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View Full Version : NJ release new source- Cps1, Cps2, and MVS- 1.63 (updates again to 1.63.1)

December 17th, 2006, 15:36
NJ (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/) has once again updated his source for Cps1, Cps2, and MVS. He has updated it to v1.63. Now all that needs to be done is get a compiled version of this.

December 17th, 2006, 16:12
NJ (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/) has once again updated his source for Cps1, Cps2, and MVS. He has updated it to v1.63. Now all that needs to be done is get a compiled version of this.

This is a newer version.

CPS1PSP/CPS2PSP/MVSPSP source (2006/12/17 - 1.63.1)

December 17th, 2006, 16:18
This is a newer version.

CPS1PSP/CPS2PSP/MVSPSP source (2006/12/17 - 1.63.1)

geez he updates his source's rather quickly like 5 minutes ago he posted the 1.63 release now he updates. Its hard keeping up with him.

Im trying to compile the source now but im getting errors, Im looking for a solution now...

December 17th, 2006, 16:40
Holy crap... this guy doesnt stop. Way to go NJ.

Keep trying Gunntims . . hopefully we can get the EBOOTS sometime soon. :D

December 17th, 2006, 16:51
Holy crap... this guy doesnt stop. Way to go NJ.

Keep trying Gunntims . . hopefully we can get the EBOOTS sometime soon. :D

well thr problem lies in the make file of the source, my compiler is using the function of the maketree, but it isnt compiling. I compiled other things so its working i think the problem lies in the code of the makefile i might have to edit it for my compiler

the make file looks like this

# CPS1/CPS2/NEOGEO Emulator for PSP Makefile

# Configration



# Defines


PSP_EBOOT_ICON = data/cps1.png

PSP_EBOOT_ICON = data/cps2.png

PSP_EBOOT_ICON = data/mvs.png




EXTRA_CLEAN = pspclean

# Compiler Flags

CFLAGS = -O3 -Wundef -Wunused

# Compiler Defines

CDEFS = -DINLINE='static __inline' \
-Dinline=__inline \
-D__inline__=__inline \





# Object File Output Directtory

OBJ = obj_cps1

OBJ = obj_cps2

OBJ = obj_mvs

# File include path

src \
src/cpu/m68000 \
src/cpu/z80 \
src/zip \

INCDIR += src/cps1

INCDIR += src/cps2

INCDIR += src/mvs

# Linker Flags


# Library


LIBS = -lm -lc -lpspaudio -lpspgu -lpsppower -lpsprtc

# Object Directory

$(OBJ) \
$(OBJ)/cpu \
$(OBJ)/cpu/m68000 \
$(OBJ)/cpu/z80 \
$(OBJ)/common \
$(OBJ)/sound \
$(OBJ)/zip \
$(OBJ)/zlib \
$(OBJ)/psp \
$(OBJ)/psp/font \

OBJDIRS += $(OBJ)/cps1

OBJDIRS += $(OBJ)/cps2

OBJDIRS += $(OBJ)/mvs

# Object Files (common)

$(OBJ)/emumain.o \
$(OBJ)/zip/zfile.o \
$(OBJ)/zip/unzip.o \
$(OBJ)/cpu/m68000/m68000.o \
$(OBJ)/cpu/m68000/c68k.o \
$(OBJ)/cpu/z80/z80.o \
$(OBJ)/cpu/z80/cz80.o \
$(OBJ)/sound/sndintrf.o \
$(OBJ)/common/cache.o \

MAINOBJS += $(OBJ)/common/coin.o

MAINOBJS += $(OBJ)/common/state.o

MAINOBJS += $(OBJ)/common/sndtest.o

# Object Files (CPS1PSP)


$(OBJ)/cps1/cps1.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/driver.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/memintrf.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/inptport.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/dipsw.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/timer.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/vidhrdw.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/sprite.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/eeprom.o \
$(OBJ)/cps1/kabuki.o \
$(OBJ)/sound/2151intf.o \
$(OBJ)/sound/ym2151.o \

$(OBJ)/psp/icon/cps_s.o \


# Object Files (CPS2PSP)


$(OBJ)/cps2/cps2.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/driver.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/memintrf.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/inptport.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/timer.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/vidhrdw.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/sprite.o \
$(OBJ)/cps2/eeprom.o \

$(OBJ)/psp/icon/cps_s.o \


# Object Files (MVSPSP)


$(OBJ)/mvs/mvs.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/driver.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/memintrf.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/inptport.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/dipsw.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/timer.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/vidhrdw.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/sprite.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/pd4990a.o \
$(OBJ)/mvs/biosmenu.o \
$(OBJ)/sound/2610intf.o \

$(OBJ)/psp/icon/mvs_s.o \


# Object Files (common)

$(OBJ)/psp/font/jpnfont.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/font/graphic.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/font/ascii_14p.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/font/font_s.o \

$(OBJ)/psp/psp.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/blend.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/config.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/filer.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/help.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/input.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/menu.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/mesbox.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/misc.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/ticker.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/usrintrf.o \
$(OBJ)/psp/video.o \

EXTOBJS += $(OBJ)/psp/png.o
EXTOBJS += $(OBJ)/psp/bmp.o


ZLIB = $(OBJ)/zlib.a


# Rules to make libraries

PSPSDK=$(shell psp-config --pspsdk-path)
include $(PSPSDK)/lib/build.mak

$(OBJ)/zlib.a: \
$(OBJ)/zlib/adler32.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/compress.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/crc32.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/deflate.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/inflate.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/inftrees.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/inffast.o \
$(OBJ)/zlib/trees.o \

# Rules to manage files (CZ80)

Z80_SRC = \
src/cpu/z80/cz80.c \
src/cpu/z80/cz80_op.c \
src/cpu/z80/cz80_opCB.c \
src/cpu/z80/cz80_opED.c \
src/cpu/z80/cz80_opXY.c \

$(OBJ)/cpu/z80/cz80.o: $(Z80_SRC)
@echo Compiling $<...
@$(CC) $(CDEFS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o$@

# Rules to manage files

$(OBJ)/%.o: src/%.c
@echo Compiling $<...
@$(CC) $(CDEFS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o$@

$(OBJ)/%.o: src/%.S
@echo Assembling $<...
@$(CC) $(CDEFS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o$@

$(OBJ)/%.o: src/%.s
@echo Assembling $<...
@$(AS) $(ASDEFS) $(ASFLAGS) -c $< -o$@

@echo Archiving $@...
@$(AR) -r $@ $^

$(sort $(OBJDIRS)):
@mkdir -p $(subst //,\,$@)

@echo Remove all object files and directories.
@rm -rd $(OBJ)
@rm -rf $(PSP_EBOOT_SFO)
@rm -rf $(TARGET).elf

@rm -rf $(PSP_EBOOT_SFO)
@rm -rf $(TARGET).elf

@echo Making object tree...

mkdir: maketree $(sort $(OBJDIRS))

I think i have to add this in the makefile somewhere but i dont know where


PSPSDK=$(shell psp-config --pspsdk-path)
include $(PSPSDK)/lib/build.mak

I could be wrong, Im working on trying to compile it just isnt working for me...

December 17th, 2006, 17:12
geez he updates his source's rather quickly like 5 minutes ago he posted the 1.63 release now he updates. Its hard keeping up with him.

Im trying to compile the source now but im getting errors, Im looking for a solution now...

Heres another one!!

December 17th, 2006, 17:15
Does NJ even sleep? :|

December 17th, 2006, 17:20
ok the problem that i get is this

making object tree...
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [obj_cps2/common] Error1

December 17th, 2006, 17:34
NJ is on crack! If only every dev was as devoted as he is.

December 17th, 2006, 17:52
ok the problem that i get is this

making object tree...
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [obj_cps2/common] Error1

:confused: Not too sure about that one buddy. Wasn't "apocolyptic" the guy who compiled the last release . . wonder if he is online . . . will check about .

I seriously dont know what the problem could be :confused: :confused:

December 17th, 2006, 17:59
i think i know what the problem is there is no common folder found in there obj_cps2 folder thats why im getting a error, i have to go into the makefile and change or just add a common folder in that directory. I post what happens

December 17th, 2006, 18:03
dont give up :D

December 17th, 2006, 18:25
once compiled do you guys think someone will put it in noob version i had some one IM me yesterday and could not get it to work and i am still on 1.61 so i could not help him

December 17th, 2006, 18:28

i know what the problem is but i have to make a whole bunch of new folders and files in the obj_cps2 folder. Which in turn is alot of work, i did it but there are to many files and folders i have to create...

Sorry guys, everyone will just have to wait for someone else to compile it :(

December 17th, 2006, 18:43
LOLZ another update, I keep updating his emulators XD

And about the compiling, one thing I was always bad at was working with someone elses code, so I would really just like, let NJ do his thing ;)

December 17th, 2006, 20:16

i know what the problem is but i have to make a whole bunch of new folders and files in the obj_cps2 folder. Which in turn is alot of work, i did it but there are to many files and folders i have to create...

Sorry guys, everyone will just have to wait for someone else to compile it :(

no worries man :) thanks for trying anyways bro

December 17th, 2006, 22:05
Yo i got to compile it but when i run on my psp i get inside theemu and then get the error: "Could not find zipname.cps2" if this is coes i miss compile please tell me otherwise il post my Eboot 1.0 and 1.5.

Also when i compile is it normal i got only one EBoot and Not 3?(Cps1/2 and MVS)

And do i need a Bios what bios(Cps1/2 and MVS) and what do i name it?

December 17th, 2006, 22:12
Y................Also when i compile is it normal i got only one EBoot and Not 3?(Cps1/2 and MVS)
I think that only cps2 is uncommented in the Make file...

December 17th, 2006, 23:52
Bear_XI could you post what you've got plz?

December 18th, 2006, 00:02
Here tell me if it works for you?(If you have a 1.5 tell me i can Kxploit them for you.)

December 18th, 2006, 00:20
Here is NJ's latest source compiled njemu_source_20061218.zip

As far as I can tell he did fix a video related bug. As yesturday I was messing around with his last source 20061217 and found if we set the Optimization to -O2 there would be some video tearing happening. Well what ever he did I tried it again on his latest and he fixed the issue. Though he didn't change his makefile (His still had -O3 set for CFLAGS) I compiled it for -O2 and these were my following findings....

CPS1 Settings and we can achieve 60 fps.
ROM: Cadilacs and Dinosaurs
Raster Effects: ON
Video Sync: ON
Frameskip: Disabled
60fps limit: OFF - Don't need this to be on if Video Sync is ON.
Sample Rate: 44100Hz
CPU: 266 MHz

CPS2 Settings and we can achieve 55~60 fps.
ROM: Street Fighter 3 Alpha
Raster Effects: ON
Video Sync: ON
Frameskip: Disabled
60fps limit: OFF - Don't need this to be on if Video Sync is ON.
Sample Rate: 44100Hz
CPU: 333 MHz

MVS Settings and we can achieve 50~60 fps.
ROM: SNK Vs Capcom: Chaos
Raster Effects: OFF
Video Sync: ON
Frameskip: Disabled
60fps limit: OFF - Don't need this to be on if Video Sync is ON.
Sample Rate: 44100Hz
CPU: 333 MHz

So just to repeat myself because its fun...... the moral of the story is he fixed a video related bug which in turn allowed his source to compile at -O2 instead of -O3 for Optimizations which in turn gives us a nice little speed boost!

All Versions included. Which means KERNEL/Normal Compilations.

Just so people know I normally don't like to compile others people code and release it. But I am a big fan of his work!!! So enjoy his latest update as you might think it was nothing significant but it was....

And lastly... if you running 1.5 firmware then kxploit it with PSPBrew.

December 18th, 2006, 00:57
1st up Samurai, thanks I've been waiting for this -

2nd up NJ - Only tested Cps2 so far but had to post - I thought it was perfect - I was wrong - it was Lampards goal tonight at 1.50, it was Drogbas at 1.60 - but this one is West Ham beating Man U in the same weekend!

gonna test MVS and Cps1 now, expecting a lot!

EDIT: 2.71 sec kernal btw - just a quick note - I want to keep playing - the pitch has gone in supersidekicks 3 again - not that I understand that ball thingy game

December 18th, 2006, 01:45
Thanks SamuraiX For the compile.I love NJ's Work it rocks.

December 18th, 2006, 02:05
Thank you SamuraiX!!

December 18th, 2006, 02:54
can someone please make a 1.50 compatabul so 1.50 gamers dont have to use pspbrew i would be very thankful

December 18th, 2006, 05:47

I'm excited to see how comfortable you are tinkering with Nj's source. I sent you a PM about possibly adding support for other arcade machines that also use A6800 and Z80.

Perhaps you might be able to make a CavePSP for starters.

December 18th, 2006, 13:14
what makes these versions better than the already 60fps 1.51version?

December 18th, 2006, 13:43
Metal Slug 4 keeps crashing halfway through the motorbike bit. I've tried a few different bios' but still the same. Which one do others recommend?

December 18th, 2006, 13:46
Metal Slug 4 keeps crashing halfway through the motorbike bit. I've tried a few different bios' but still the same. Which one do others recommend?
I'm struggling against that problem for days now.. :(
Tried every bios, every config possible, with no luck...

EDIT: What makes me mad is that sometimes (5%) it actually don't crash at the bike part.
Then why does it crash the other 95% of the times?

Of course you can avoid the crash by going underground instead of the going to the bike part. But is just that I'm so *anal* when it comes to MetalSlug that I would love to see it perfect!!

December 18th, 2006, 15:51
Thanks for the compile SamuraiX. Nj really knows how to make these holiday seasons worthwhile :)

December 18th, 2006, 15:55
NJ is certainly an amazing programmer! His updates continue to amaze me and I don't mind his daily updates.... I look forward everyday to download his emu!

December 18th, 2006, 17:28
Thanks alot for this SamuraiX...Is it me, or does all 3(mvs.cps1&2)realy goes a bit faster?..And if you set "Sample Rate" to 44100Hz...Wauw, it all sound crisp and clear.All in all AMAZING..You wonder what NJ will do with MAME(Outrun,Space Harrier)..Sorry for being so creedy hihihi.:thumbup:

December 18th, 2006, 17:48
thanks for the compiled sources SamuraiX
now that i remember, off to borgeneration to check on updates for your emulator (is that even the right word for BoR?)

December 18th, 2006, 19:46
has anyone try the converter for MVS i seem to get sprite error when trying to convert it for the psp.

December 19th, 2006, 12:44
can someone just PLEASE post a compiled eboot of the newer version i can't keep up wid dis guy...

December 19th, 2006, 13:02
can someone just PLEASE post a compiled eboot of the newer version i can't keep up wid dis guy...

SamuraiX has already compiled the source and put them all into a zipped folder with all the new eboots for each emu. Go to page 3 of this thread and its the first post. :D

December 19th, 2006, 13:33
For those who have Metal Slug 4 playing past the bike bit, can you post your config file so I can see what I'm doing wrong? Maybe my mslug4 rom is wrong?


December 19th, 2006, 14:48
For those who have Metal Slug 4 playing past the bike bit, can you post your config file so I can see what I'm doing wrong? Maybe my mslug4 rom is wrong?


I second that. Please.

BTW NJ has put up new sources... CPS1/CPS2 up to 1.64, and MVS stays at 1.63.

EDIT: I'm compiling them now. I will post them here..

December 19th, 2006, 16:47
Seems that I can't submit news...

NJ released CPS1PSP 1.64 and CPS2PSP 1.64 in the form of source code. njemu_source_20061219.zip (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/)
MVSPSP stays at 1.63(final).

So, this time, compiled by me: :D
(kernel versions)


December 19th, 2006, 17:34
Are those kernal or normal modes? Thanks for doing that!

December 19th, 2006, 17:35
Are those kernal or normal modes? Thanks for doing that!

Kernal versions. If someone needs normal versions let me know...

December 19th, 2006, 18:05
Cheers mate!

December 19th, 2006, 18:38
I have all versions coming up with normal and kernel eboots as well as both flavors being compiled with optimization set to 2 and 3. Report back to see if there is a compatibility issue as optimization 2 should give a little boost though we are only talking a small boost.....

When I code I always try to keep my optimizations set to 2 as the app does get a significant boost (1~3 fps constant). If an application can't be run with an optimization of 2 then some effort should go into why its not happening or crashing.


Grit I hope u take no offense to my offering here. I was only trying to see if there were differences instability setting the optimization levels to 2.

December 19th, 2006, 19:10

Grit I hope u take no offense to my offering here. I was only trying to see if there were differences instability setting the optimization levels to 2.

LOL :D Surely not!

I'll test the builds later on and report back. :)


December 19th, 2006, 21:47
How about trying to import other systems into his emulator such as CAVE?

There are other arcade machines that utilize the m68000/z80 chips.

December 19th, 2006, 23:02
How about trying to import other systems into his emulator such as CAVE?

There are other arcade machines that utilize the m68000/z80 chips.
Hum.. DoDonPachi... :p

December 19th, 2006, 23:26
Is it possible to emulate Yu Suzuki's classics like Outrun and Space Harrier?...That would be great.;)

December 20th, 2006, 00:54
Thanks NJ for the great emulators and the constant improvements and updates and thanks for those who compile the latest eboots giving us a chance to sample the improvements. I look forward to the version 1.65 that will be released in a few hours of this post haha.

Edit: I have just noticed that even at 266MHZ some games are playable (especially with tweaked settings). This emulator is part of the reason why I purchased another 4GB Sandisk recently. Along with Scummmvm, Snes, GBC, gpSP (GBA) Neo CD and Sega, CPS1 and CPS 2 means my Psp will never get boring ever!!

It doesn't even feel like an emulator anymore because it plays so smoothly.

December 20th, 2006, 03:39
I know this may sound noobish...but what's the difference between normal mode and kernel mode? I'm on 2.71 SE-C...so I don't know which version to download.

December 20th, 2006, 04:31
I have all versions coming up with normal and kernel eboots as well as both flavors being compiled with optimization set to 2 and 3. Report back to see if there is a compatibility issue as optimization 2 should give a little boost though we are only talking a small boost.....

When I code I always try to keep my optimizations set to 2 as the app does get a significant boost (1~3 fps constant). If an application can't be run with an optimization of 2 then some effort should go into why its not happening or crashing.


Grit I hope u take no offense to my offering here. I was only trying to see if there were differences instability setting the optimization levels to 2.

Thats cool that you're compiling these sources and all but why are you tinkering with the supported roms? Optimization is one thing but your deliberately keeping out the one rom NJ brought into these sources.........Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary.

The driver is in the source and NJ clearly mentions it. This is why we even needed binary's in the first place.

whats up Samurai X?

December 20th, 2006, 04:33
Hum.. DoDonPachi... :p

and many more awesome shooters!

Can you do it?

December 20th, 2006, 14:10
For those who have Metal Slug 4 playing past the bike bit, can you post your config file so I can see what I'm doing wrong? Maybe my mslug4 rom is wrong?

This was figured out by dario888 at maxconsole and I'm testing for a long time and others reported that this is true for them too:

-The cause of the MetalSlug4 crash at the bike part is the use of granades.

-Try the bike part without using granades and you will have not a single crash!! :D

I wonder if this is fixable... :confused:

Any ideas??

December 20th, 2006, 14:54
Thats cool that you're compiling these sources and all but why are you tinkering with the supported roms? Optimization is one thing but your deliberately keeping out the one rom NJ brought into these sources.........Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary.

The driver is in the source and NJ clearly mentions it. This is why we even needed binary's in the first place.

whats up Samurai X?

The only thing I've touched is the optimizations of the compilation which is in the makefile. He's sources have not been touched. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough??? But I have not touched his code and if something doesn't work its because it doesn't work and thats that.

I've included both in the last compilation his original optimization of 3 and having it set to 2. So I have no idea what your are talking about and I guess if you want something compiled now then do it yourself.

I will compile mine at 2 since it seems to run sightly smoother and you can compile yours at 3 (NJ's default).

December 20th, 2006, 15:14
.......Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary.

The driver is in the source and NJ clearly mentions it. This is why we even needed binary's in the first place.

whats up Samurai X?

from NJ's web:

hsf2d does not operate compiling normally

So Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary seems to be not working..

December 20th, 2006, 15:33
from NJ's web:

hsf2d does not operate compiling normally

So Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary seems to be not working..

Which would suggest that when compiled as a Debug instead of released then it might work?

Hmmm.... let me try to compile as a Debug build and see. I have seen instance in the past where a small typo in an array would cause a debug build to run but when compiled as a release build it would crash or run abnormally.

December 20th, 2006, 15:44
Which would suggest that when compiled as a Debug instead of released then it might work?

Hmmm.... let me try to compile as a Debug build and see. I have seen instance in the past where a small typo in an array would cause a debug build to run but when compiled as a release build it would crash or run abnormally.

I'm liking the sound of this! :thumbup:

December 20th, 2006, 15:53
Yep I was right...... But I will not release this as this is not approved by NJ. But if you have the sources and are able to compile them. Then comment out the following line in the makefile....


December 20th, 2006, 15:57
Fookin ell, is that screen shot running on the psp?

December 20th, 2006, 16:04
Yep I was right...... But I will not release this as this is not approved by NJ. But if you have the sources and are able to compile them. Then comment out the following line in the makefile....


Contact NJ and ask him nicely if you can release it :)

December 20th, 2006, 16:05
Fookin ell, is that screen shot running on the psp?

Yep.... :thumbup:

December 20th, 2006, 16:22
Yep.... :thumbup:

I just wet my pants! lol

Please, please release this! :thumbup:

December 20th, 2006, 16:34
Well he did release a new source today.... lets see if some fixes has taken place. Perhaps it will work in KERNEL mode now and compiled as a release?


Nope Still seems it will only work with debug mode. Sorry People.

December 20th, 2006, 17:03
Well he did release a new source today.... lets see if some fixes has taken place. Perhaps it will work in KERNEL mode now and compiled as a release?


Nope Still seems it will only work with debug mode. Sorry People.

Doh. :(

December 20th, 2006, 18:12
sorry if i sound ignorant but... does this mean you won't be compiling NJ's sources anymore sam x?

December 20th, 2006, 18:31
Thats correct. Certain someone 'N3oGhozt' is blaming me for intentionally breaking this fine emulator. Then releasing it. While I didn't mind compiling it for others I will no longer. There are plenty of others here that are capable of doing it. Lastly, since NJ doesn't release his source in debug mode neither will I. Unless he was to grant it.

December 20th, 2006, 20:56
Thats correct. Certain someone 'N3oGhozt' is blaming me for intentionally breaking this fine emulator. Then releasing it. While I didn't mind compiling it for others I will no longer. There are plenty of others here that are capable of doing it. Lastly, since NJ doesn't release his source in debug mode neither will I. Unless he was to grant it.

LOL, it's fine to blame me for your decisions but I never said you "Broke" anything. From my understanding, the reason these new releases from NJ were SOURCE only was so people could compile for themselves and run Hyper SF A as he did not want to release a binary which included that title (3 year rule?). I actually said it was cool that you did the optimizations, etc was just wondering why that game support was taken out in your builds.

Grit understood what I was asking and it became clear several posts later between the two of you as you discovered a method to run HSF2A.

Again, decide what you will but understand that I never told you that you were messing up or breaking NJ's source. All I wanted to know was what the deal was with HSF2A.

Beyond that, I thought you might be able to import support for other games using NJs source as mentioned on several posts and even a PM I sent you. So I don't know why you think I'm attacking you, I was actually thinking you might actually be able to extend the rom support beyond CPS1,2 and MVS since clearly you know what you are doing.


December 20th, 2006, 21:41
Perhaps I misunderstood your post. This is starting to make sense as well..... That is why he has stopped releasing bin........ for the implications that might come from releasing a emu that supports newer games. Well then..... that would also explain why he has intentionally given out instructions to install PSPSDK on Windows for personal compilations.

This means I too could get in trouble legally if I were too release a bin (compiled in DEBUG mode) that supports the newer games.

December 20th, 2006, 22:09
Why won't NJ release his emulators already compiled like he used to?

December 20th, 2006, 22:33
Why won't NJ release his emulators already compiled like he used to?

That was answered in the post above yours.. ^^

December 21st, 2006, 00:08
My bum 2-3 yrs rulez. Some1 from Mame set this st00pid rulez just to get them out of trouble? Oh wait, isnt it the copyright law protect the IP sumthin like 80 yrs? Sorry am drunk. :P

Erm btw, how to compile urself? is it easy? what do i need? sorry am no programmer, but a drunkman. :P

December 21st, 2006, 09:20
Perhaps I misunderstood your post. This is starting to make sense as well..... That is why he has stopped releasing bin........ for the implications that might come from releasing a emu that supports newer games. Well then..... that would also explain why he has intentionally given out instructions to install PSPSDK on Windows for personal compilations.

This means I too could get in trouble legally if I were too release a bin (compiled in DEBUG mode) that supports the newer games.

Ahh, thats such a shame that we are not going to see this fantastic game running on our PSP's. :(

My jaw dropped when you said the screens you posted were for the PSP! lol

Thanks anyway for your time in compiling and posting the latest source of NJ's emulators! :) I tried the two CPS2 kernel ones you posted, but I cant really see a major difference between optimization settings for 2 and 3? ...its all good though.

Knowing how NJ is by the weekend we'll be upto version 2.0! lol:D

December 21st, 2006, 20:10
Yeah at this rate he will be releasing nearly asmany updates as sony themselves, lol :rofl:

December 21st, 2006, 23:09
I'm still using 1.30 lol. Is this version just as fast?

December 22nd, 2006, 18:11
Just so people know. his latest version njemu_source_20061222.zip is out but it seems to have issues with pspdev.org/PSPSDK. So I figured I'd give PSPDEVWin32 a try and believe me..... This was the easiest install ever!!!! Takes less then 3 minutes to install 1 change to the pspdev.bat file and your done.

For the ones that are interested in his emulators you must give it a try! You will be compiling in no time!

Oh and here is the google translation for installing... But there was nothing to click on except next all the way until finish.

http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fneocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp% 2Fpsp%2Fcompile%2Fcompile.html&langpair=ja%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools

The 1 change you have to pspdev.bat is

set PATH=%PATH%;%PSPDEV%/bin


set PATH=%PSPDEV%/bin;%PATH%

and your done!

then unzip nj emulator and with the dos command prompt go to where you unzipped it and type these exact words:




make clean

Thats it!

You can download the latest PSPDEVWin32 from here http://www.xorloser.com/

December 22nd, 2006, 19:51
Thanks SamuraiX, I will try to do it myself and it should be usefull too for some other homebrews. I have some questions about this if you don't mind:

- After having read a lot of homebrew readmes (changelogs especially) I wonder if they usually benefit being recompiled with the latest version of the compilation tool, I mean a better execution speed or a better stability.

- Is the make clean step mandatory ? NJ doesn't mention it in the translated web page. I had to recompile a linux kernel a long time ago so now I'm more confused about this than anything. Shouldn't this step being done before the make step ? Can I compile several times let's say CPS2 with the same sources files or should I unzip the archive for each compilation ?

- Last one, is the optimisation flag you referred to in this line "CFLAGS = -O3 " ?

Thanks by advance for your answers, I've tried and at least it produced a working EBOOT, that's a good start hehe.

December 22nd, 2006, 23:27
- After having read a lot of homebrew readmes (changelogs especially) I wonder if they usually benefit being recompiled with the latest version of the compilation tool, I mean a better execution speed or a better stability.

In general yes. The pspsdk is always being upgraded and standardizing functions. For example they standardize this one function that gives you 4MBytes of extra memory that was reserved for the OS. Well since I don't use sleep mode in my applications I certainly used the memory for other things.

- Is the make clean step mandatory ? NJ doesn't mention it in the translated web page. I had to recompile a linux kernel a long time ago so now I'm more confused about this than anything. Shouldn't this step being done before the make step ? Can I compile several times let's say CPS2 with the same sources files or should I unzip the archive for each compilation ?

1. The only time you need to do a make clean is if you change a header file or something within the makefile. Then I recommend doing a make clean prior to a make.

2. yes, you can compile your stuff as many times as you want. If you make no changes to the source files *.C or *.H they will always produce the same eboot.

- Last one, is the optimisation flag you referred to in this line "CFLAGS = -O3 " ?

Yep thats the one.

December 23rd, 2006, 00:30
Just a quick note to let you know that NJ has kindly fixed the Metal Slug 4 crash, moving MVSPSP to the state of perfection! :D

Tested the bike part for about 15 times without a single crash.

(Thank you for your patience with my reports, NJ.)

Download lastest source and compile MVS, now at 1.63.1. This is the Final incarnation of this emu.
Also CPS1/CPS2 are now at 1.64.5.

December 23rd, 2006, 01:36
[QUOTE=grit;307559]Just a quick note to let you know that NJ has kindly fixed the Metal Slug 4 crash, moving MVSPSP to the state of perfection! :D

Tested the bike part for about 15 times without a single crash.

Excellent! I'm rubbish with trying to compile these source code things. Any chance of someone compiling and putting these up? I had problems with Progear on the last compile as it just crashed on the launch screen so I don't trust myself.

Thanks all!

December 23rd, 2006, 08:14
Even using that pspdevwin32 i still get the syntax error when compiling.

Making object tree...
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [obj_cps2/common] Error 1

December 23rd, 2006, 13:24
Hi, I attached the compiled eboots from njemu_source_20061222. All of them are kernel version with both standard and optimised builds.
I tested all of them for booting and launching one game. Progear works for CPS2 but unfortunately I don't have Metal slug 4 or the Street fighter mentionned earlier so I don't know if they work properly.

As I'm posting I see that NJ updated the sources as 20061223.

Thanks SamuraiX for your answers, that was indeed easier than it seemed hehe.

December 23rd, 2006, 13:53

Now can you do the 20061223 versions? Only kidding. Thanks! Merry Christmas!

December 23rd, 2006, 14:44
Hehe sure, while I was at it I also compiled today sources. This time I also attached the source archive because the rominfo, zipname files and also the CPS2 rom converter have changed since the previous build.
This time the optimisation was set by default by NJ so I include only one version of each eboot: the kernel one optimised.

Merry christmas to all around here :) .

December 23rd, 2006, 14:51
Thanks alot Oops, il be trying this :)

Good to see NJ still updating hs sources

December 23rd, 2006, 17:41
Yees,thanks a lot Oops for this....I'm gonna try it out..This is not a EMU anymore...NJ you're Brilljant:thumbup:

December 24th, 2006, 02:23
what about pocket fighter
it crashes as soon as its loaded
after it loads all files its ok and then screen goes black..and crash
n thoughts?

December 24th, 2006, 05:21
Even using that pspdevwin32 i still get the syntax error when compiling.

Making object tree...
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [obj_cps2/common] Error 1

Sounds like once you opened up your dos command prompt you didn't execute pspdev.bat prior to typing make or make clean

December 24th, 2006, 21:12
has anybody been able to run "hyper steet fighter anniversary" ? i've seen SamuraiX been able to. I get the following error:

ERROR: File not found or CRC32 not correct."USER1"

any ideas? tried compressed and uncompressed cache with no joy.

romname: hsf2a.zip

December 24th, 2006, 22:46
has anybody been able to run "hyper steet fighter anniversary" ? i've seen SamuraiX been able to. I get the following error:

ERROR: File not found or CRC32 not correct."USER1"

any ideas? tried compressed and uncompressed cache with no joy.

romname: hsf2a.zip

Their's your problem.... I will give you a hint..... hsf2d.zip

December 24th, 2006, 23:16

anyway i compiled the thing in debug mode so it's running fine now.

December 25th, 2006, 09:29
dont even try both hsf2a or d. the first, locks up into USER1 not found error (wich is normal, look at rominfo.cps2 - there are the user1 roms, with CRC 0x00000 and no matter if u get the xors or the normal set, there arent any files with that crc) and the second, instead to die in "no driver found" it says "this game is not supported". I suppose that NJ doenst want to see this rom emulated due to copyright issues.

edit: obviously, until u compile debug sources, like samuraix said. :D

December 25th, 2006, 16:59
At last i got it working :) What a great Xmas, 1st 3.02 OE-B and any PSX game emulation and now i finally got this working (thanks SamuraiX:thumbup: )

December 25th, 2006, 19:34
NJ has updated his sources once again.
MVS stays the same, but the 2 CPS emus are up to 1.66.

December 26th, 2006, 02:00
Thanks for the update! Oh and if NJ is reading this could you please add CRC checksum for uni-bios.23 I've added it locally to my copy of your source and though there is a bug with raster always being on.... its still worth using....

0x601720ae, // Unibios V2.3

Update: His latest update has received a serious kick in the pants boost in speed.

January 4th, 2007, 07:43
can someone compile his last source to run at 16x9 default.. :D

January 4th, 2007, 10:53
Thanks for the update! Oh and if NJ is reading this could you please add CRC checksum for uni-bios.23 I've added it locally to my copy of your source and though there is a bug with raster always being on.... its still worth using....

0x601720ae, // Unibios V2.3

Update: His latest update has received a serious kick in the pants boost in speed.

Hi SamuraiX,

I'm afraid NJ's page is now gone :( .

I don't think there will be any further releases by him. MikeDX is however looking at releasing his Wifi Adhoc multiplayer versions of all of NJ's latest sources so perhaps you could liaise with him if you wanted anything added to a release.

Kind regards.

January 5th, 2007, 15:08
Hum, Unibios is not supported in 1.63 (with Release=1, unibios 2.x is very very slow and buggy), any idea?

January 6th, 2007, 21:44
So what is the last version available for all CPS1, CPS2, and MVS emus? It's been updated so much that I've lost count. And is there a way to enable bootlegs on CPS1 again?

January 6th, 2007, 22:19
So what is the last version available for all CPS1, CPS2, and MVS emus? It's been updated so much that I've lost count. And is there a way to enable bootlegs on CPS1 again?

search for a thread with nj's final works!

his page is gone so there will be no further updates from him

January 8th, 2007, 19:14
any one here have a working neo drift for mvs?
im 2.8 eload
and my neo geo is workin 1.51

January 8th, 2007, 23:54
any one here have a working neo drift for mvs?
im 2.8 eload
and my neo geo is workin 1.51

You know you can downgrade 2.8 now :)

January 10th, 2007, 11:13
i know i can im happy where im at for now i wanted to get ridge racer and i like my mp3 and video capabilities im kinda on the fence about completely homebrewin my psp....im waitin to see cam ...plus playback of umds on ps3 ... plus eload all in my psp
till then im keepin my 2.8

January 10th, 2007, 12:47
No probs, its ultimately down to you, all of the functionality you mention above is available on Dark AleXs Custom 3.03 FW though so if you decide to downgrade you can upgrade to the custom Firmware and keep all that and more. ;)

January 16th, 2007, 15:33
OK, so how in the blue hell can I get hsf2a to work?

It's the only game I want to play right now...the final gamelist sez it's supported, but it comes to an error.

Do I have to modify the emu's source cuz NJ let this slip?


January 16th, 2007, 16:57
I've tried this new compiled 20061223 version and it says on my PSP 1.65 for both CPS1 and CPS2 I know the latest version NJ posted on his website was1.66 with the source 20061222 so maybe has it been compiled with the wrong source?

January 16th, 2007, 18:51
OK, so how in the blue hell can I get hsf2a to work?

It's the only game I want to play right now...the final gamelist sez it's supported, but it comes to an error.

Do I have to modify the emu's source cuz NJ let this slip?


You need to modify the source as NJ specifically blocked it because of copyright infringement concerns.

You need to compile the emulator in debug mode.

Off the top of my head try to comment the line "Release=1" in make file.

Other people might know better though...

Good luck

January 16th, 2007, 20:21
Copyright infringement? What a load of crock.....Al other games play except this one and the bootlegs. I could care less about the bootleg versions, they're just hyped up autistic versions of the original games....but Hyper SFII??!!!

...Awwwww Man!

I know squat about teaking the source or re compiling it....Can someone please be so kind to help me out with this?

Send it to [email protected]

January 17th, 2007, 01:21
There's an unwritten rule somewhere about waiting 3 (?) years until you emulate a rom.....

January 17th, 2007, 16:23
Does MVSPSP 1.63 support zipped cache? I've tried ziping the contents of the cache file and renaming the zip rom_cachea and the emu shows a message "unable to open cache". Can anyone help me? I got the rom working with just the cache file, but I would like to have the cache zipped.

January 18th, 2007, 16:50
Anybody? Bump for help!

January 18th, 2007, 17:00
From memory, NJ changed the previous version so that you have to have the contents of the zip unzipped on your memory stick. This resulted in a boost in emulation speed.

January 19th, 2007, 23:47
but in the last version, unibios doesn't work correctly :(

January 30th, 2007, 23:41
Sorry for Bumping but is there any release of the lastest version that supports Uni-Bios.

January 31st, 2007, 00:21
There is no new release from NJ, no more.

last ver:

February 7th, 2007, 11:27
Sorry for Bumping but is there any release of the lastest version that supports Uni-Bios.

Uni-bios doesn't work in mvspsp v1.63 (lastest and final release). :(

February 8th, 2007, 15:18
http://nj-emu.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ new versions !