View Full Version : Tiled

December 12th, 2006, 20:21
Tomaz posted this news/release:

Here's a little Slide Puzzle homebrew I've been working on for a few days which is a port of a PC game i made several years ago.
This was made just for fun and to test the functionality of the 2D part of my PSP game engine.

only tested on :
1.5 fw

use d.pad left / right in the menu to choose which image to use for the puzzle.
X will select that image as puzzle and start the game.
Ocne inside the game the d-pad moves the marker and hitting X while selecting a tile that is next to the empty tile moves it there.
TRIANGLE shows what the puzzle should look like once its completed.
Start exits the current game and puts you back in the menu.
Select takes a screenshot.
When a puzzle is beaten pressing any key will put you back in the menu.

Future ideas are:
5x5 and 6x6 puzzles.
Add some sounds.
Add a timer and a store the Record time for each puzzle.

Any other ideas are welcome.

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December 12th, 2006, 21:33
awsome I loved this game back in the day before GB had to atualy slide it around

December 13th, 2006, 01:19
update it with those ideas. nice.