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View Full Version : FASMARM v1.27

June 10th, 2012, 01:54
The FASMARM (http://arm.flatassembler.net/) package is a free ARM (http://www.arm.com/) cross-assembler add-on for FASM (http://flatassembler.net/)
Runs under Win32 (9x/NT/2K/XP/Vista/7) and LINUX.
Plus a linkable object file for UNIX/LibC.
FASMARM currently supports the full range of ARM processors and coprocessors.

If you want to compile FASMARM yourself you will also need to download FASM (http://flatassembler.net/download.php)

Tested for the gba by krom, who also mentions:
FASMARM is much more stable than the goldroad (http://www.gbadev.org/tools.php?showinfo=192) ARM assembler...
FASMARM will not currently recognize any of the ARM pseudo-instructions like LDR Rd,= (http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/armasm/armasm_bgbbfgia.htm)
You will need to set up the gba's literal pool yourself, or use a macro to load any 32-bit numeric value into a register:

macro imm32 reg,immediate {
mov reg,immediate and $FF
orr reg,immediate and $FF00
orr reg,immediate and $FF0000
orr reg,immediate and $FF000000
Use imm32 Rd,$12345678 in your code etc...

Everything else is perfect in this assembler which includes a full GUI for you to edit your source code. This is easily the best ARM assembler I have used, also the developer revolution has been updating it on a regular basis.

The download includes both the Windows & Linux binaries, including the full source code.

Download: FASMARM_full.ZIP (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/download.php?section=tools&ID=1399)