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View Full Version : ESA blasts back at the E3 critics

May 27th, 2012, 21:16
E3 organiser ESA has hit back at those who say the show has become irrelevant.
Detractors have claimed the annual event is out-dated since its primary focus is on the struggling boxed games market.
But the ESA says the appearance of Zynga and GREE at this year’s showcase is evidence of an event that is very much in time with today’s games industry.
“I disagree with broad declarations that a show which hasn’t occurred yet is irrelevant,” said ESA’s industry affairs SVP Rich Taylor.
“Folks haven’t even seen what’s going to take place. The fact that Zynga and GREE are going to be there is reflective of a show that is very much relevant. These firms are talking specifically about mobile and social.”
ESA sends a survey out after each E3 in a bid to ensure it continues to meet the demands of its attendees.
“There isn’t a better amplify for new games than E3. What happens in LA will be heard around the globe and echo around for the months to follow,” adds Taylor.
“If E3 was losing relevancy we’d be having a fire sale on exhibit space, but it is the opposite, we are packed to the gills. I think it’s going to be one of the strongest shows we’ve had in a long time.
“The industry will change and we will change with it.”
