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View Full Version : Rumour - Wii Hacked to Run Back Ups - Piracy Alert - Possible Homebrew Exploit

December 18th, 2006, 19:26
Hmm some sites will post any old rubbish to try and get hits but more worrying for the Homebrew community is the claims from a video on Youtube that the Wii has been hacked to run back ups, this will of course piss the mighty Nintendo off and if real do harm to their console.

This could also be a right lump of turd too, check out the video here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/UKkbxCEzYJw

The video shows someone putting what seems a normal cd with zelda files on the Wii then via the photo channel clicking a boot loader.

Could this be an exploit for homebrewers ?

December 18th, 2006, 19:39
Totally fake, look at the top left corner after he 'loads' the game. He really just changed the input and has another Wii connected to the TV.

December 18th, 2006, 20:00
Totally fake, look at the top left corner after he 'loads' the game. He really just changed the input and has another Wii connected to the TV.

nope, it is still av1, its just the tv realising a change in resolution, most tvs do that now, mine does it.

December 18th, 2006, 20:12
If it's true, it's very sad. I can't believe :(

Chaos Zero
December 18th, 2006, 20:12
watch 1:18 - 1:19.

The whole camera fades in, not the screen.

The recording was stopped. The disk replaced.

December 18th, 2006, 20:26
Supposing it was real... its not as if Nintendo couldn't put a stop to it with a firmware update.

December 18th, 2006, 20:59
This is most likely bogus, for several reasons.

- Theres a point during the video where the camera is zoomed in far enough not to see the Wii, and long enough for someone to switch the discs.

- As someone already pointed out: It appears as though the camera was stopped at one point, because the entire image flashes, not just the TV.

- Why wait until January to release it, anyway? If someone created an exploit like this, what point is there in waiting to release it if it already supposedly works?

If it's true, it's very sad. I can't believe :(

Why? If it was true, it could open up a homebrew exploit. Isn't that what we like here at DCEMU?

December 18th, 2006, 21:03

If it were real, someone wouldnt just release a video. They would release the tools required to do it too. Also, if he really did want to prove himself with this, he wouldve taken the disc out while zelda was still on screen, to prove that it was there.

December 18th, 2006, 21:12
At least by next year, we will know if this is real (watch the end of the video.)


If it were real, someone wouldnt just release a video. They would release the tools required to do it too. Also, if he really did want to prove himself with this, he wouldve taken the disc out while zelda was still on screen, to prove that it was there.
A dev team got a copy of Project Gotham Racing 3 to run on a modded Xbox 360 a while back, but they never released their tools.

December 18th, 2006, 21:16
This is most likely bogus, for several reasons.

- Theres a point during the video where the camera is zoomed in far enough not to see the Wii, and long enough for someone to switch the discs.

- As someone already pointed out: It appears as though the camera was stopped at one point, because the entire image flashes, not just the TV.

- Why wait until January to release it, anyway? If someone created an exploit like this, what point is there in waiting to release it if it already supposedly works?

Why? If it was true, it could open up a homebrew exploit. Isn't that what we like here at DCEMU?

I completely agree with this guy :thumbup:

December 18th, 2006, 22:05
STFU about saying its fake he wont release it if people think it fake

December 18th, 2006, 22:23
it'll be sweet if it was true. no more buying VC games, play any n64, snes, nes, sega gen, and t16 game.

December 18th, 2006, 22:39
STFU about saying its fake he wont release it if people think it fake

But you may tell some other mod in some other forums to STFU. But here that doesnt fly.

So with great honor, it is my privilege to present you with a custom
infraction point, Of one, Just because I realize its not your fault that you
don't have any manners.
In the future it would pay you debt to learn not to talk to people in such a rude way:cool:

by the way, that infraction point expires in three hours. Its the most lenient i've ever been on anyone, And im known for my leniency.
cherish it. revel in it. Just learn to be a little more respectful to others and there opinions from now on.

December 18th, 2006, 22:55
Well we do like our homebrew but when the console is at risk from being crippled by piracy, we should worry.

December 18th, 2006, 23:06
This is confirmed fake...

December 18th, 2006, 23:11
This is confirmed fake...

I was hopeing it would be:thumbup:

This just isnt the path to the type of homebrew I want to see on the wii.

Im glad this was debunked :cool:

December 18th, 2006, 23:17
Crippled by piracy?

Piracy is rampant on practically every system, and it hasn't "crippled" any of them. Just look at the DS. For the price of a game or a little more, you can get everything you need to EASILY pirate games, and people do it all the time. The DS is still one of the fastest selling systems ever, with some amazing software sales to match.

December 18th, 2006, 23:20
nope, it is still av1, its just the tv realising a change in resolution, most tvs do that now, mine does it.

You can also switch the AV1 input, using scart-switch boxes or something else.

This video is a realy bad fake. Should I have the time, I can also make a video like this, no problem.

STFU about saying its fake he wont release it if people think it fake


December 18th, 2006, 23:50
Yeah its obvious that the guy just paused the recording, changed discs and then resumed recording, almost impossible to see but when the screen flashes, thats the recording resuming. This guy is a fake!

December 19th, 2006, 00:28
So, the guy that supposedly hacked this, had to be able to 1st copy the Zelda disc, (nobody has even been able to read wii discs...), find an exploit in the firmware, and write a bootloader... highly unlikely... plus at 1:19 the whole camera blacks out, kinda gives it away... FAKE!

I can't believe, no matter what console, all these fakes end up on front pages of news sites, and most people instantly believe them...

Also I can't seem to understand the thrill of faking something like this... Do these people have nothing better to do??


December 19th, 2006, 01:01
im an amatuer video editor but even i could pull off a better hoax than that sigh. on the plus side - it is a fake :)

Also I can't seem to understand the thrill of faking something like this... Do these people have nothing better to do??

these people have no life and are attention seeking morons who are not loved by there parents and are all under 16 either by age or mentality. :) and theres a lot of em - when there was downgrader news for the first time (the fake news) it was by some jackasses who seem to thrive on the attention that was fed to them. then of course they were silenced because the real thing showed up. they said the same things to - ''i have a <insert magic hack here> and i will release it only on <insert date here>. there sad lonely little kids who should be pittied. i find it amazing they can even operate a computer let alone try and fool people with a fake video. sad sad sad sad sad. rofl.

December 19th, 2006, 01:01
Homebrew on the PSP is fun but I dont think I would ever use homebrew on a console. But if homebrew on the Wii could use the Wiimote well then it could be really fun.

December 19th, 2006, 01:04
ok xD i dun see anyone else noticed but has anyone seen on the table with the wii and the 2 xbox360 controllers theres a box case of what O_O do my eyes decieve me a copy of zelda i believe xD sitting right there in front of us ha! fake xDDDDD

December 19th, 2006, 01:11
ok xD i dun see anyone else noticed but has anyone seen on the table with the wii and the 2 xbox360 controllers theres a box case of what O_O do my eyes decieve me a copy of zelda i believe xD sitting right there in front of us ha! fake xDDDDD

Not that I don't totally think this video is a fake, but thats a completely ridiculous reason to think that.

This guy supposedly backed-up a copy of Zelda and found an exploit in order to play it, right? Doesn't that kinda require him to HAVE a copy of Zelda first? Think about it...

December 19th, 2006, 02:41
OK, well first of all, i hope it's fake. I don't wanna pirate Wii games, Second just wait and see. If this guy just wanted to generate hype or whatever, he would've set the release date further away. Jan. first is only a couple of weeks away. As for the video, most likely a fake, but it could also be real, just a crappy editing job.

December 19th, 2006, 06:20
I dont think its fake.

1) Quite a few cameras (specialy done with a digital camera not a video recorder) will adjust to light source. If you watch the whole video, it constantly changes contrast while the camera adjust to the light source from the TV.

2) Looks to be a simple image exploit (posibly tiff?). No suprise i mean hell it worked on PSP. Buffer overruns are the most common exploit out there.

3) Loader is not so much a loader as it probably just tricks the DVD firmware drive. Hell 360 piracy started over people realise the dvd drive firmware was not encrypted or verified by the bios.

4) If you own a wii you would realise the slot loader is freaking slow to eject and accept a new disc. This is not some 4 second window to swap.

Personaly I am on the fence but I am more inclide to believe it's valid. It's not like the guy is just flat out starting the wii with a burn in it. It goes though a very posibly valid way to exploit any system.

December 19th, 2006, 07:53
STFU about saying its fake he wont release it if people think it fake

You haven't followed emulation for very long have you? Anybody that says 'if anyone calls this a fake I won't release it' then you can guarantee 100% it's a fake.

December 19th, 2006, 09:43
Best guess I'd say this is a fake. If its possible to buffer overflow the photo channel then someone else would have done it by now and confirmed at least that can be done.

I remember when the gamecube first came out there were some fake vids of backs being played on that.

Its too soon to say for certain but dont hold your breath.

December 19th, 2006, 09:49
IF it is real, I hope they find a use for it other than piracy. Maybe someone could code homebrew for Wii. (I'm looking to you PSMonkey! j/k)

December 19th, 2006, 10:36
Soo.. why is it that Wraggster says it's pathetic that some sites will post trashy news like this on the front page.. and then he posts this trashy news on the front page?

It just smells a bit hipocritical. I really like DCEMU, but Wraggster really talks alot of **** about alot of other gaming news sites, while he does alot of the same things.

December 19th, 2006, 11:57
I hope this is real, of course the wii is going to get hacked sooner or later and piracy will happen but it all comes down to what you use the exploit for.

People saying "I hope this is fake" and all that makes no sence, it's like being pissed off about PSP downgraders, sure you can use them for piracy but there are many other legitimate uses that make the PSP so great!!

Wii homebrew would be awesome :) the possibiltys are endless and being able to use an exploit and launch it without having to buy a modchip would be even better!!

December 19th, 2006, 13:21
I really want this too be real and I personally think the video looks good but why wait until January first? Expereince has shown me that hackers that make you wait for a first release typically don't deliver.

December 19th, 2006, 15:15
You haven't followed emulation for very long have you? Anybody that says 'if anyone calls this a fake I won't release it' then you can guarantee 100% it's a fake.

Excuxe me? i come to this site 3 times a day looking for any psp homebrew released.

And i am currently working to decrypt VC games so they can be shared!

I hate how ppl make accusations before knowing the truth

December 19th, 2006, 15:39
Id rather buy my games instead of pirate them on Nintendo.

But to wether it's real or not I wouldn't have a clue.

December 19th, 2006, 16:03
Excuxe me? i come to this site 3 times a day looking for any psp homebrew released.

And i am currently working to decrypt VC games so they can be shared!

I hate how ppl make accusations before knowing the truth

nobody knows you, i mean aperently you have been here for a while but you post very little. So we havnt had enought experience with you to just automaticly trust what you say, for all we know your one of the people perpetuating this roumor.

It pays to be careful about something like this. We dont like to call something (NEWS) untill its a proven fact.


December 19th, 2006, 16:17
It's a fake, simply, They haven't the time to :
1.-Make a copy of Zelda
2.-Find an exploit (This is HARD, really hard)
3.-Use it to load Wii Games
And :
Why wait until 1January? If i find a way to run my own code, or non-legal-games i will post it the sooner!! So many people could use it, and help me doing it better!

I'm more conviced on finding a solution in the way of playing GC games at the Wii, from SD, with a device like ActionReplay. Posibly, you may need a sd with the loader and a CD with the game (something like passcard at the DS)

Homebrew IS FUN. I bought a DS, not only for the games, for the posibly of developing software to them (I just release some games and apps -bofh legends, imenu, pangds (under dev right now),...-)
It could be VERY FUNNY to develop games using the wiimote. I just waiting for a "homebrew devkit" to buy me a Wii, of course i will buy games. But making a game and sharing it with your friends is priceless!!

December 19th, 2006, 16:20
What I want to know is how they ripped the game...

December 19th, 2006, 16:23
Yeah that stumped me about how he made a copy of Zelda and played it....

shadowprophet: Why do u keep going agaisnt me? I know u hate me right now but lay off!

December 19th, 2006, 16:27
Yeah that stumped me about how he made a copy of Zelda and played it....

shadowprophet: Why do u keep going agaisnt me? I know u hate me right now but lay off!

Lets get something stiight, maybe i havnt laied down the impression as clearly as i can.,

But i moderate these forums, its my job to keep people in line and correct them if they are insulting or distracting to other members.
Do you honesly think ive took the time to come in here and correct you, becuase i have nothing better to do?! how full or yourself are you!!

youve been trolling,, And ive been awfully nice and lenient about this issue.

But im doing my job, and Now i see my kindness twords this has been completely missed, so okay,

Ill start doing my job as i should then, the next time you troll, you will reciven infrection points , since its just not possible to be nice to you and imply the message...

December 19th, 2006, 16:37
Golden Rule 1 NEVER Upgrade your PSP.
Golden Rule 2 Don't **** with SP.

December 19th, 2006, 16:57
Sorry Sp...

Did the maker of the Boot loader tell what forma the picture exploit was? I think its .tiff (thinking back to the PSP) or .bmp

December 20th, 2006, 00:20
Here is a quick video I made to show just how easily a fake "Wii playing copied games" video can be made.


For some reason my Wii doesn't need to load any picture file, it just plays backups.

(For those of you who might be a little slow, that last sentence was intended to be sarcastic)

December 20th, 2006, 01:44
Food for thought.

Any wii video under the sun would be as easy to fake as haveing two wii's... think about that,,

figure out the timeing of the guys movements and the time while hes off camra... You see he must be off camra, to boot up the other wii and in front of the tv, so you cant see him change the channel...

or its real...

Hmm which is more likely..

Watch for the screen flicker, you'll see it. if you dont your in denial.

December 20th, 2006, 04:35
STFU about saying its fake he wont release it if people think it fake

You're new at this, aren't you.


December 20th, 2006, 04:36
You're new at this, aren't you.


I havnt seen you in forever!

How have you been man :thumbup:

December 20th, 2006, 04:41
Great :) Actually, I'll be around a lot more. The Wii has got me excited again, and I also own a DS now and loving it. I read a lot of stuff about DS homebrew last night and this morning.....I'm very interested.

Nintendo is back on top!!!

Excuxe me? i come to this site 3 times a day looking for any psp homebrew released.

And i am currently working to decrypt VC games so they can be shared!

I hate how ppl make accusations before knowing the truth

ROFL, part deux. You're young, so please visit this site more often. Then you'll realize why I'm in stitches right now.

December 20th, 2006, 04:45
Great :) Actually, I'll be around a lot more. The Wii has got me excited again, and I also own a DS now and loving it. I read a lot of stuff about DS homebrew last night and this morning.....I'm very interested.

Nintendo is back on top!!!

I think nintendo has it this time :thumbup:
They at least have a better shot at the top then they have in the last ten years. Best selling portable, best selling console. Yeah, as much as people dont want to admit it at the moment, nintendo already has most of the market. its only a matter of time to allow all of those in denial to cope before we can truely crown it king of next gen ;)

December 20th, 2006, 05:01
You're new at this, aren't you.


wow, i didnt need that comment...

plus im not a n00b, just having ideas ya know?

December 20th, 2006, 14:08
wow, i didnt need that comment...

plus im not a n00b, just having ideas ya know?

Yeah, I was being a bit rough. Basically, like shadowprophet said (in other words): if it looks like a hoax, possibly a hoax, it's more than likely a hoax. 10 out of 10, bro. Especially if it's some group that you've never heard of, especially if the video seem doctored.

With that said, stunts like this and the popularity of YouTube gives homebrew a black eye. I wonder how many people at Nintendo today were browsing around the Internet (or possibly this site) trying to find out iif there new box is getting hacked.