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View Full Version : Puzzle Quest: Warlords Invades Handhelds

December 11th, 2006, 22:24
via IGN (http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/750/750323p1.html)

Today, D3Publisher announced Puzzle Quest: Warlords for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS handheld systems. Puzzle Quest incorporates role-playing and strategy elements with classic puzzle-based gameplay.

"We believe consumers will enjoy the combination of much-loved gameplay styles incorporated into Puzzle Quest and find the game to be a compelling choice for casual or on-the-go gamers, as well as offer a great challenge to more seasoned gamers," said Michael Scharnikow of D3. "Puzzle Quest can be enjoyed in either long or short doses of gameplay for a casual, yet also deeply satisfying and immersive, gameplay experience."

Puzzle Quest forces gamers to create their own hero in order to save the land of Etheria from the evils that threaten it. In order to complete this quest, players must battle in turn-based, head-to-head puzzle games in one of three distinct gameplay modes: Single-player pits gamers against the computer AI in a series of 150 quests, Instant Action allows gamers to jump in and immediately play continuous battles to level-up characters without the need to participate in quests, finally Multiplayer lets players take on opponents via wireless connectivity on both handheld systems.

Puzzle Quest: Warlords for both the PSP and Nintendo DS will ship to North American retailers in March 2007.