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View Full Version : Doom 3 BFG Edition announced, coming to 360 and PS3

May 30th, 2012, 21:24
Bethesda Softworks (http://www.edge-online.com/filter/all/tags/30) has announced Doom 3 (http://www.edge-online.com/reviews/doom-3-review) BFG Edition, which includes remastered versions of the original game and Resurrection Of Evil add-on pack, and revealed that the game will be coming to consoles as well as PC.
BFG Edition also includes seven new levels grouped together under the title The Lost Mission.
Bethesda's press release promises "greatly enhanced graphics," which includes improved rendering, lighting and the addition of 3D; 5.1 surround sound; Xbox 360 achievements and PlayStation 3 Trophies; and a new checkpoint save system to smooth progress through the nerve-shredding game.
And, perhaps best of all, an armour-mounted flashlight will reduce both panicked blind-firing and the frustration of the original game's insistance of making players swap between the torch or weapon.
“Doom 3 was enthusiastically embraced by gamers worldwide at its release,” says id Software technical director John Carmack.
“Today, the full experience has been enhanced and extended to be better than ever, and is delivered across all the platforms with a silky smooth frame rate and highly responsive controls.
"New support for 3D TVs, monitors, and head mounted displays also allows players to experience the game with more depth than ever before. We think shooter fans everywhere will love it.”
BFG Edition will include the original Doom and Doom 2 to add to your extensive collection of versions. Overall, a package that should help tide us over until Doom 4 (http://www.edge-online.com/filter/all/tags/3651) finally surfaces.
Bethesda recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of Doom's predecessor, Wolfenstein 3D with a browser version of the game and creator's commentary by Carmack himself (http://www.edge-online.com/news/wolfenstein-3d-celebrates-20-years-free-browser-version).
