has some very, very, VERY stupid users)
And yeah, I was referring to user reviews, used gamefaqs instead of gamespot b/c gamefaqs has no other reviews aside from users

December 10th, 2006, 04:07
ok I can't take a worst games list without extreme paintbrawl on it seriously

and as for et being the worst?? how many people do you even know who played the game? me never played it. don't know the 2nd cousin of an uncle that played it. don't know ANYONE who actually has played the game. I think it really ushered in the videogame crash of 83' because they made WAAAY too many of the cart

December 10th, 2006, 04:10
Man shaq-fu gives me memories. It was so fun to play that game and make fun of it at thee same time. I like how the moves happened like 2 seconds after you did the command. But prince of persia is not really a bad game and definitley not a top 10 worse.

December 10th, 2006, 04:35
Atari 2600 Pacman was a great game!

It was a horrible port, but a great game on it's own!

December 10th, 2006, 04:41
Where is Shadow: The Hedgehog on this list?

December 10th, 2006, 04:48
I can't think of any truely bad games off the top of my head, but I know for a fact that most of the games on this list, are not meant to be there. I hope everyone here gets in contact with these "reviewers" and flame them to bits, hopefully also get them in trouble with someone high up. Sounds nasty, but so is that list. Alot of coders sweated bullets to create those games and now along comes some punks thinking they know what makes a good/bad video game, I think they need to be locked up. Seriously. :P

Basil Zero
December 10th, 2006, 04:50
i understand the #1 and #3

but why is Pacman and Prince of Persia WW in the list, must be made by some gaming noob

December 10th, 2006, 05:15
dukes of hazzard on the atari 2600 was the worst, closely followed by halloween on the same console...you have got to try these just to see how bad a game can be...

December 10th, 2006, 05:38
WTF houw could Prince of Persia be one of the top ten worst! are they smoking weed! that game was great!

I'm gonna make a better top 10 worst game list:

2.Legend of Zelda wand of gamelon-CDI
3.Legend of Zelda princess zelda's adventure-CDI
4.ET-atari 2600
5.Bubsy 3D-PS1
7.DBZ Budokai 1-PS2
8.Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-GBA and DS
9.Barbie Horse adventures-PS2
10.Custer's Revenge-atari 2600

This list brough to you by metalspector, reviewing genious and wonder!

December 10th, 2006, 05:49
i understand the #1 and #3

but why is Pacman and Prince of Persia WW in the list, must be made by some gaming noob

More like you're a noob, if you'd ever played or even seen Pacman on the Atari 2600, you'd know why it was placed there.

Jesus I hate that word, I feel like a dumbass for using it.

December 10th, 2006, 05:55
lol MSN don't have any idea about video games -_-

December 10th, 2006, 06:09
HOLY #%@%#@ WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD PUT PACMAN ON THE TOP 10 WORST LIST!??! IT SHOULD BE INT HE TOP 10 BEST.. THERE ARE LIKE 29835798235 FORMS OF THAT GAME AND ITS PLAYED ON LIKE EVERY SYSTEM EVER MADE, I GOT IT ON MY CALCULATOR... and prince of persia? i didnt play that specific game, but how could anything from that line of games be in the list.. just the name itself would make it a good game

December 10th, 2006, 06:16
lol @ PoP being worse then Dave Mirra PSP, or even Madden 97 on the Saturn.

silly Microsoft.

December 10th, 2006, 06:29
Ok, but POP 2 as being BAD? WTF? Do these guys play videogames?

December 10th, 2006, 06:30
I figured it out, it's not the 10 worst games ever- it's the order of the games they have played, from worst to best in their moronic opinion.

December 10th, 2006, 07:21
Screw this list, pac-man is the best game of all time, and prince of persia rocks.

December 10th, 2006, 07:38
Yea, notice that no Microsoft games are on this list....

December 10th, 2006, 07:40
Oh, I failed to mention some... let's see... Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus, Nightcaster, and my personal favorite, Azurik *barf*

December 10th, 2006, 07:50
I vaguely remember Rise of the Robots got a slating when it came out - that was pretty awful

December 10th, 2006, 08:47
This list holds absolutely no sway with me. Sure they've got some crappy games on there, but the people who compiled the list wouldn't know a video game from a board game. Screw 'em.

December 10th, 2006, 09:47
Where the **** is Superman 64?

December 10th, 2006, 11:10
The Smurfs on ColecoVision:

Huh? I played this game in my childhood, and I didn't find it hard to play (perhaps very very very very very short)...

And I don't remember of any nude Smurfette...

December 10th, 2006, 11:16
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within being 9th worst game of all time? What the hell did the MSN staff smoke?

Espeiccally since POP 3D was FAR worse. (was released for the DC ISTR)

The original Tomb Raider was a huge 3D homage to to Jordan Mechner's original POP. POP 3D was their attempt to copy the success of Tomb Raider ... A copy of copy of a copy of a copy...

Does anyone wonder why Mechner doesn't associate himself with *any* of the POP seuqels?

December 10th, 2006, 11:34
WTF houw could Prince of Persia be one of the top ten worst! are they smoking weed! that game was great!

I'm gonna make a better top 10 worst game list:

2.Legend of Zelda wand of gamelon-CDI
3.Legend of Zelda princess zelda's adventure-CDI
4.ET-atari 2600
5.Bubsy 3D-PS1
7.DBZ Budokai 1-PS2
8.Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-GBA and DS
9.Barbie Horse adventures-PS2
10.Custer's Revenge-atari 2600

This list brough to you by metalspector, reviewing genious and wonder!

Definitely a much better list, though I'd probably lump the two CDI Zelda's into one category and free up another slot for either Rise of the Robots (console fighting game from the mid 90's with one button) or some of the more pathetic Laserdisc arcade games from the early 80's (Konami's Badlands or perhaps even Us vs Them from Mylstar).

December 10th, 2006, 14:32
I think most of DS racing games deserve to be on this list
compare them to their counterparts on other systems... hell, y did they even bother porting to DS?

December 10th, 2006, 14:48
What?! Pac-man , Shaq Fu and Prince of Persia:WW??

Tottally disagree with those two ...!

December 10th, 2006, 15:35
Everybody, the Pac Man they have on the list was the Atari 2600 port, which was considered by many to be bad for the graphics and bad controls. For me, I actually like the 2600 port, but it still doesn't come close to the original arcade version.

December 10th, 2006, 15:35
PoP and Pac-man cannot be in that list.

December 10th, 2006, 16:40
Everybody, the Pac Man they have on the list was the Atari 2600 port, which was considered by many to be bad for the graphics and bad controls. For me, I actually like the 2600 port, but it still doesn't come close to the original arcade version.

Agreed. It wasn't near as good as the arcade version, but it was by no means a terrible game. This list is absolute crap, for sure.

December 10th, 2006, 17:10
Everybody, the Pac Man they have on the list was the Atari 2600 port, which was considered by many to be bad for the graphics and bad controls. For me, I actually like the 2600 port, but it still doesn't come close to the original arcade version.

It doesn't matter, some people around here can't seem to read. So they'll keep saying things like 'omg Pac-Man can't be on that list!' even when the platform was specifically stated.

I had an Atari 2600. Pac-Man was the first game I got (not counting Combat). No matter which way you were going the head always faced the same direction! And the sound effects were awesome in their own right. I played the bejesus out of it but it was still a bad game. Not sure if it was bad enough to end up on this list but I can see why it did. At least they did a much better job with the Ms Pac-Man port.

Poor E.T. I don't think he'll ever lose that top spot.

Cap'n 1time
December 10th, 2006, 18:33
I recall seeing the dorky snes cart with shaq in his kungfu pose. I had a friend spend the night when i was maybe 8,9, or 10 and he suggested i rent it.. so i did.. and it is far from the worst game ive ever played. In fact i sort of liked it.

the atari 2600 port of pacman was indeed a shitty one, though not nearly the worst game I have ever played.

I dont know if it was PoP WW that i played, but some prince of persia game i played ON PSP had terrible controls and was just frustrating for me to play. As i was a huge fan of the first couple of PoP remakes that came out on xbox i was disappointed and might even go as far as saying that it was a shitty game.

So in conclusion you could say some of these games (with the exception of shaqfu which was not terrible at all) could some how fall in the category of bad.. but certainly not the worst.

December 10th, 2006, 18:41
wheres superman 64 or aquaman??

December 10th, 2006, 19:11
Pac Man?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! :(

December 10th, 2006, 21:01
The point is that if you do not recognize superman 64 as the worst game then it's known that you know nothing about videogames. I have played hundreds of different games from new consoles like the ps3 to old consoles like the atari 2600 and rare consoles like game.com, atari lynx and CDI and even those with no popularity whatsoever like the n-gage and 3DO yet no game in the world, not even a lua coded game made by a begginer could be worst than superman 64 cause it's not that it was not fun and it was bad, it's that just playing it is a torture and mental pain. Also you must know that the legend of zelda games that were done for the CDI when nintendo gave them rights to do legend of zelda games for cd technology were horrible!

And anyone casual gamer should know that no PoP game is below average, PoP warrior within was probably the 3rd worst PoP of the series but it still was good and I can gladly give it a 7.5/10.

December 10th, 2006, 21:27
warrior within wasn't bad at all! PACMAN! they are WRONG. jeez, what about the game 21 Crd games just out on ps2. i heard it scored 0/10 in some magazine

December 10th, 2006, 21:45
PoP WW was pretty crap compared to Sands of Time, all it was was fighting, and none of the adventure and puzzles SoT had. But definately not the worst game of all time.

December 10th, 2006, 22:33
What's wrong the Smurf game, it was my 1st Super Mario Bros! :)

December 11th, 2006, 00:14
hey guys lets not forget superman 64.... that game is why i have glasses...

December 11th, 2006, 00:14
hey guys lets not forget superman 64.... that game is why i have glasses...

December 11th, 2006, 02:32
custers revenge was so bad it was funny

December 11th, 2006, 02:44
The point is that if you do not recognize superman 64 as the worst game then it's known that you know nothing about videogames. I have played hundreds of different games from new consoles like the ps3 to old consoles like the atari 2600 and rare consoles like game.com, atari lynx and CDI and even those with no popularity whatsoever like the n-gage and 3DO yet no game in the world, not even a lua coded game made by a begginer could be worst than superman 64 cause it's not that it was not fun and it was bad, it's that just playing it is a torture and mental pain. Also you must know that the legend of zelda games that were done for the CDI when nintendo gave them rights to do legend of zelda games for cd technology were horrible!

And anyone casual gamer should know that no PoP game is below average, PoP warrior within was probably the 3rd worst PoP of the series but it still was good and I can gladly give it a 7.5/10.
You got that right. Superman 64 SUCKED! I hated it... It was so bad... That was the first game i bought for my n64 that wasn't in the original star wars/n64 bundle (2nd game overall). It left me with a sour taste of N64 and the most fun I had was playing in PRACTICE MODE in that game (at least there was someone you can fight, and messing around with that black car was fun, I used to pick it up and throw it at the guy in black),

December 11th, 2006, 03:00
I actually liked Superman 64. then again, i rarely dislike games, movies, music, etc. but i can dislike people. I do really dislike this list though. I find it quite bad and horribly made. They musn't been on anything though because some of those games are trippy but i can see why E.T. was top because it was bad. People have to realise that bad games aren't talked about.
Also, GDF what is those 21 crd ps2 games? I have no idea what your talking about. Also, Bubsy 3D was quite a horrible game. Bubsy's were alright but that was horrible. it had a quote on the case saying it was like super mario 64 or something, and it was wrong. That game was just ridiculosy bad. Also, what about Dave Mirra Bmx Challenge for PSP. That has to be possibly one of the worst games of all time. The physics, graphics, gameplay, etc. It wasn't that hard except for actually finding the fun in it. That game would make my top ten worst but i also think that all those games are old and that the people overlooked the newer ones like Dave Mirra for psp. i mean, ign noted it as the worst game. Man, this list is just way off.

December 11th, 2006, 03:32
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within for PS2 scored 84% average on gamerankings.com. I think this is more telling as this is an average score from 57 media outlets. The PSP version scored 67% which is probably fair given some of the save and control issues.

No way it is one of the worst games of all time. I think someone's trying to get a rise out of us, or they are just fools.

The Atari 2600 Pacman was pretty crap, but I could easily say 10 games for that system alone that were worse.

December 11th, 2006, 11:10
Seems like the list was made by one person! Obviously that person had a serious problem trying to play PoP - no way a whole group of people when asked said, "oh yeah, stick in PoP!"

Anyone could give their own top ten worst and it would be different to just about anyone else's. Depends on what you played, and wrap it up in an 'offical' capacity like saying its the MSN top ten worst doesn't lend it any more validity then me posting mine....IMO! :)

December 11th, 2006, 11:28
They Say: Best games of all time
They are so stupid. PacMan was a very famous game. A lot of Incompetence at MSN

December 11th, 2006, 11:32
Predator on the Specy and C64 was a truly awful movie/game connverion.

...and Red Heat was another stinker on the specy that deserves to be on the worst ever game list.

The Street Fighter The Movie game was also a pile of poo.

December 11th, 2006, 12:09
Pacman on the atari2600 was bollocks. Although it's sound fx are used in nearly every god damn movie from 1980!

December 11th, 2006, 16:22
Seriously, if you do your research, Pac-Man for the Atari 2600 was a GIGANTIC disappointment. It looked almost nothing like Pac-man, and it played horribly.

......Believe me....I've played it...

December 11th, 2006, 16:33
suckers all of 'em.. :D

December 11th, 2006, 16:47
Elf Bowling is a pretty fun game for your computer, while you are sitting there on company time being bored...
Not sure about the DS version though...

Cap'n 1time
December 11th, 2006, 17:10
people arnt getting that they are referring to specifically the atari 2600 port of pacman, which they probably never played. actually if i recall correctly it played like it was supposed too.. just had a few minor graphical glitches either due to lazy programming or.... ?

December 11th, 2006, 21:40
What idiots wrote this? I wasnt even alive wen Pac-Man came out but I know that pac-man is the shit. And POP WW is crack(addicting) Microsoft ppl are so stupid.

December 11th, 2006, 22:02
Last Action Hero should have been included in the list! That game was hor-ri-ble >_<