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View Full Version : Opinion: Why Wii isn't the problem

December 15th, 2006, 21:46
via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=152113)

Wii isn't a health hazard, it's people getting carried away. Following this morning's announcement that Nintendo will supply new Wii Remote wrist straps to anyone with concerned about the safety of their straps (or HDTVs), CVG was quicly contacted by radio station London LBC to comment on the 'recall'.

Turns out it wasn't a recall at all but wait until the mainstream press cottons on to all those pictures on the internet of teary-eyed 10-year-olds with black eyes and smashed TV screens - they'll have a field day.

It's a shame that Wii is being penalised for the excessive actions of an over-excited and clumsy few that have somehow managed to launch the Remote into the air while playing Wii Sports.

But it's not the Wii's fault. Nintendo top man, Satoru Iwata, addressed the situation when the console first launched in America, saying: "Before the launch of the Wii hardware Nintendo had a number of tests on the durability of everything including the strap, but our understanding right now is that even beyond our expectations people are becoming more and more excited playing Wii."

Some of readers clearly agree, as Mr-A-Hulse, pondered :"How over-excited do you have to be to chuck your Wii-mote with enough force to break free of your grip and still have the momentum to sever the strap and then smash the glass on your TV?"

Fellow CVG reader Wayneo1, stated: "Surely you need to be a Grade-A tw*t to throw your wii-mote at the TV." Or maybe just a slightly clumsy child, as I unfortunately found out my 11-year-old sister managed to throw the Remote at the ceiling during an over-energetic game of Wii Sports Bowling.

My uncle also achieved smashing his pet cat in the face playing the same game. The poor thing took a full-force bowl straight to the jaw. Ouch.

If this is the damage people can accomplish now, we dread to think what will happen during Christmas, after mum and dad have had a few glasses of wine and demand a go on Wii Sports. Carnage...

But it doesn't have to be that way, as Shigeru Miyamoto has already stressed: "We are encouraging people to understand that you really don't have to be so excited but rather you need to understand the control and then you're going to be the best player."

He's absolutely right - you don't need to play Wii Sports like you're Roger Federer. Controlled arm movements, or even gentle flicks of the wrist work just as well.

Here at CVG, as well as over a million other Wii owners, we've played Wii for many hours and never once sent the Remote bulleting across the room or clouted anyone in the face. Some people clearly just need to calm down.

Enjoy the Wii this Christmas but remember you don't have to launch yourself across the room during Wii Tennis. That way you won't wreck your house or kill a pet.